This is a continuation of a series titled: Hearing Voices. Preceding chapters are here.
November 12, 2012
Okay… Let’s get begin to wrap this up. I’ve strung a few diligent readers along for nine weeks. So in a effort to pull this together, no more weird stories… just a scary one! And this – only because it will help bring all that has happened into focus.
It was late evening by the time my flight landed in Spokane. Karen was there with her Range Rover and after tossing my bags in back I got behind the wheel to drive us back to Sandpoint. Just like the opening lines of a bad mystery novel, it was a dark and rainy night. Drops of rain can break as they fall, creating a mist. That night a multitude of miniature rain drops obscured our headlights, scattering the light we needed to see our way forward.
I had just completed an eight day meditation intensive so our conversation was all about the effect and implications that participating with a serious Buddhist group represented to me, still at least nominally Christian. “What’s more important,” Karen had asked, “Enlightenment or Salvation?”
Back and forth we argued, looking for points of commonality but recognizing very different perspectives generally thought to be represented by these two words and their supporting traditions.
In the way of deadly things, it happened in an instant. Driving along, talking as we went, the head of a bull moose appeared over the hood of the Rover. Until that instant, we had not caught even a glimpse of the monster – just that one, Instamatic snap shot of a moose’s long nose and giant, shovel-like antlers. The moose had apparently been standing in the middle of the road as we approached at seventy miles an hour. In response, and at the last possible moment the huge animal lifted it’s head and we sailed under its chin. Had the driver’s side window post hit its jaw those heavy antlers would have spun sideways, crashing through the glass into my neck and head. Karen and I both let out startled shouts. But by the time we responded, the danger was already behind us, leaving us wondering if it had been no more than our imagination. But Karen described exactly what I had seen, her fright no less than my own. Just the briefest of instants – no sooner than we had seen that face and massive horns – and the Moose was behind us. With no room to spare we had escaped a sudden, messy death.
It took another couple of miles to reach the lighted parking lot of a gas station – a “C” store where we stopped to shake off the last of the shock and fright. I got out of the Rover to have a look.
We’d heard no thud or bump, but there on top of the Rover caught in the threads of a bolt that secured the luggage carrier was a clump of hair. The long, course hair that grows from the underside of a moose’s jaw.
Back in the car and driving slower, we exclaimed and marveled at the pure, simplicity of luck. By an inch or some smaller measure we had missed connecting with the jaw of a moose. At the speed we had been traveling, just a touch of steel on the side of the Moose’s jaw bone and everything would have changed.
Driving the last twenty miles to Sandpoint our conversation took on new meaning – relevance beyond conversational banter. When people face death or severe injury, what do they need – What do we really want? Is what we want the same as what we need? When faced with the end of mortal life, what would you rather have … Salvation or Enlightenment? What do these words mean?
As related in Chapter One of this series, In the fall of 2001 – standing at the Wall, in Jerusalem, I was reprimanded by a supernatural instructor. And my unseen instructor doubled down – to make sure I could not wiggle out of the message – by having a flesh and blood person – a Rabbi – somehow making him repeat the message. The rabbi was just as much of a chauvinist as I had been – he was just there to let me know that even though I could not see the person who had yelled at me – I was not imagining anything and I had better take it seriously.
“Stop judging! You do not understand!” was what had been said to me. I had been thinking that Christ died to bring forgiveness of sin to everyone who would accept His sacrifice. This is the central axiom of Christianity. “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved!” And by this act a person was restored, relationally to God – you were back in the family – and that meant more than invitations to dinner on Christmas and Easter.
So lets’ run through it again. I was exercising my thoughts around the idea that Jewish guys needed to accept Jesus’ sacrificial offering. This was my, “Judgment,” Any other Christian would have backed me up. But according to the invisible guy with the big voice – I was wrong! I was told to stop judging – which meant – to stop thinking as I did – because, not only did I not understand what was happening around me, apparently – I didn’t understand anything about… anything! . I was wrong to hold the men I was watching accountable to Christian belief – even this most central one. I just quoted it – but…One more time; Christians consider it a cornerstone, spiritual imperative to: “Believe on the Lord Jesus… so that you will be saved.” Turn it around and you get: “If you do not accept the sacrifice of Jesus as your opportunity to be forgiven – you fall outside of the safety net – you are not a Christian – you are not saved. So, short of making this deal with Christ, you, by your own choice are separated from the life of God. And I had been told that this orienting equation was wrong! Uh oh… hear the rumble of not so distant thunder? This is big. No wonder The Voice employed the rabbi as a supporting actor! I walked away from that night not realizing the implications of the message. But looking at it now – considering it as I have for years now – somehow our doctrine is very mixed up.
