By Kristina Sabetta, LMSW
Verde Valley News – Please join us for our next Mental Health Monday program via Zoom which will take place on November 28th, 2022, 10:00 to 11:30 AM, and will focus on Opioid and the Brain. BCBSAZ Health Choice’s Opioid and the Brain Training was created to help educate members, family members and the community on the effects of opioid use on the brain and the treatments available. It helps explain the desire for continued use and the complications of withdrawal. The training provides up to date Arizona and nationwide statistics along with information on addiction risk factors.
This important and valuable discussion led by our speaker Veronica Welch, who has been working in Behavioral Health in northern Arizona for over 24 years. Her current position of Office of Individual and Family Affairs Manager allows her to build partnerships with individuals, families, and stakeholders to promote recovery, resiliency, and wellness. As a person with lived experience her desire is to increase the voice of members and families in areas of leadership, service delivery and decision-making committees. She advocates for members and families to have service environments that are supportive, welcoming, and free of barriers. She promotes wellness and whole health care for individuals.
The opioid epidemic has impacted Veronica on a very personal level involving losses of multiple family members and friends over the past 4 years. Her goal is to help educate people about opioids and bring a compassionate understanding of the affects they have on the brain and behaviors.
This FREE program has been organized by NAMI Yavapai and the Northern Arizona Peer & Family Coalition and is presented via Zoom by going to or contact for more information.
NAMI Yavapai is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education, and advocacy.