Author: Tom Carroll

Tom Carroll is a writer whose work appears online in a growing number of blods, news sites and on his own website, Tom Lives in a small town in Oregon.

This past year the world has again been openly attacked by an ancient enemy. One whose power ebbs and flows according to the degree of mankind’s forgetfulness. If hope can be offered, it comes as lessons learned when examining the wreck and carnage, the blood totalitarian governance has smeared upon the pages of history.The preceding paragraph is how I might have begun the article below. But writer’s Durban and Smith  opened as they did, I believe, because they wish to make it absolutely clear that the past and present are of our own making. The proposition is this; whether we…

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www.SacredSpace.orgTom.Carroll@sedona.bizThe following is a piece from; A View From The Hot Tub – Stories about my friend Mike and his Grandson. A new book co-authored by; Tom Carroll and Mike MalloryJoey has a couple of pals in the neighborhood that knock on the door to see if he is at our house. The boys play in our large backyard. Laura and I enjoy the noise, orders for food and general mayhem.Joey plays with all the tools from the shed. As it happened, I looked out the back window as he and one of his buddies were playing some version of…

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SacredSpace.orgTom.Carroll@sedona.bizMy friend Bryant and I were talking last night, trading Facebook posts which is often the closest thing to conversation nowadays. He’s posted a clip of a Big Bad, Brazilian rodeo bull, named, The Bandit, an animal nobody had ridden successfully. Bryant has this stuff in his blood – rodeos, bull riding. I knew little about the sport, other than the obvious; that it’s a dangerous thing to do. Bull riding in general – a ride on the back of The Bandit, in particular. Bryant agreed.

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www.SacredSpace.orgTom.Carroll@sedona.bizThis following story is one that I swiped. My friend Mike Mallory wrote and posted it to his Facebook page. I swiped it because it’s entertaining and insightful. It’s one in a continuing series that features the writer, Mike, his wife Laura, and the star of the show – their grandson, Joey.The story appears here with a several necessary corrections and alterations, each one essential to insure that readers could  understand Mikes sometimes, incomprehensible sentence structure. Revealing this is a long overdue, act of revenge. Bare with me and understand that way back in time – those 45 years referred…

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www.SacredSpace.orgTom.Carroll@sedona.bizThis was written early Thursday morning – June 23rd 2016… as we were seeing news story’s of the impact of Britain’s decision to end forty plus years of membership in the European Union. Most were story’s about people and governments loosing money. But it was more than an economic story. Brexit – the UK’s vote to “Exit” the EU represents a serious blow to the efforts of Globalists – those who are attempting to subsume sovereign nations in favor of centralized authoritarianism. One World – One government.The Globalist, One World model is a government created by politicians for politicians. Their…

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www.SacredSpace.orgTom.Carroll@sedona.bizNew York City, the intersection of Greenwich and Liberty. We’d just walked through the Twin Tower Memorial. The recessed fountains, rimmed as they are with brass – engraved with the names of the dead. Water, ever flowing. Down and down again.Years have passed. That bitter ache no longer rises. Something of a milestone. Here of all places, I thought. Yes, time had done that thing that time does – making hard things easier. I felt it, yes – body memory moved things inside. But the intensity has faded. I wasn’t there… could count, with just a few fingers, the times…

Read More A story is told of a fish swimming toward two younger fish. As it swims by, the older fish says to the younger ones, “How’s the water, boys?” Swimming on for awhile, one young fish turns to the other and asks, “What the hell is water?” The point of the story is that the most important things are often the hardest to see, the most difficult to talk about or explain. Spiritual awakening – enlightenment… what do these terms really mean? Short of years spent in monastic retreat, can anyone know? Are we like these fish, and enlightenment, an…

Read More HERITAGE – An Award Winning, Cinematic Short – Written and Directed by Davy McCallA Review and Commentary.It’s short – short like a knife. Yet, seventeen minutes tell the story of countless generations. The story of a family divided by their misdeeds. One family – now two distinct cultures, and still together – bound to each other by conflict. In seventeen minutes, Heritage tells the story of two men – each driven to violence by acts of violence. McCall uses a mixture of his characters individual experience and collective, cultural history of loss to bring two men and the audience to…

Read More Among the selections, many who attended this years Sedona, International Film Festival sat in on multiple screening of Rooted In Peace. In this award winning, energetic quest for answers, filmmaker Greg Reitman takes viewers on a journey, crisscrossing the world and into the presence of notables, Deepak Chopra, and Desmond Tutu. Viewers hear the words and music of, Pete Seeger, Donovan, and Beach Boy, singer, songwriter, Mike Love. These and more share the experience of their lives as it applies to the central question: Peace – why is it so illusive? What will bring peace to our increasingly un-peaceful world?…

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www.SacredSpace.orgWith Co-Author: Catherine Intuition.  Though familiar – even common to all; intuition is not very well understood – yet! With help from Author, Catherine Carrigan, let’s explore this powerful, sensory ability. Who of us has not said, “Oh, if I had only listened to my intuition!” Failing to follow advice freely given, we fall into a ditch on one side or miss an opportunity on the other. And there are those happy times when we do just as we “knew” we should – we follow the advice of the, “Still Small Voice” and see questions answered and situations turn…

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By Tom (August 5, 2014) – I posted a video on Facebook yesterday – As a defense of Israel, it was satisfying in its clarity – explaining the current situation in a way that made it impossible to misunderstand Israels actions this past two weeks – these most current hostilities as they relate to recent history and serve as predictors of the future. However complicated the ultimate solution may be – however long that region of the world may have to wait for a durable peace – Israel holds the moral high ground and with it, justification for whatever…


Read More February 24, 2013   Tom.Carroll@sedona.bizThe Wooden Bowl RevisitedI beg your pardon, if I’ve I dropped my fork. Smile with me please, as my feet stumble and I trip over a word and miss when reaching for a thought! What follows is a story and the same story revised, such that you may have heard parts before. Together, they leave the reader with a mixture of feelings, depending upon your point of view – your own thoughts and actions.The original is attributed to a great man, Russian novelist, Leo Tolstoy. Intending no disrespect, I’ve added some thoughts that turn his tale…

Read More February 14, 2013 Well, it’s Valentine’s Day. Couples, hopeful suitors, friends and family members are professing and accepting expressions of love. In each case love means something different. There is so much packed into the word, the practice and the concept of love that we’ll never begin to see anything close to its meaning if we don’t take it out beyond our everyday, human sized understanding. In a previous article posted here and titled “Loves Got a Hold on You!, Love was seen to be, not just universal. Possibly much more startling, the idea was introduced that it…

Read More February 03, 2013 When spiritual and religious authors write that “God is love,” they often use the Greek word, Agape. Agape is safe. It suggests unconditional love, either from God or a really spectacular friend! Toss in a couple more Greek words for love, philia and storge, and we’re still safe. A friend for a friend and a mother’s love for a child. All three of these words are under control – our control. Just the way we like it.

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