And this, I see now was what The Voice had been trying to tell me. This was why “The Voice” didn’t simply say it straight out. I would not have understood. Stop and think – those of you who have done your time in churches and Sunday schools – Jesus was a trouble maker from the start. Before he’s even born, his mothers reputation is trashed. As an infant – he’s got magicians making long trips to see him. And a king – the Herod character wanting the kid dead, even though still little more than a baby. Herod had read the story and the Magi fleshed out the details. Harod knew that Jesus was a threat so great that he didn’t mind ordering the murder of every little boy, two years old or younger in Bethlehem.
So… his parents, Jesus’ parents – having listened to Angelic Voices, had already run off to Egypt to save this kid. Then they take him to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast and what’s Jesus do? Rather than staying with them, when they are leaving he disappears and they have to hunt for his thoughtless self for three days! Then he turns up in the Temple, lecturing the old guys – and how could Joseph whack him when everyone is saying he’s such a whiz kid! Everybody talks about Jesus being perfect, but think about it – running off like that! What’s that little moral quiz game…“What would Jesus do?” You’ve got to know – I’m just pushing the story around a little for the sake of perspective – not necessarily an accurate, “new view.” But Jesus does not need us to always walk on egg shells when His name comes up. That’s how religious story’s lose their believability. Besides, Jesus is as sturdy as they come. He doesn’t need us to defend his reputation.
Jesus would be laughing at my recounting of his boyhood trouble making – all but the murder part – and that was Harods doing. Nothing funny about that.
Now – coming forward a few years – skipping speculation about what he was doing during his teens and twenties. Once Jesus begins his public life he’s right up the nose of the religious leaders. If those Jewish guys were following all the rules and still had it wrong – what was the point? Yes – we’ve heard about the self serving lying cheating and stealing. But think about it – Lying cheating and stealing are our favorite pastimes. The rules – keeping the rules is supposed to be like a vaccination – do enough Hail Mary’s and suddenly you want to be good! But that’s never what happens. And if that’s not what happens – If that’s not how it works then what is anybody supposed to do?
This is my point – here I was a couple thousand years later being “The Good Christian,” And still, the message to me is that I was clueless! And here we are on the tenth installment of this series and I’m supposed to tell readers what all this Hearing Voices stuff is about. I’ve tried all week to figure out how to tell you what I figured out. As dramatic as some of the events had been you would think I had been preparing readers for a profound revelation – information so potent that your thirst for knowledge will be satisfied! And this with detailed instructions designed to deliver diligent practitioners all the way to spiritual perfection, perfect peace and eternal security!
Here’s the deal. I did. I really did find the answer. It’s not all that hard to figure out – it’s actually hidden in plain sight. Anyone who really wants to understand – can figure out whats going on if they are sincerely looking. But finding the answer is not the end of the game – it’s the beginning of a deep dissatisfaction. A necessary step but not a fun place to be. Just when you think you are in line for a big, “Atta Boy!” well… that’s whe the work begins. More on this later.
Now back to you readers. Having found it, I can, (could), tell you just what you think you want to know. But it won’t help very much. I squirmed for a week knowing I was going to have to say this. But it’s true. Think about it for a minute. Don’t you think that The Voice would have liked me and a bunch of others to be Saved – if Saved were the point? To be Enlightened – if Enlightenment were the ultimate objective? So why don’t these angelic messenger people just tell us what we need to know? What we need to do? Why don’t they land on the White house lawn – give a briefing – set us all straight and then get on over to the next screwed up planet?
