A friend put in a special request. He wanted to hear my take on future visioning, the more on-the-ground version of what he called universal realities.
My first take was, there is no doer, so nobody to do, nobody to vision, nothing that can be envisioned, but I knew there was more coming in since there is at the very least, the appearance of doer and world, and I for one find it quite marvelous. What a wonder life is, regardless of whether it is made of matter, whether we have the power to choose, or not.
In fact, Red’s question is part of the universal reality, the universal visioning that is always happening. My writing about it is one thread of the visioning as well, reaching out to those who are ready to stitch a marvelous new appearance into time.
If you aren’t ready, this message … any message … will not call to you. You will scroll on by, or never see it at all, but if you are, something here will tag onto what is already alive within your pattern, your current, ever-evolving blueprint of life.
Life is doing us through the appearance of this world and its inhabitants, and its entire thrust is love. How do I know it’s love? It is simple. You can see it for yourself quite easily. When ego drops, when the storylines of fear fall away, what is left? Love. Yes. Aliveness. Empty of the human story of lack, of self-protection, of the need to win to survive, compassion reigns; listening occurs; caring is as natural as breathing.
Imagine all the ways you drape yourself in the protective garb, all the needs you believe you must fulfill and the idea of others taking destroying harming your ability to get what you need. What if all that fell away? Besides being able to breathe deeply and feeling the weight of the world fall from your shoulders … and heart … what would happen?
Simple presence. Basic aliveness. Open creativity. Infinite possibilities.
That’s my vision, the only vision I find truly worthwhile, the idea of people letting go of what they believe and discovering what they really are.
When living is no longer just about me or when me is all-inclusive of we, decisions are simplified. The bottom line is the health and happiness of all people. If the solution doesn’t honor people and planet, then it’s not a solution.
Right now, we function from autopilot because we are still under the influence of capitalism; of power hierarchies; of wealth gaps; of the basic idea of wealth, of having more than we need; of needing to work to earn the right to live. We are under the spell of the old world that has created the crisis of the heart in which we find ourselves. If you are paying attention to this slow-motion train wreck, you know the swirling mass of chaos we call a world is imploding.
When it all falls apart, as it seems it will do — not a given but a probability — we may or may not still have a livable habitat let alone a peopled world. We may or may not have civilization and technology. It will be neither bad nor good regardless of how it shakes out. It will simply be. If humanity survives, we will know what we did to ourselves and have the opportunity to do it differently.
If humanity exits the planet, turning out the lights as they leave, there still is no harm, no foul. Death is not real. We won’t be the first to experience a mass extinction, nor the last. We will create again. That’s what we are — creation creating itself. We failed — so what — we have eternity to get it right and besides, who says what we call failure, isn’t right?
And … we don’t have to wait until the dust settles to see how the dice land. There is no rule that we have to follow the rules that are killing us. We can walk forward amidst the fear and create anew, make a few seeming mistakes, and try again and again until we find solutions that work for everyone. Or we can sit back and enjoy the show, fiddle as Rome burns, and see who wins the lottery and survives.
Wow. This went in an entirely different direction than what I expected when I began writing. Hmmm …
Bottom line … we, the one that is not two, are experimenting, experiencing, examining all possibilities on the playground called earth. It’s child’s play, so if you can, don’t take it so seriously. If you can’t, simply be aware that you are caught in your story. Love one another; it’s a whole lot more fun and instead of denying it, notice your fear. Notice it when it comes up, when it stands between you and love, and feel it. Fear is only possible because of our unwillingness to feel it. In our unwillingness we project our pain onto others and create a stable of enemies.
It doesn’t have to be that way. That’s just the current story. Stories aren’t written in stone.
You are love, the beating heart of aliveness, regardless of whether you know it, feel it, breathe it. Why not try on that story? What’s the harm?
There is no appropriate bio for Amaya Gayle. She doesn’t exist other than as an expression of Consciousness Itself. Talking about her in biographical terms is a disservice to the truth and to anyone who might be led to believe in such nonsense. None of us exist, not in the way we think. Ideas spring into words. Words flow onto paper and yet no one writes them. They simply appear fully formed. Looking at her you would swear this is a lie. She’s there after all, but honestly, she’s not. Bios normally wax on about accomplishments and beliefs, happenings in time and space. She has never accomplished anything, has no beliefs and like you was never born and will never die. Engage with Amaya at your own risk.
1 Comment
“If you aren’t ready, this message…”
… just a tad condescending …
How very ‘Sedona’ of you to phrase like this.
After 50+ years here, it does appear to me that spiritual elitism runs rampant in Sedona.