By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, AZ — We are being baited. Iran knows exactly what it is doing; they are luring us in. They want us committed so that they can deplete all of our military resources—what’s left of them, anyway. Once that’s done, they will call for the Arab world to rise up and throw out what they consider their occupiers.
We’re not ready for this one. Not like we were for the war with Iraq and Afghanistan. We had time to prepare. We don’t have any time now. We have very few soldiers out there, and our army at home has become “Woke.” We cannot get enough soldiers to join the Army, Navy, or any of the armed forces. We have even had to lower our standards. You don’t even need a high school diploma anymore to get into the army.
Their plan is quite simple, which is to get us to extend ourselves as much as possible. The best we could do is send a couple of B1 bombers to take out and kill maybe 40 of them. And we have the ships out there—an aircraft carrier, planes. What can they really do if the Iranians decide to launch a ground war?
So, then what’s the game plan? What is it they wan’t? What are they trying to accomplish?
Number one, they want us out in the open on the ground, where they could pick us off one by one.
Now, what happens if the Russians give the Iranians a hypersonic missile. These cannot be stopped. What happens if Iran takes down an aircraft carrier? Or a destroyer?

What happens is a full-scale war.
Imagine if our government were to institute a draft. How many GenX’ers or Generation Z’s are going to show up?
None! Why? Because nobody believes in the government anymore. People are too smart. They see the corporations making money from war, and they see the government hand-in-hand with them. So why should they risk their lives for a government they don’t believe in and a country they don’t believe in either?
How powerful is the US Navy? As powerful as it used to be? How strong is the army? Most of the warfare now is being handled by drones and young people playing war-like video games on the other side of the world with their joysticks, sitting on their butts, sipping Coke while calmly killing.
But what’s going to happen if flesh and blood young people need to get involved? Do you think their parents want them out there getting killed? For somebody like Trump or someone like Biden? No. It’s not going to happen.
We are being baited; they want us out. They’ve been fighting us since before the Crusades, since the days of Alexander the Great and Greece, and the Persians, the rulers of the Arab world at that time. Where do you think their center was? Of course, Iran.
So, it looks like this is the big playoff. The Saudi Arabians are making believe they’re on our side, but they’re not. All of the Arab world hates us.
Why? Because they see us as occupiers. The British before us bombed and killed their mothers and grandfathers and kids, while taking over the Mid-East.
The Russians did the same thing in Afghanistan—occupiers! Occupiers! And this is what we are to them: imperial occupiers.
Arabs are not communists. It’s not about any “ISM”—capitalism or communism or socialism.
It’s about religion and God for these people, and we are the devil. We have exploited them. We the white man took their oil. We killed them. We took their fertile lands. we did so many terrible things to these people.
And yet we think we’re in the right. Well, that’s because we’re taught to believe what we have to believe. But if you really want to understand why they hate us so much, read Osama bin Laden’s letter to the Americans. It’s easy; just go on the internet and look it up.
Then you’ll arrive to the deep understanding of why these people hate us so much.
It makes no difference if people wake up or not. The masters of war, the masters of manipulation, Ai, they have all kinds of new tools that they can manipulate the population with easily.
Not sure what’s going to happen next. But one thing is certain, America is being sucked into a war it cannot win. Just like Afghanistan.
Since WWII Russia has deployed mercenaries and regular forces everywhere the US has from N Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, El Salvador, Rwanda, Bosnia etc.
Since the US provided exile to the former Iranian Royal Family, Iran has also deployed troops to locations US troops have been deployed. They were in Somalia, Bosnia and are currently in Iraq and Syria. They have been in the shadows watching our troops operate to study our tactics and anything else they can glean from first hand observation. North Korea and China have also been busy shadowing our deployments in the African continent, the South Sea, Philippines and have fingerprints on much of the weapons Russia is using in Ukraine and elsewhere.
The US and its Allie’s do the same with their forces, weapons and equipment. During the 1990-91 Gulf War numerous US, French, Italian and other NATO allied countries land mines and weapons (Ronnie Raygun and Georgie Bush Sr. Provided to both the Iraqi and Iranian regimes in the 80’s so they could annihilate one another without one becoming the victor over the other. Which is why we supposedly “knew” Saddam had WMD’s he no longer had because he used them on Kurdish civilians) were used against the US and its Allies by Iraqi Forces.
In Afghanistan the Taliban, Mujahideen and ISIS fighters used thousands of NATO weapons including the Stinger Missile Systems Ronnie Raygun provided to Bin Laden and his Taliban/Mujahideen fighters to fight the Soviets (also in the 80’s).
Now we have billions of US/NATO weapons and ammunition, vehicles, aircraft and equipment sitting in Ukraine and surrounding nations that may end up being used against the US and it’s Allies if the MAGGOT idiots in political office withhold further support to Ukraine and allow the Orange Idiot’s buddies Putin, Un and Xi to win in their war against Ukraine and NATO. Oh and BTW Putin is receiving substantial support in the form of drones, rifles, missiles, mines and more from Iran so the actions of the GOP MAGGOTS to withhold aid to Ukraine is allowing Iran and N Korea to make money of their arms sales which they will ultimately use to kill our troops and those of our Allie’s so blood is on their hands as the great “somehow Silver Star recipient” JAG Lawyer Lindsey Graham recently stated to Social Media CEO’s in the very SHAM no action taken against anyone for their company’s liabilities in the deaths of thousands of US citizens Congressional non-reality show.
The US is incapable of successfully thwarting the long term goals of Iran, Russia, China, N Korea and others in destroying the United States and all Democracies if we have idiots in office who would rather provide aid and comfort to our enemies because the Orange Idiot has told them to do so in order that he be able to ascend his throne next year. The perfect Manchurian Candidate, Putin’s wet dream come true!
No war truly ends. Instead hatred and revenge simmer just below the surface for years, decades even centuries until the fury becomes action and vengeance is enacted.
A very powerful article. Thank you for writing it. I agree 100%!
Funny between 2016 and 2020 there were no wars, and our energy independence killed Russia’s ability to wage war as their primary source of revenue is oil and natural gas. These wars, including Iran’s flexing of muscle – none of this happens without the money to make it happen.
The US has funded the PLO, released funds to Iran and has caused energy prices to soar because of one reason, the puppet in the white house has crippled our energy resources, and the bad guys are swimming in cash. This isn’t complicated. This is just simple economics 101. But you have to have an economic leader – and you will never have that by electing people who have spent their entire lives in government taking money from productive people and turning into ideological wonderment – designed in this case to take our country down.
Want to stop the madness? Wipe out Iran’s oil refineries, transfer ports, their navy – all of it, their factories making drones and other munitions, and destroy their nuclear program. You won’t hear anything from the surrogates or even the other big boys, because these people only understand one thing, strength.
Every time we learn that, the pacifists rise and you have to start all over.
Right. But take it one step further. Not just take out their oil fields and weapons, take out the leadership as well. Let them know nowhere is safe for people who kill Americans.
I think the author is totally wrong on Iran wanting a full-scale war. They have seen the military might of the U.S. expressed through Israel and the utter destruction of Palestine by the proxy.
They don’t need the destruction coming to their doorstep.
Iran got surface-to-air missiles. Tanks. Rockets and bombs, so many that they are selling arms to Russia in its war against Ukraine. But they will be no match for the weapons of Israel, the U.S. and NATO if they get sucked in. The real war in the U.S. is the culture war being waged right now between believers in America and those who have given up hope and no longer do.
The anger, the hatred for each other is reaching saturation. A flashpoint is coming. Perhaps even a civil war. Fueled by pundits, the division is palpable. The wars in the mid-East are not what will lead us to our end. The division in the heart of America, will.
I think you all overestimate American military capabilities and underestimate the capabilities of Iran which has an extremely large military and people willing to fight for it! Attacking Iran can NOT be done with the ease of the 90-91 Gulf War. It would be more akin to attacking Germany or Japan during WWII. And they also have “yuge” proxy armies around the globe including the Balkans and Africa where our troops have been deployed since the 90’s fighting the ongoing war on terror that did NOT end in 2016 when the Orange idiot sent SEAL Team VI into Yemen and got them ambushed and a school full of children killed. Which was shortly prior to his disclosure of SEAL Team III’s exact forward deployed location to the entire world. But at least “Melanie” got to meet a couple of real men on their one and only visit to our deployed troops.
I love how people think war is like the wars in movies where the US kicks ass, suffers zero casualties and kill no innocent civilians. Never happened and Never will!
I was very happy to see your comments because I hear very few who seem to get what’s going on. Even those who follow events in the Middle East – a shockingly tiny minority apparently – don’t seem to get the bigger picture. What Iran is trying to do is a larger scale version of what Hamas did on October 7, 2023 – an attack (brilliantly executed) that provokes an irrational over-response from their enemies, and then fall back to pre-defined defensive positions; lure IDF forces – mostly reservists who have not been in the active IDF for awhile – into bombed out rubble cities that sit over a massive multi-layered system of tunnels, the likes of which no one had even conceived of, and those tunnels in Gaza are really all anyone needs to see to know the true threat of a direct war with Iran. Anyone who doubts that Iran has been silently re-arming to a level and in a way we can’t even fathom need only look at those tunnels. The IDF is now saying that their initial estimate of 200-250 miles of tunnels was wrong, that’s it’s more like 450 miles, and Gaza is 140 square miles. These tunnels have power, running water, full bathrooms, kitchens, and surgical theaters, and were funded and designed mostly by Iran, and right under the Israelis noses (you would have thought they had heard of seismic sensors, but apparently not).
America fights under the presumption that money is not a factor, our paradigm is THE paradigm, and our superiority in force projection is a given from the outset, whereas the Iranians, Hamas, the Houthis, etc. know how to use what they have access to, and to brilliant tactical affect (ie – using para-gliders because they are too slow to trigger the automated missile defense systems on the security fence, which compensate for flocks of birds). But hey, they’re just Iran, right? You know, Soviet era T-76 tanks, old RPGs, Eastern European clone AK47s, old fighters falling apart, etc. Apparently not. We’ve wasted thousands of artillery rounds and expensive missiles – with no surge capacity – in a war in Ukraine no one on the street in the US cares – or even knows – about, that has nothing to do with defending the US, just projecting neo-con elitist power, and with Putin we obviously played chicken with the wrong guy (ex-KGB, go figure). If human rights was an issue for the US to go to war we’d be at war with most of the planet all of the time. The simple moral fact is that we have no business in either region. If the Gulf states can’t handle the middle eastern part of this, having the money to easily hire a collective mercenary army (since, obviously, they are incapable of defending themselves) then that’s on them. The US has plenty of oil in the ground and needs to make use of it. As for Ukraine, their “government” – a US proxy installed by an illegal coup in 2014 – is perhaps the most corrupt organization on the planet, a pile of scum who have sacrificed millions of innocent Ukrainians for their own selfish gain, and when the country is reduced completely to rubble they’ll simply get on private jets with their stolen billions and escape to some wealthy NATO sanctuary.
I’m not anti-Israeli or anti-Ukrainian. I’ve literally never met an Israeli I didn’t like and wasn’t impressed with, and the few Ukrainians I’ve met the same, but Netanyahu and Zalensky are criminals trying to cover their own sins with piles of dead innocent women and children. Add to this an open border (which no country on the planet with any means allows), where cartel soldiers, ISIS and Hezbollah fighters, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and God only knows what the f**k else, can just walk on across, and it’s hard to see anything but catastrophe on the horizon. Oh I know, I know criticizing migration is “racist” or whatever, but race isn’t the issue. As a person who has worked in the restaurant industry many years I’m actually a lot more fond of the Mexican and South Americans I’ve worked with than the average (oh so average) Sedona anglo. I could care less if America becomes brown. Given the idiocy of the rich kid white-led and dominated woke nonsense destroying our society I would welcome the change, because POC seem to have little use for it. I hope I’m wrong, I pray I’m a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but I’m pretty sure I’m not, and I have a bad feeling we’re on the verge of not only external military defeat, but also in-country terrorism and sabotage the likes of which will make 9/11 a test run by comparison.