T reason they don’t is that we don’t want to know the answer! If I told you the answer – you would have to kill me! Ya – a laugh line. But what I’ve just said is true. Jesus said it pretty clearly and they killed him. He also said, “I have many things to tell you but you cannot hear them.” Meaning – we are too invested in our own ideas – the truth really would take away too much of what we think too quickly causing a psychotic break. Our minds require a presumption of order. Meaning – its more important to us to think we know what is true than to actually know the truth. Too much to quick and we shut down – break down. Like the Apostle Paul – you get knocked off, (on), your ass and go blind. That might have worked in the first century but now they lock you up push pills down your throat. What could have been an awakening is seen as a mental break down and treated as an illness.
I’m relating this because it is one more reason why it’s best that I say little about what the past nine weeks of articles was about. But, in broad strokes, it’s all there for anyone ready and willing. There is an interior reality that can be experienced and expressed in our day to day lives. It is worth all. The scriptural picture of a man finding a treasure in a field and then covering the treasure to give himself time to sell all he possessed to then come back and buy the field so as to own the treasure – this is an accurate picture. The treasure is that valuable. The catch is this. What the man sells is his own soul. Not to worry – the highest bidder will always be Love.
The stories I tell here are true. Maybe they will lead you to a deeper understanding and ultimately, to experience, Not my business. I wish you grace and courage and more than a little good humor. I hope you understand – It’s not for me to sum it all up and tell you what to do. Stories are food for the imagination and intuition. Best that I not impose any further.
Remembering the evening where My friend and I encountered four men in Jerusalem – having met them again and again, until an unexplainable bond had been built. We’d been meeting singly, But here they were – together for the first time. Everyone stopped but no one spoke. The air around us was subtly electric. All of us just looking at one another nodding, acknowledging this very portentous moment, none us of knowing what it meant – I didn’t – apparently none of these others did either. Nodding and more smiling for some few seconds – much less than a minute, and then we passed each other, passing through that center of convergence, continuing along our separate ways. This unusual meeting serving to remind us that though we often walk alone, we are partners in a larger enterprise.
We have gathered for a series of stories. I hope we continue to gather – each of us taking away what seems worthwhile. Answers are just answers. They temp us to stop as though something had been accomplished. But good questions and good conversation is priceless. I’ll be back here next week and we’ll see if there is more to talk about.
I have enjoyed your stories and with that I appreciate that you have not offered a formula to “get to” the mystery of life. As has been said, “We each map the terrains of our lives, … but no amount of searching will ever reveal for certain whether we are all children of chance or part of a great design.” Let us all incline our hearts and cultivate them towards the light. You are a breath of fresh air Tom! Thank you for your writings. I look forward to more!
Very thoughtful remarks – I’m glad that you enjoyed the series and I enjoyed reading your response!
You hit upon a point that has been central to my rejection of the Christian religion: salvation. I rebelled at the thought from the first time I heard it as a child. I still have no idea of what Christ was really all about. I am finally ready to try to learn.
Enlightenment? That lost it’s twinkle quite a while ago when I realized that it is a fleeting, ungraspable gift. It is grace given, not earned or learned. The best we can do is to be open to it. To live with reverence and gratitude and attention. And love.
You know the answers? Well, some answers certainly. The quantum leaps of truth will always surpass us until we have truly and completely merged, and then there will be no “us” to know anything. Or need answers. Don’t you love it?
“…finding the answer is not the end of the game – it’s the beginning of a deep dissatisfaction.”
Saying that I knew the answers – while not designed to provoke a reaction, of course I knew that it would. As provocative as it is… It’s true. But by saying it, I meant something quite different than a reader might suspect. There will be more articles to work thorough this remark. For now let’s just leave it with the understanding that knowing is all too often mistaken for being. Being or embodying the truth beyond all the answers is the goal.
Finding the answer is not the end of the game – it’s the beginning of dissatisfaction.” Finding the Answer is like finding the “Narrow gate” spoken of in Scripture. But the gate is also the gateway to an equally narrow trail that must be walked out.
The funny thing is that feelings of dissatisfaction are really just examples of self indigence – a fact that self indulgent people like me keep forgetting – and that results in dissatisfaction!
Salvation or Enlightenment? How about Hunger?
I like the Yeats quote: “The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the
perpetual virginity of the soul.”
Stumped – truly stumped by this remark!
Hope to hear from you again!
