… this is my wake up scene this morning and every other morning too … the only difference being where Katie will be on the bed, and usually she is pressed up tight to a leg, arm or my body. What a joy and lest I disturb her, I usually stay put for a while longer … you do that kind of thing when you are “staff”. She loves her indoor kingdom and never indicates that she wants entrance to the world she gazes at through multiple windows in our home. I think One may have left a list of to do’s and do not’s.
A number of years ago I did an aerial shoot for the city of Sedona and I was browsing the folder tonight and came on a number of them that I really like, such as the photo below. It is an all encompassing image and I love the green ribbon that cuts through the photo on a diagonal. It is Oak Creek which is coming down through Oak Creek Canyon in the upper left, through uptown and down on the right side of Airport Mesa, through the loop area, Red Rock State Park and then it meanders down through the rest of the Verde Valley and connects with the Verde River east of Cottonwood at the Thousand Trails RV park.
West Sedona is on the left of the airport and on the right you can see SR 179 coming down through the Chapel area and eventually into the Village of Oak Creek, part of which is visible in the lower right corner … most of the named rock formations are visible and m,any that are not named. Verde Valley School Road comes out of the Village are and you can see where it turns into a gravel road and goe to Red Rock Crossing … pretty much all of the greater Sedona area is within a four mile radius of the airport. Just under the clouds you can see the base of the San Francisco Peaks north of Flagstaff.
A word about Sedona.biz, they have been featuring my daily emails on their website for more years than I can remember and they continue to do so. There is a lot of terrific stuff on the website and I encourage you to check it out.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day … eat a lot … enjoy friends and family and be grateful for all that we have … and whenever possible do what you can do to make someone else’s life a little better because you are here.
The new issue of Sedona Monthly is out. Check both the website and the magazine out. If it is happening in Sedona, that is a great place to look.
My life is blessed with so many wonderful people and I am eternally grateful to each and every person in my life … especially to each of you and I hope that in some small way I am bringing a a bit of joy and a smile into your life.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Give me to gladly go
My way, and say
No word of mine own woe;
But let me smile each day.
Give me the strength to do
My task, I ask;
And that I shall not rue
The toiler’s grimy mask.
Give one loved hand to me,
And leave the evee
All undisturbed as we
Our strength of souls retrieve.
And lastly give sweet sleep
Closed sight, no fright
That fears will o’er me creep;
And now a last good-night.
Evening Song by Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email: ted@tedgrussing.com
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …