By Ted Grussing
… looking at, making decisions to keep or toss have had the cumulative effect of giving me a photo hangover … I almost immediately go into a semi coma and begin and snoozing while firmly pressing the delete button. I found a cure this afternoon, I shucked it all and went flying … higher and higher … engine off over Mingus and a roundabout sled ride home. Since the hangover is caused by viewing way too many images, I decided the best cure would be to take a bunch more and so I did … more deletions to follow, but not this one :+)
I was down to about 7000′ and had my sink rate stabilized at about 160′ per minute. After taking this shot out of the left vent window, I headed in the direction of the photo, crossed over the north end of the airport, turned left and flew down the west side in a left pattern for runway 3 is going roughly the same direction as you are looking. A nice landing and a restart of the engine to taxi off the runway and back to my shade at the north end of the field.
This is a pretty full image with Cathedral Rock lower foreground. Oak Creek (green winding snake) going from lower left, along the bottom of Airport Mesa and continuing upwards and slightly left going behind Wilson Mountain. To the left of the airport you have Thunder Mountain, Coffee Pot and other rocks. Beyond Thunder Mountain is Long Canyon and up on the plateau on the left side Kendrick Peak, the San Francisco Peaks and Mt. Elden. To the right of the airport is the Chapel area bisected by SR 179 which wends its way N. Church of the Red Rocks is on the left side and the Chapel of the Holy Cross on the right and on the left side of the airport is West Sedona and directly up off the north end of the runway is Uptown. Just to the left of the image a third of the way up is Red Rock Crossing and the Loop area is above the creek on the left.
It cured me … best medicine I know of. The result of taking photos caused the problem … taking more cured it :+) Would not recommend it for other forms of hangovers though … smiles.
The text that went with the photo last night was from Friday. Go to: to read what should have been there. The image was in part Arcosanti off I 17 about half way to Phoenix.
Have a beautiful day and enjoy each moment you are granted … seek joy and it will find you … and share it with others
…I yield myself to the thousand enchantments of sky and field and wood,
and play again like a child on the soft green of the earth.
And as the God of the universe has made thee to bloom in tenderness,
so also may my heart be made to bloom again.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …