By Ted Grussing
Love watching this hen mallard shaking it and sending sprays of water high into the air and all around her … kind of a happy thing to witness. Supposed to cool down this week and hoping that the migration will get into full swing. Have some Widgeons that have arrived, a few Green Wing Teal and a few new Mallards. Think the Osprey I shot may have just been passing through … we’ll see. Nice to be heading down to the ponds again.
I’ve had numerous inquiries lately about my knees … well it has been nine months since I had the stem cell injections and I think they are doing pretty well. They do not hurt, I stand directly from a sitting position without a boost from my hands, I walk normally and over rough terrain and again no pain. Once in a while there is a little discomfort and I wonder if the effects are going to fade, but the discomfort itself fades and I return to my new normal which is good. Before the stem cell treatment I had a lot of pain and discomfort, had abandoned my long walks and took six to eight Advil a day; I take perhaps four Advil a month now. I did switch from a treadmill to a Concept2 Rower and love the full body workout I get on that … with the resistance set to 10 (1-10) I am averaging 180 to 187 meters per minute over a twenty minute workout and hope to get it over 200 meters per minute soon … if you do rowing, you know what a challenge these numbers are.
A good day today, finished a couple of new opals this morning and enjoying cutting on a regular basis again; mostly cleaning up projects I started and abandoned. Have a few new ones in mind including a resumption of faceting … think I’ll take a few photos of newly completed stones tomorrow; it’s going to be windy and rainy so a good day to be inside anyhow. My friend Murray has been asking to see some of my cutting, so that’s what it will be; perhaps One will be wearing a beautiful gemstone?
There has been some smoke in the Village today and likely a lot in the morning … this is from a wildfire that the USFS is actively trying to suppress … it is not a prescribed burn nor a managed fire … it is one that started naturally, and because of the heavy fuel load it is putting a lot of smoke into the air. They are trying to extinguish the fire, they are not managing (spreading) it. Thanks!!!
Nice trip down to Scottsdale and a stop at Anthem for a bite to eat … time to wrap the day and if anyone would like to join a few of us at the Hilton for dinner tomorrow night around 6P c’mon over.
Smile … you are breathing … enjoy the moment.
And in this journey over a thousand hills and valleys called life, he is wisest who
is patient where the way is hard, has faith when he does not understand, and carries
into the dark places the light of a cheerful heart.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …