Browsing: New Age

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Thoughts create reality. They are a filter through which manifestation takes form, or so the story…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Be. Here. Now. Experience. Awareness. Consciousness. Knowing. Presence. Love. Isness. This.  Same, same … no difference. …

By Amaya Gayle Gregory You want a little more abundance, a little less discomfort, a bit more of the green…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Emphasis is divine, as is the entirety of this dance. Often, it seems like all mystics…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Your experience cannot determine the level of your awakened being. First — there are no levels.…

By Amaya Gayle Gregory Everything is real. Nothing is real.  What the heck does that mean anyway? I’ve written those…