By Ted Grussing
… I love all cats and kittens, well is there any creature quite as sweet? Okay, they sharpen their claws on furniture and if you cure them of that they likely will use you as a sharpening tool. So, I came on this photo of a Bobcat kitten I took last year and because he was leaning on a rather forlorn looking wall, I never did anything with the images. So, tonight it was either paint the wall or put him in a setting more appropriate to his (maybe her, do not want to be sexist) place in the community … a regal deity! So he is now sitting on a ridgeline with an impressive rotor cloud behind him … the kind of rotor that when experiencing its power will make you wish you were on the ground. Anyhow a fun image.
Worked all day on the website and it is nearing completion, only two more photographers to go and by the end of the week the initial phase of the project will be completed. In our ISO group we have a really neat person who is a superb digital artist as well as photographer. When she gets done with her work on a photo you would never know from what it came … a canvas with color, clean style and impact. I have one of her images on display and will likely opt for more. Click on this link and check her work out … also I have an example of what she starts with and what she ends up with. and while you’re at it check out the beautiful images on the other pages …
If you are a photographer or artist with images online, please go to this link and sign the petition. Sign the letter to the US FTC ; this is in support of an action that Getty Images has brought against Google. In 2013, Google switched from thumbnails of images to hi res images it scrapes from the net, including my websites, and all other websites that have hi res images on them. These images are then shared for free and the artist gets zip for it. This can substantially dilute the value of an image and the only alternative for the photographer is to opt out of the search, which essentially causes the artist to disappear. So please take a few minutes to sign the petition. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Neal!
Looks like it might be a good morning to go shoot the inner basin and check the color. Four straight days of website work is enough for a bit.
Have a fabulous day and how could you not … you’re alive!
Learn the music of a summer night by the restless wave of the sea, or surrender to the sunlight of an
open country where the illimitable sky at last meets to kiss the sweet, green earth, and stay till the
crimson shafts burn the western world.
And something will rise in you that is not connected with the tiring routine of your trade – something strange and calm.
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …