
Sedona News – Words like freedom and liberty—what do they mean to you? To gallery owner and artist, Sahar Paydar, these are powerful notions of a place and time in which no one hears the words “You can’t.” A place where there are no restrictions on you—from how you dress to what you choose to believe. In her native Persian language, this liberty, this place, is expressed in the word AZADI. Paydar’s Rumi Tree Art Gallery (40 Soldiers Pass Road, Suite 12, Sedona, AZ 86336) presents its winter show titled THE AZADI EXHIBITION: Art, Women, and Liberty running December 3,…

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… there are few things more pleasing than to be in the air when the air is absolutely crystalline and you can see forever … there is a kind of magical beauty in the twilight created by the USFS when the air is inundated with smoke from prescribed burns … healthy? No! Beautiful? in a strange kinda way. The photo above was taken from just S of Grand Falls looking towards the WSW. Roden Crater, the art project of James Turrell is in the foreground and above it just under its own special cloud are the San Francisco Peaks, to…

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Sedona News – The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to present “The Life After Death Project” – a three-part documentary series by filmmaker Paul Davids – showing at 4 p.m. on Dec. 3, 7 and 10 at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. Following each screening, there will be Q&A panel discussions.  “The Life After Death Projects 1, 2 and 3” present some of the best evidence for life after death, survival of consciousness, and credible scientific evidence of communication with those who have passed on to “The Other Side”. Three universities were involved in studying the evidence, including a…

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Arizona News – To better reflect its efforts to utilize the Title X (Ten) grant to coordinate sexual and reproductive health services, Arizona Family Health Partnership (AFHP) is now Affirm™️ Sexual and Reproductive Health for All. Or, just Affirm. “After extensive rebranding research, we chose the name Affirm because it speaks to our vision and how we execute it. We affirm the right of every Arizonan to access sexual and reproductive healthcare without reservation,” said Affirm CEO Bré Thomas. “To affirm means to uphold something and assert it strongly and to offer emotional support and encouragement. Both concepts are core to our vision of the future, where everyone…

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Sedona News – The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to present the Northern Arizona encore of “The Man Who Invented Christmas” showing Dec. 3-8 at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. Based on the inspiring true story, “The Man Who Invented Christmas” — a delightful and heartwarming family film and holiday favorite — returns to theaters to spread the joy of the season. The film features an all-star, award-winning ensemble cast including Christopher Plummer, Dan Stevens and Jonathan Pryce. “The Man Who Invented Christmas” tells the magical journey that led to the creation of Ebenezer Scrooge (Christopher Plummer), Tiny Tim…

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Verde Valley News – The Friends of Camp Verde Library will be holding a quilt raffle starting November 29th and ending on December 20th with the drawing at 10 a.m.  The tickets are $5 each.  The quilt has been donated by Peg Miller. Peg did the design and the piece work, while her daughter, Victoria Norman did the machine quilting. The community is invited to participate in the Friends quilt raffle during library open hours, which are from 8 a.m.  to 7 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The…

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… self sufficient and created with all the tools that it needs … wings to fly … talons to capture fish and a beak to reduce its prey to bite size portions … the Osprey like most creatures in nature has all that is necessary to live and prosper in the wild … humans? Well we don’t do so bad either because in addition to an adaptable body we have the ability to create what we do not have in order to survive and prosper in almost any environment. In the photo above the Osprey is perched on a branch…

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Sedona News – An HBO documentary Film, “Master of Light”, will be coming to Sedona for a special impact screening with artist George Anthony Morton at the Mary D. Fisher Theater on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022. The screening is free of charge and presented by the Sedona International Film Festival, Sedona Arts Center, and Northern Arizona Restorative Justice. “Master of Light” follows George Anthony Morton, a classical painter who spent 10 years in federal prison for dealing drugs. While incarcerated, he nurtured his craft and unique artistic ability. Since his release, he is doing everything he can to defy society’s…

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By Rabbi Alicia Magal Shalom and greetings from the Rabbi, Board of Directors, and congregation of the Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley., All the services, classes, and programs are listed on the synagogue website, Visitors are welcome to attend services.   On Friday, December 2, 2022,  a Friday evening Erev Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Alicia Magal, begins at 5:30 pm both in person and on Zoom, and live-streamed for members and their invitees.   Verses from the Torah portion, Vayetze (Genesis 28:10 – 32:3), tells of Jacob’s dream of angels ascending and descending, giving him hope for the future…

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… this is my wake up scene this morning and every other morning too … the only difference being where Katie will be on the bed, and usually she is pressed up tight to a leg, arm or my body. What a joy and lest I disturb her, I usually stay put for a while longer … you do that kind of thing when you are “staff”. She loves her indoor kingdom and never indicates that she wants entrance to the world she gazes at through multiple windows in our home. I think One may have left a list of…

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Sedona News – The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to present the Northern Arizona premiere of “Call Jane” showing Dec. 2-8 at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. “Call Jane” stars Elizabeth Banks and Sigourney Weaver. In 1968 Chicago, with the city and the nation amid the political and civil upheaval, Joy (Elizabeth Banks), a conservative housewife and mother, is faced with a devastating diagnosis when her second pregnancy leads to a life-threatening heart condition. Following an all-male hospital board’s decision to deny an exemption for an abortion, which is, by law, illegal, Joy’s search for a solution leads her…

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Sedona News – Kick off the holiday season with the Sedona Parks and Recreation Department and Jolly St. Nick by bringing the family to the 13th annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022 at the Hub at Posse Grounds Park.  This free event features a pancake breakfast with sausage and orange juice prepared onsite by Wil’s Grill. Breakfast and visits with Santa will take place from 8 – 10 a.m. and food will be served until 9:45 a.m. Sing along with the Red RockAppella Ensemble to your favorite carol and stop by Santa’s Stable to visit his famous…

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By Amaya Gayle Gregory Thoughts create reality. They are a filter through which manifestation takes form, or so the story goes. I don’t know if I buy into that anymore. In fact, I think I don’t. I used to pay tribute to this new age belief, heralded by What the Bleep, Law of Attraction, and lots of high paid gurus. I even had some personal evidence, thoughts that I had practically watched manifest, some nearly instantaneously.  What I do know, or at least what seems to be accurate, is that they probably don’t create reality, but they do create our…

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By Kristina Sabetta, LMSW Verde Valley News – Please join us for our next Mental Health Monday program via Zoom which will take place on November 28th, 2022, 10:00 to 11:30 AM, and will focus on Opioid and the Brain. BCBSAZ Health Choice’s Opioid and the Brain Training was created to help educate members, family members and the community on the effects of opioid use on the brain and the treatments available. It helps explain the desire for continued use and the complications of withdrawal. The training provides up to date Arizona and nationwide statistics along with information on addiction risk factors. This important and valuable discussion led…

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… sometimes when you are cloud flying there will be massive build ups of clouds as you can see in the photo above and frequently, off by itself there will be a cloud of diminutive size hanging all by itself and the little one in this photo is no exception, it just was out there by itself … a perfect little cloud to fly through if one were so inclined. I am ESE of Cottonwood in this image and it looks like about 10,000′ in altitude, The dark mountain behind the little cloud is Black Mountain and Sycamore Canyon behind…

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