Life can be viewed as one big ‘Appetizer’. Our hearts desire is for more unity and connection…., physically, mentally, socially, psychologically, ideologically etc..
But everything about a material reality both keeps us separate while demonstrating the existence of the other, that is always just beyond our reach. We are forced to exercise our will – very much like a muscle – to avoid the pain of excessive separateness, while the union is never fully consummated. Life pushes us with the pain of separateness/emptiness, i.e., a kind of hunger, with out our doing anything. But if we are energetic enough, we accept the challenge of life, and voluntarily work at getting as close as we possibly can.
Making love is a good physical metaphor for what happens in other areas. We really feel like we come close to perfect union, but later realize that life was just exercising our will, our hunger, for a more perfect union.
What we gain out of this may be spiritual substance and identity for a non-physical world. I guess we may find out. I only have one very vivid dream that seemed to suggested this. That was 40 years ago.
Also, other frames of reference would be Billy Joel’s reference to people having never known the ‘hunger’; and Gibran’s reference to encouraging youth to pursue pleasure to discover that pleasure has 7 sisters, each more beautiful than pleasure.
Plus the onion analogy, and layers drawing us ever deeper etc..
Food, Sex………. Hungers never quite satisfied. Perhaps there is a purpose? If there is a non-physical world, this makes a lot of sense when you consider that they would have none of the needs that cause so much trouble here; but what are they going to telepath about if they haven’t gleaned some good stories from their harrowing experience in a physical world???
David, There is speculation and there is direct realization. The difference between the two could be summed up by the simple fact that realization is something one never grows tired of.
Out of respect for the energy you put into your responses I will not cut this reply too short. However – except to encourage those who are still speculating… there is really nothing to say.
With best regards,
What are your goals here Tom? Salvation? Enlightenment? What is the point? To what end?
If Love of Connection is not at the heart of it, it is hollow.
The fundamental realization, (Enlightenment), is described many ways – all of which point to the fact that love, connection… is a condition that is Always, Already.
Enlightenment is realizing – experiencing the Oneness that has always existed. The Kingdom of Heaven is Always, Already.
In this way one is saved – from the frightful illusion of separation.
When we finally tire of speculation we begin the proses of surrender. Contemplative practice cultivates interior silence. This is the work – “…pressing on to maturity..” the, “labor of entering into “His” rest!”
I had to go get a little ice cream, huckleberries, and milk, to fortify my self for this. LOL
I think with your last post we are pretty much on the same page, with these clarifications. Yes Love is….. Connection is….., Already…, way more than people tend to experience it.
But ‘being saved from the frightful illusion of separation’, pretty much is what most Christian have come to call being ‘Born Again’. The next step in that process – once you realize that you are not separate and quit living like you are – is to get in touch with and develop a relationship with, your conscience, the spirit of Love,(God is Love is Connection), and your unconscious often via prayer/meditation. Stilling the noise of your conscious mind, so the vastness that is left, can do its’ work, where your only conscious input is the will to surrender to Love and what connects more perfectly and universally. That puts you on a path of becoming a growing instrument of Love / Connection.
In my mind there is no speculation here.
Where I speculated seems more real to me than I am comfortable asserting. I know that people can fool themselves. I must assume that I am capable of it also. Many of us are certain we have been visited by an ‘Angel’. And at a time when it was really important. But those are private experiences, and I appreciate them for the great benefits they brought, and I assume if someone else needs a strategic visit, or are ready, they will get it. “Seek and you shall find.” “HUNGER and thirst after what is right, what connects, what unifies more perfectly. “Be still and know that I am God.” Realizing that the the true prize is not of this world.
So…. I guess with my Hunger statement and seemingly new age talk about spirits having substance and identity because of their work in this life, I remain pretty consistent with the teachings of Christ.
I have not seriously attended any Church since the age of 15, but as Polly can attest, in the 5th grade, I had the nickname ‘The Preacher’.
True story! ………., My poor classmates…..
The next step in the process is the only step.
The “Path” is a wonderful adventure that leads nowhere.
Someone who is “on the Path” has yet to surrender.
The Prize is Life. Always, Already!
You have never not been and you will never not be.
This is what those who know tell us.
After all speculation… they would say;
Ask and keep asking: Who are you?
