www.SacredSpace.org January 20 2013 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz A spiritual partnership is a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. This agreement between two people places the growth of their souls above the convenience of a “comfortable,” conventional relationship. Speaking of, and referring to material contained in his latest book, author, Gary Zukov tells readers that a new and surprising world is emerging that requires each of us to explore the sources of our love and cultivate them while observing the inner sources of all that prevents us from loving and feeling loved. The root of these blocks are our fears.…
Author: Tom Carroll
www.SacredSpace.org January 13 2013 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Last week I wrote the piece titled: “Depression. Helpful? Who’d have Thought!” The reactions it generated were instructive. First, depression is not an uplifting topic – even though I wrote of having seen that it is merely the dark side of an important truth. Then I said that all of temporal existence is empty – which, if not understood sounds really depressing! What we want is freedom. What we often get is the feeling that things are not going our way – that freedom is farther from our grasp now, at this point in life,…
www.SacredSpace.org January 6 2013 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz This fall I experienced something new. With winters approach, I felt depressed. More and more often, by late afternoon dark feelings and unspecific notions of dread colored my thoughts. As time went on, these feelings intensified. I finally realized that, as others had described and I had never before felt, I was depressed! I was seriously unhappy about everything inside and out. Some might say that there were plenty of reasons to feel this way. It had been a stressful year for all of us with difficult news coming daily regarding our national finances, election…
www.SacredSpace.org December 30, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Abundance. The word means more than enough. Not necessarily piles and piles of money and supplies but all that you really need, and at least a little more. Prosperity seems to mean something similar, but with a slight difference. This word suggests the continuing condition of abundance. So once you possess abundance, you want to couple it with prosperity – those conditions that sustain abundance. Let’s call them A&P like the supermarket chain located in some parts of the country – an appropriate metaphor and a little quicker to refer to as I write. Ideas…
www.SacredSpace.org December 23, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Christmas is coming. Already here, in a sense. Everyone that can is taking Monday off. Parties are in full swing and gifts are receiving last minute attention – wrapping, bows and ribbons. I have just one question. “Mary… Did you know? Yes, it’s that line… from that song. But, did you? Did anyone have any idea what would flow from a questioned birth, a tumultuous life and the death of one young man?
www.SacredSpace.org December 21, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Friends and Fellow Survivors of the End of the World! News in from friends in England: Prime Meridian, GMT +0:00 its 10:00 PM and the world still exists… so they think. They just happen to live close to Stonehenge. This is another fortunate circumstance and solid indicator. If the world had ended – surely it would have ended at Stonehenge first… Right?
By Tom Carroll www.SacredSpace.org December 16, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Are you ready? No, I don’t mean Christmas. Are you ready for life? Again, no – not me! I never have been. I never knew what to expect. Short of preparing for the worst, how can you be ready for the unknown and the unexpected? And having prepared for the worst – how can we enjoy all the good that comes our way? “Ya, that was pretty good but you never know what terrible thing might be coming next!” And just look at the vegetative and animal world – how they protect themselves.…
www.SacredSpace.org December 9, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz “I told the witch doctor, I was in love with you. The Witch Doctor told me – he told me what to do. Ooh eeh, ooh ah, ah. David Seville. Witch Doctor. “Ting tang, walla walla, bing bang? Takes you right back, doesn’t it! But that’s just a pop song. Then there’s Malidome Patrice Some’, a West African man, kidnapped by French missionaries as a child and later returned to his family where he is re-initiated into tribal society. In his book, Malidome tells the story of being catapulted into another world – like the…
www.SacredSpace.org December 2, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz A recent trip to Israel generated the following account of a day in the Holy Land – not so unlike any other land. Not unlike most other days filled with random acts of chaos. … Just reaching out from warm, sunny Israel with all its blooming flowers. I drove down to the Dead Sea yesterday afternoon. Down in that lowest spot on earth I thought to myself… “The Dead Sea might really be dead and you’d never know for sure because it’s preserved by all that salt. ” I never thought of it quite like that…
www.SacredSpace.org November 25, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz A Letter to My Brother, The postman left a box yesterday but I was napping on the couch and didn’t hear the screen door open or close. So it was not until this morning when I gathered the nerve to brave the morning chill and ran to the car for a book that I had left, that I noticed the delivery. Passing it on the way out the door… mentally, I ran through the possibilities. I was not expecting anything ‑ nothing ordered. Nothing left in Sandpoint that had not been mailed down. Then it came…
By Tom Carrollwww.SacredSpace.org November 18, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.biz Wales is a country – an independent jurisdiction within the United Kingdom. The Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea wash its Western border, with England as it’s neighbor to the East. No. 4 Cefn, Gethynog, Talybont on Usk, Brecon, Powys, Wales. This was the address of friends I had come to visit. Having driven from London that morning and crossed the wide channel at Bristol, I followed signs for the town of Brecon. With each mile I was weaving my way deeper into the heart of an ancient land. “Ancient,” is a flexible word. Some…
This is a continuation of a series titled: Hearing Voices. Preceding chapters are here.www.SacredSpace.org November 12, 2012 Tom.Carroll@sedona.bizOkay… Let’s get begin to wrap this up. I’ve strung a few diligent readers along for nine weeks. So in a effort to pull this together, no more weird stories… just a scary one! And this – only because it will help bring all that has happened into focus.It was late evening by the time my flight landed in Spokane. Karen was there with her Range Rover and after tossing my bags in back I got behind the wheel to drive us back to Sandpoint.…
November 5, 2012 The following is a letter I needed to write to friends after an unsettling conversation. It is timely – in that it refers to Tuesdays elections. I hope some find it helpful if they are faced with the sorts of difficulties it addresses – questions and discomfort that come up when we find ourselves disagreeing with friends. Those times when we feel required to choose between people and ideas – between friends and our political heroes. First – let’s be sure that you know that from where I stand, our friendship is a real thing – much…
This is a continuation of a series titled: Hearing Voices. Preceding chapters are here.www.SacredSpace.org November 4, 2012 It was twelve years later. Twelve years after an angelic encounter at the Wall in Jerusalem the opening event in this story series. A lot happens in twelve years. Like anyone – by degrees, I was a different person – am a different person today. But without regard for the passing of time the memory of certain events remains current. Time passed but I continued to feel that there should and would be some kind of closure – an end note to make sense of those…
ScotlandThis is a continuation of a series titled: Hearing Voices. Preceding chapters are here.www.SacredSpace.org October 28, 2012 Back down from the mountain and back to life. The next mornings edition of the Jerusalem Post did not carry news of my adventure. No letters ever arrived thanking me for my contribution to peace in the Middle East. I just did a very wild, strange thing and then went back to work. Were there implications – at least something to be learned ? Yes. but they were cumulative and often difficult to recognize until later. Hearing voices and acting on visionary directives – readers ask,…