
By Dr. Marta AdelsmanLife Coach in Communication and 6, 2017)Recently I read this definition of expectation, and I had to stop and think about it.  I had never heard it described in such a way…”Expectation is premeditated resentment.” (Author unknown)Yet the statement rang true and prompted the following reflections:We don’t realize we premeditate resentment when we have expectations.  Yet it makes sense that’s what really happens. The premeditation part occurs in secret, in our hidden shadow self, where the ego sets us up for some real downers.  The majority of the time, when we hold expectations, aren’t we usually disappointed?…

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By Dr. Marta AdelsmanLife Coach in Communication and 23, 2017)Have you ever felt miffed at someone because he or she hadn’t contacted you in a while?  The ego goes into drama with the thought, “My son (or brother, daughter, mother, friend) should get in touch with me more often!”It’s the ego that sets us up for unhappiness with thoughts about what someone ought to do.  When others don’t meet our expectations, we indulge feelings of loneliness, sadness, resentfulness, or anger.  We feel abandoned.  The mind makes up stuff:  “He’s mad at me… considers me unimportant… is shunning me,” etc. …

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By Ted GrussingOne was directing my work on a photo from yesterday and she spotted a nice place to take a nap and to observe and look for prey. Reality she determined would have to bend to accommodate her need for creature comforts and thus she directed that the image would be rotated 90 degrees in order to provide her with a comfortable perch from which to observe the world … and I agree with her … makes sense. Please note the many faces in the column … some inverted and some not. Their facial expressions are forever etched in…

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Flagstaff AZ (August 9, 2017) – Sedona mask maker and performance artist, Pash Galbavy, will exhibit a new mask and offer performance art as part of the Flagstaff Arts Council uranium mining education project, Hope and Trauma in a Poisoned Land. The upcoming major exhibition explores the impact of uranium mining on Navajo lands and people. Through the exhibition, participating artists created work based on the experiences and perspectives of Navajo people. Pieces were developed using the stories from Navajo communities of radiation related impacts to their bodies, lands, water, animas, and materials they used in their everyday lives.

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By Dr. Marta AdelsmanLife Coach in Communication and 9, 2017)I’m more distracted these days by potty functions and toys than I have been since my sons were babies. No, it’s not because of grandchildren.  We have a new puppy!   I nearly fainted when my husband, Steve – not always the biggest fan of having pets – showed me a puppy photo posted by friends who own the parent dogs.  They wanted to find a home for this little guy, so we paid a visit and … well, you know how it goes. We named him Hero.

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By Ted Grussing… night or day … a couple of nights ago the alarm system went off and woke me from a deep sleep … .357 mag in hand I checked the house out and nada, the system had simply temporarily lost connectivity with the server and thought it should wake me … I should learn the codes that are displayed. Today as Jim and I were touring neat spots on Watson Lake, things went bump and we were stuck on a slightly submerged rock, we both got in the back and rocked it off. The lake is way up…

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Be part of NASA’s Citizen Scientist effortCamp Verde AZ (August 8, 2017) – Monday, August 21 at 9:00a join Miss Nadia to learn about solar eclipses and how to safely view this unique event. Get your free solar glasses and then go outside and witness the eclipse as the moon passes in front of the sun. Camp Verde will see a partial solar eclipse, between 60% and 70% of the sun will be covered by the moon at about 10:00a. Bring your cellphone or tablet to participate in NASA’s Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program. Globe is a NASA-supported research and education…

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Sedona AZ (August 8, 2017) – The August Voter Education Program of the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley will be a “Legislative Report Card Panel” consisting of leaders from The Sierra Club, The Arizona School Boards Association, Arizona Advocacy Network, and Children’s Action Alliance. Each organization publishes a Report Card on how our Arizona Legislators voted in their 53rd Session on issues related to the Environment, Education, Voters’ Rights and Children respectively. The panel will also address what to watch for in the 54th session which begins in January 2018.

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Sedona AZ (August 8, 2017) – Held against the backdrop of Sedona’s breathtaking red rock vistas, the Sedona Arts Festival will present its 27th annual fine art festival on Saturday, Oct. 7 and Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017.  Attracting artists from across the country, this renowned festival will showcase a diverse line up of 125 juried artists as well as live music, food and art fun for the kids.  The Sedona Arts Festival is held on the campus of Sedona Red Rock High School, 990 Upper Red Rock Loop Road in West Sedona.

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Sedona AZ (August 8, 2017) – The Arizona Community Foundation is pleased to announce its grant and scholarship distributions for the first quarter of its fiscal year. Between April 1 and June 30, 2017, a total of $13,603,645 million was awarded in both discretionary and advised grants from funds of the Arizona Community Foundation and its six statewide Affiliates in Cochise, Flagstaff, the Gila Valley, Sedona, Yavapai County and Yuma.

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By Ted Grussing… the New Horizon Spacecraft which was launched January 19th 2006 did a very close fly by and mapping mission of Pluto some three billion miles from Earth in July of 2015 which you can view at: . Strongly recommend this view, only about two minutes, but Pluto is out there now and this is what it looked like two years ago.

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Author talk & book signing sponsored by Friends of Camp Verde LibraryCamp Verde AZ (August 7, 2017) – Friday, September 15 at 7:00p meet J.A. Jance, New York Times bestselling and award-winning mystery author with more than 20 million books in print. Jance will talk about her latest J.P. Beaumont novel, Proof of Life, scheduled to release onSeptember 5. Sponsored by Friends of Camp Verde Library, this event will include a one-of-a-kind author talk and book-signing. Copies of the book, Proof of Life, will be available for sale starting at 6:00p before the talk. Arrive early to get your copy and enjoy refreshments provided by…

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Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward(August 6, 2017)While the Administrative Law Judge’s Recommended Opinion & Order (ROO) in the APS rate case at the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) separated out all “smart” meter issues into a “forthcoming decision,” there are still other, non-“smart” meter issues in the ROO that I had taken an interest in during the rate case and on which I had testified. So yesterday I filed EXCEPTIONS TO THE JULY 26, 2017 RECOMMENDED OPINION & ORDER + MOTION FOR CLARIFICATION. Read More→

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By Red Rose Team MembersSedona AZ (August 6, 2017) – Last month marked the 3-year anniversary for the grand opening of the Red Rose Thriftique located in the Bell Rock Plaza in the Village.  The unique, quality, one of a kind thrift store and artist boutique that benefits animal welfare through the non-profit 501c3 Red Rose Inspiration For Animals.Red Rose helps pet owners spay and neuter animal companions for free, provides emergency medical services for homeless felines and canines and often assists pet owners on a fixed income to get their animal the veterinary care they desperately need.   

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