I was with you until you stated “ Netanyahu and Zalensky are criminals trying to cover their own sins with piles of dead innocent women and children.” How is Zelenskyy a criminal for defending his tiny country from the entire Russian Military? I realize the Ukrainian military likely has committed some atrocities on a very very small scale which pales in comparison to the numerous documented crimes against Ukrainian civilians and soldiers. Please post some reputable links such as Reuters, AP news or other reputable news source not some pseudo news source like Faux News or Oblivious American News which have stated in court that they are NOT news agencies but rather news parodies. Thanks
Thank you for your response. My assertion of Zalensky as “criminal” was needlessly dramatic (my overall tone in the third paragraph was a little arrogant, which I accept upon rereading it), even a little hyperbolic, and my opinion, so fair enough on that, but the man keeps “cleaning house” of people caught in corruption that directly work for him – even Reuters and the OCCRP accept this (first three links). If those under him are knee deep in corruption that he won’t take responsibility for then how can he act the hero for the actions of soldiers – conscripted with no choice – under him? NATO and the neocons in the US seem to be the only ones to whom any of this matters, so if he cared about his country and people so much he would have told the Congress and NATO to either send real boots on the ground or STFU and watch me surrender. He didn’t – he said trust me with more money and send me artillery shells and anti-tank missiles to the point that the US is low on them (last link), and just trust him.
I was 20 when the first Gulf War happened. The US had zero qualms sending soldiers when it was oil and an easily defeated enemy, and then repeat it in 2003 even though – again – the world was against it and there were no signs of WMDs or Saddam Hussein being involved in 9/11 (I supported it at the time, regrettably). Defending Ukraine is either in the national security interests of the US and the survival of NATO or not. For all the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians and the literal destruction of the country as a nation state that is, apparently, not the case. My view is that Ukraine was an expendable little Eastern European country whose value was in it’s destruction as a proxy to delay and diminish Putin and test weapons systems in a foreign field – a “dry run” paid for with innocent lives – something the US is – interestingly enough – quick to demonize Iran for. At least Iran’s proxies are in the area they live in, where the influence and outcome directly affect them. If you want to see Zalensky as a hero that’s your choice, and there is no shortage of “news” to support it. Unfortunately we can’t really ask what the Ukrainians think, because too many of them are dead to get a realistic number to poll.,to%20respond%20to%20his%20doubters.,%22undesirable%20organization%22%20in%20Russia.
Never said nor thought of Zelenskyy as a hero. He also may be surrounded by corruption but tell me a government that isn’t full of corruption and corrupt individuals including our own. Perhaps those behind the corruption are privately supporting Putin? We’re talk about a former Warsaw Pact country where neighbor was obligated to snitch on neighbor, husband on wife etc. A young nation that only 30 some years ago was fully under Russian control. Italy is full of corruption but we aren’t about to let Putin claim it as his although if Ukraine falls that may be exactly what happens. Besides, Zelenskyy is rooting out corruption where he can, he’s firing, jailing and exposing those discovered he’s not condoning nor coddling those who are caught.
Thanks for posting reputable links to support your claim of corruption in Ukraine but it fails to indicate that Zelenskyy himself has any involvement in it whatsoever.