So… short sentences. The brevity of Zen teaching.
Sorry about that. I think you take this twaddle seriously
so I thought it best not to muck around. What is speculation?
Everything but practice and Life. How do you tell the difference?
Shit, David… Don’t ask me!
Trying to put what you say in my frame of reference/ask more questions:
“The next step in the process is the only step.”
Twaddle as you say. Or is it just to acknowledge that; what we perceive is in a dimension that tends to act as “seeing through a darkened glass.” Wetting our appetite. Hunger again.
“The “Path” is a wonderful adventure that leads nowhere.”
Our experience in the here and now is of Time being linear. It May well not be. But that is how we experience it. We are “given” the illusion that problems can be solved definitively in this world. By the experience that lazy behavior, (not just physical) causes more pain, and…, and loving effort makes things better, we are compelled to conclude that we are just not trying hard enough. That is a good thing, as near as I can tell….., even if it is just for the here and now.
“Someone who is “on the Path” has yet to surrender.”
So does that mean that the “Path” that you describe as a wonderful but meaningless adventure needs to be abandoned for physical death? Of course not. [sorry, rhetorical question.] Does it mean that where we place our efforts can maybe be a little misplaced? Perhaps. In my experience the only Surrender is to Love.
“The Prize is Life. Always, Already!”
Yes. And yet that is not a static thing.
“You have never not been and you will never not be.”
Maybe. I suppose there is comfort in this, but I see too much value in working up a good Hunger and Thirst. LOL
“This is what those who know tell us.”
You Trust Them? It might be just Twaddle.
“After all speculation… they would say;
Ask and keep asking: Who are you?”
Tom, Yes. Finally…, I agree! Asking the question: “Who am I?” is vitally important! It is critically important to everything else related to becoming a loving force!!!! That is how we confront our selfishness initially, (self-knowledge). And as we grow towards becoming a force for greater connection, it is ultimately how we are able to see ourselves in others enough that we can ‘dance’ with them. Ultimately if we are not practicing seeing ourselves in ALL others – or have been practicing with poor results – we have not been looking deeply enough into our own motivations.
[This can lead into some very interesting discussions about child rearing, and what effects ‘enough ego strength’ to introspect, and what effects whether it actually happens, or at what level.]
I’ll check back in about 10 hrs.
Translative vs. trans-formative. Translation is like moving the furniture around the room again and again. Buying new furniture and rearranging until it too is worn out!
Transformation is a very different enterprise. When we tire of translation or what we are referring to as, “The Path”… transformation is waiting. Remember that Rumi verse?
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase, “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
I agree with Rumi on that one. I’ve been ‘there’. But I wouldn’t have any clue, (or expect anyone else to), if it hadn’t been shown to me in a ‘dream’. And thinking about it now, I’ve always referred to it as my “Lighten Up!” dream. At the time, (40 yrs. ago),I was compromising my health with worry over the problems of the world. The gist of what I was shown was that people pretty much get what they need from this life to go on to the next…., No matter how much ‘Hunger and Thirst’ I generate. LOL
The experience was so intense that as it faded I realized that I was sitting bolt upright in bed, with my eyes wide open, terrified that I would forget even one little detail.
But you never know……… The ‘Angel’ ‘answered’ every question I had at the time. [It was more like I thought the question, and the answer was demonstrated with me in that coexisting dimension.] But there were no animal spirits – in fairness I had no questions about animals – but still….., it makes me just a little suspicious. Drugs were never an issue, but I do have a well practiced imagination. Still; this was in a whole other league. Time was different, communication without language, occupying the same space and instantly knowing every joy and sorrow of another human lifetime. Unlike here, perfect union was possible. And there was no comedown from the high. Everything that is an issue here was not an issue there. And…, it occupies the same space we do. And yes, it’s kind of crowded, but doesn’t feel crowded, that’s a physical thing.
Enough said.
Anyway, believe it or not, it did make me ‘lighten up’…., at least enough to be around for the last 40 years.
Having had a similar MOOSE experience, I must say that every once and a while, the universe let’s us know , we are not in charge. WE know nothing and yet we are still here, marveling at an apparent Miracle.i wonder how many we don’t even notice.