Curiosity is underrated, and seemingly, mostly a lost art for a lot of folks these days. It’s ever so much easier to slip into a defensive pose, or that of attack.
What is it that feels threatened? Why do we feel the need to lash out with our body language, our tongues, or our fists? Until we figure it out collectively we will continue to see politicians and statesmen on opposing sides of a widening gap, families torn asunder, and friends becoming ex-friends.
Everywhere we look that is the case. It is impossible to miss.
Until we understand what gets triggered within us, we will continue to see that which we resist in the world. This glorious 3D mirror can’t help itself.
Curiosity will show us what’s up, if we allow it to. Usually, we let its flip side take over, what an old friend used to call seriosity. We can be certain seriosity is in play when life doesn’t feel like play, when we feel the desire to defend or attack, when we feel personally assaulted, if even a little bit.
I’ve looked at this one a lot this lifetime. Maybe I had more to look at than most of us, but I doubt it. We humans tend to be quite a bit alike. I have watched myself defending something I wasn’t even sure I believed just because I had started down that path and felt challenged. I was reacting to the challenge, not the difference of opinion. The further we went into it the less I could remember why it mattered, but that didn’t stop me.
Being challenged, literally or only as a perception, starts the blood pumping, and triggers a whole slew of emotions that seem to shut off the brains reasoning capacity, and opens the floodgates for words that we would never want thrown at us.
The challenge is to the separate self, the self of autonomy, the author of knowership, our ticket to this amazing world, so it feels important, it reeks of danger, it creates the need to win even if you have to make up facts or defend something you don’t even care that much about.
It is challenging, to say the least, to let the challenge lay, especially when we don’t recognize it until we’ve engaged and returned fire. That reminds me of something Kenny said a couple of days before he died. He said, Slow down. At the time I felt if I slowed down more, I’d be dead before him, but I didn’t yet realize how fast I was still moving. Slowing down, stopping before engaging, was and still is, a hard one for me. I’m passionate and it is both a blessing and a curse.
When I slow down, instead of reacting out of self-driven passion, I relax my stance and opened further, open enough to allow curiosity predominance. For me, that seems to be a turning point, an opening into connection, a reminder that every moment and every breath, exactly as it is, is precious. If I can’t see it in the moment, that’s on me, not anyone else.
Sophia likes to bark at people’s comings and goings. The gate is her territory. I can go to the door and raise my voice so she can hear me over her own and tell her to come inside … which she will … or I can remember this too is precious and walk outside and kneel beside her and hold her collar with unconditional love, One trains her, the other trains me.
Anything we don’t like, that we would rather not happen is our training ground, our practice field, to enter into curiosity and let it lead us where it wants, as it wants. We can be curious, or we can carry on with the same old behaviors, the same rigid seriosity, and, well … you know what will happen.
There is no appropriate bio for Amaya Gayle. She doesn’t exist other than as an expression of Consciousness Itself. Talking about her in biographical terms is a disservice to the truth and to anyone who might be led to believe in such nonsense. None of us exist, not in the way we think. Ideas spring into words. Words flow onto paper and yet no one writes them. They simply appear fully formed. Looking at her you would swear this is a lie. She’s there after all, but honestly, she’s not. Bios normally wax on about accomplishments and beliefs, happenings in time and space. She has never accomplished anything, has no beliefs and like you was never born and will never die. Engage with Amaya at your own risk.