If you think Ukraine is an expendable tiny country that doesn’t matter in the scheme of things then surely you think the same of Taiwan, Israel and every other small independent country.
disregard my previous comment. Look I was 26 when I was in Desert Storm 4 years after my unit’s deployment on Operation Provide Comfort to “safeguard” the Kurds only to have to sit and watch then withdrawal after Saddam DID use Nerve Agent in the form of Sarin Gas upon unarmed Kurdish men, women and children of all ages. There was also Sarin/VX gas being stored in bunkers in the Iraqi KHAMISIYAH AMMUNITION STORAGE POINT. The chemical munitions in both instances were provided to the Iraqi Regime during their Sep 22, 1980 – Aug 20, 1988 Iran vs. Iraq War during which the Ronnie Raygun Administration via the CIA run by then CIA Director and later GOP President George H W Bush who secretly armed both sides with WMD’s and anything else they requested to kill one another’s conscripts and civilian populations so long as one side did not ultimately defeat the other. This is why Junior W and his corrupt administration told the American people that Saddam had “stockpiles of WMD’s” in the aftermath of 9/11. They knew that as a truth because they knew W’s daddy, DICK Cheney, fake wannabe Navy SEAL the Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Lee Armitage were the ones that provided those WMD’s to Saddam.
The very same administration and players also illegally and clandestinely armed Osama Bin Laden and his Taliban/Mujahideen compatriots with massive quantities of US military weapons and equipment (to include the Stinger weapons systems that took down numerous US Military aircraft during our 20+ year well intentioned but senseless occupation of Afghanistan)which they used against Soviet Forces invading and attempting to occupy them during the Dec 24, 1979 – Feb 15, 1989 Soviet attempt to invade the country to ultimately mine it for precious metals and gems to steal from the Afghans.
I was in high school during the Iranian Hostage Crisis and USMC barracks bombing in Beirut but had just turned 20 and had been in service 2 years at the time when we bombed Tripoli Libya. It was the first time I was given an official war briefing and though we ended up only flying over the Mediterranean for about an hour en route to provide security for an extraction of down pilots prior to returning to our home base where we stood down and were debriefed on the confirmation that the downed aviators were KIA.
There was also Iran Contra under the same GOP leadership where the CIA stole US Military weapons and equipment from our storage facilities in Europe to give and sell to Iran in exchange for the release of our hostages after but not prior to Reagan’s inauguration, a deal kinda like the Orange idiot made with his MAGA stooges to block any action on the border crisis until after he imagines to be anointed Fueror of the Forced Reich under Putin!
Is Zelenskyy killing Russians and Ukrainians both military and civilian? Yes and yes! Yes he is attacking Russian high value targets that sometimes results in Russian civilians being killed. But I challenge you to show me that being done to Russian civilians on the same scale as it is done to Ukrainian civilians by Russian Forces or on a scale anywhere near that of Palestinian civilian casualties resulting from Israeli military actions in Gaza.
I was also in Rwanda, Somalia and Bosnia Herzegovina. Ethnic wars to land grab resulting in horrendous large scale ethnic cleansing brutal war crimes just as Russia’s “Secret Military Action” in Ukraine has caused Ukraine and it’s currently occupied territories and civilians on both sides.
Zelenskyy to me has shown national leadership by standing up to Russia while standing up for his people and any possible future they might have should they survive being betrayed by the US and much of NATO when it comes to what was promised to his country by ours. He has requested to have Ukraine inducted into NATO because it is a war of urgent dire concern to many of Ukraine’s neighboring NATO pact countries who have been occupied by Russia and it’s enormous corruption and criminality for decades and understand good and well what will happen should Ukraine fall to Russia and it is the stuff of a nightmare just like the stuff that happened when Russia’s Balkan Brothers the Serbs went ape shit in the Balkans another conflict that never truly ended and Putin has been kicking in order to get the Serb hornets swarming their Bosniak Albanian neighbors.
There is NO such thing as a fair, ethical, legal war or conflict as some like to call war that is limited in scope and duration.
War is the way world powers exert themselves over others while lining the pockets of those with stakes in the Military Industrial Complex and the sickening amount of money to be made off of killing other humans.
I was raised by a family and community who told us youngin’s that we were not adults until we turned 18 or joined the military. I grew up going to VFW posts and VA hospitals with combat veteran family members who served our country not by fighting their fellow citizens but rather fought against communism, illegal incursions, land grabs, injustices, terrorism and atrocities. I joined the military at age 18 as did a very small number of my school friends. I was far from an adult and likely still am.
During my service I witnessed the military rapidly evolving into a high tech computer dependent entity that continues to technologically evolve each and every single day. When I went in we still had WWII-Vietnam era uniforms, footwear, weapons and equipment. Today those items are being used in Israel and Ukraine, they are still lethal just impractical in the age of robotics dogs with anti tank weapons and electrostatic fired Vulcan machine guns mounted on their backs, drone aircraft and ships with lasers, dumb and smart bombs being used to take out Naval Destroyers, Armored Vehicles and troops in trenches.
UAV’s we’re just hitting the military as I was in my final year of my service and they were searching for volunteers to train to fly them, our radios went from ground to satellite and became heavily digitally encrypted vs old school manual encryption and verification (usually done from a code book). The battlefield and military rapidly began to evolve for the US during Operations Desert Shield/Storm when GPS guided munitions and navigation systems were introduced. Today there are anti GPS systems made to knock out or deceptively alter GPS reception being used my most militaries worldwide.
During my time on the battlefield my concerns and fears were land mines, snipers, mortar and artillery fire, chemical attacks, air strikes and tanks. Today it is still all of those things combined with cyber attacks upon weapons and equipment troops depend upon offensively and defensively, drone aircraft from miniature to full scale aircraft spying on and attacking troops directly. Facial recognition is also being used on the battlefield to identify enemy leadership, war criminals and insurgents so the repercussions of war will persist indefinitely as offenders are pursued online years after their crimes. Facial recognition combined with GPS tracking and photographic location identifiers/terrain associations will provide damning irrefutable evidence in claims against offenders before the International War Crimes Tribunal. Unfortunately the US and many of it’s allies feel the need to be immune from prosecution of the very Laws of Land Warfare and the Geneva Conventions we hope will protect us from becoming victims of war crimes such as the torture our troops as POW’s since WWII especially the horrendous physical and psychological torture our Vietnam Veterans like the late John McCain faced at the hands of his Vietnamese/Chinese/Russian and Cuban captors. Today we praise an 8 deferment privileged draft dodging commie loving Insurrectionist and have scorn and disdain for McCain, Mathis, Kelly, Milley and McRaven all of whom faithfully and valiantly served our nation. The only thing the Orange Idiot has ever served is buckets of fast food and himself.
I can’t compete with your experience, and am not going to waste your time with a response based on quick research to save face, or ignore your response when you took the time to make it to such depth. I’m out of my league in this exchange, so no contest, and thank you for taking the time to lay out your position. Some of what you said I knew, a lot I did not, and should have researched a lot more, something I have – ironically – accused others of doing in the past. I will reconsider many things moving forward, for real, so thank you for that. I’m younger than you but remember the Iran hostage situation well, and Kronkite’s nightly broadcast with the number of days they had been held.
I never meant to imply I thought war can be fought with no civilian loss, Ukrainian or Russian, or that my opinion is that small countries are expendable, but that Ukraine is being treated that way by those supporting it. BTW I would never reference FOX as a news source.
BTW if you would. What is your opinion of Colonel MacGregor?
Douglas MacGregor
Hey no problem on anything you’ve written. I’m certain the average American doesn’t know where our troops are located overseas on a given day nor what they are our are not doing. I just happen to have been in and observed those things firsthand.
Not familiar with MacGregor. He was an Armored Commander and I never worked with or for him. My Unit was an Airborne Infantry Regimental Combat Team. I have worked with Armored Units such as 3/5 Cavalry when I was in Bosnia. But so far as my beat up memory can recall I’ve never met him.