By Ted Grussing
… on a cold, windy, overcast and rainy day. My only outing today was to take the garbage can out to the street, otherwise One and I enjoyed the great indoors and the wintry day roaring outside the windows. Lots of espresso, sharp cheddar and thanks to a very thoughtful friend a dinner already prepared and ready to eat just as I was beginning to think of cooking something.

Online course work studying the constitution and enjoying that immensely. If you have never studied it, I highly recommend it … if you do not know where you came from you will never know where you are or why. A very good article to start with is the one on “Tyranny of the Majority” which was at the root of the founders devising our representative/republican form of government. this is a concept that is as relevant today as it was then and will be in the future. A few chapters in the book I am reading and work on photos too … that kind of filled the day out.
I looked through my clothes this morning and as I always do when my favorite shirt is not in the wash, I wore it … the collar is threadbare, frayed and kind of falling apart … so are the cuffs and other edges, a few stains too … but I like it. It feels good … I should throw it, but I won’t, even though I may eventually only be able to wear it at home. I suppose I will know the time is here when people offer to buy me a cup of coffee or food when I am out …
Same with music, it sets the mood for me when I write these missives after selecting a photo to send out. Kenny G’s album “Duotones” tonight. We first saw him in the 1980’s when he was lead in to George Benson at Universal Amphitheater. He and his group got standing ovations and far outshined the main show and in the green room afterwards you have never seen a happier group of guys!
It would have been a good day to travel west to east today. I checked the winds aloft for the fun of it today and the winds at 30,000’ were from the west at 143 kts or about 165 mph. Nice to have on the tail, but not so good if traveling E to W … at Vne (velocity to never exceed) I would have been going backwards at about 55 kts.
Time to wrap the day … this is a shot I took Saturday afternoon up at the end of the runway … it was beautiful. Have a terrific day, keep breathing and enjoy life … help others do so too.
Whatever else you do or forbear;
Impose upon yourself the task of happiness;
And now and then abandon yourself
To the joy of laughter.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …