By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, AZ — Republicans have all but sealed their fate this coming mid-term election. The termination of Roe vs.Wade, and their outrage that Biden forgave a portion of student loans, ensure that Democrats, Liberals, many Republicans and even some Conservatives will vote against Republican contenders.
The majority of women across the political spectrum are undeniably pissed that their right to their own bodies has been usurped by the whim of the Republican majority on the Supreme Court.
Couple that with the Draconian anti-abortion measures being promulgated in many red states, one can assume that the projected red wave for the midterm elections has now dwindled to a pink puddle.
Fox News is not making the situation any better for Republicans by vilifying those who would benefit from the student loan forgiveness.
Consider how many of those yoked by student loans are also Republicans and Independents. They will make their displeasure known at the polls.
The Democrats have had a taste of Republican blood with Republicans losing seats across the country to Democrats who are holding the right to an abortion banner high. You can bet they will amplify their efforts to paint Republicans who remain anti-abortion into a corner.
As Republicans through their Fox News pundits scream that the student loan forgiveness is unfair to those who went ahead and paid their loans off, the more likely those benefitting from the relief will vote against them.
And it’s not just the students who took out the loans but their parents and families that have had the burden somewhat lifted, who will revenge vote against Republican candidates.

Democrats will attack the Republicans for their elimination of women’s right to their own bodies and point out how mean they are to go against student-loan forgiveness. Got to admit, Biden’s handlers hit this one out of the park. Like a demonic pit pull, Democrats will clamp down on the anti-abortion cadre and slather the media with criticisms from now until Election Day.
The Republican hierarchy needs to muzzle Fox News and convince them to stop disparaging those benefitting from the student loan forgiveness.
The Republican dominated Supreme Court should have waited until after the midterm elections to eliminate Roe v. Wade.
Making that ruling when they did, was a big mistake. It’s an error that could prove fatal to Republican hopes of ever regaining control of Congress.
Losing the right to their own bodies has galvanized women across the country. One can bet the outcry will only get louder.
Truth — not sure anything can mitigate the damage to the Republicans that the extinction of Roe vs. Wade has caused.
Women have a choice to use birth control. And they have a choice to copulate or not. After becoming pregnant, the choice belongs to the woman, her partner, and her offspring. Roe vs wade issue just moved federal control to state control. Murder is murder.
Women have the right to control their own bodies. A live baby inside a woman is not a piece of skin like a wart. It is a live unborn human. The don’t have the right to kill their children, born or unborn.
Why is it if someone kills a pregnant woman they are charged with two murders?
Women don’t have the right to kill someone else.
That’s your view and you are entitled to it: however, you have no right to classify a portion of our population for “special” treatment. This country was founded on separation of church and state. This is not an abortion issue, it is a civil rights issue. No one has the right to demand the servitude of another.
@jon jones
“No one has the right to demand the servitude of another.”
Tell that to all the wives collecting alimony.
Well Jack just so you understand (and many others) marriage is a contract between 2 people so your alimony comment is extremely wrong and outdated…Its called maintenance now and has been called that for 20 years! No different than the car loan you havent paid off….You signed a contract, just like marrage!
For the other commenters who do dont use the correct words such “babies”….They are not babies till born….You dont remember being congratulated? “I hear your going to have a baby, congratulations!” (future tense)You must give birth before it becomes a baby! The correct terms for a pregnant woman and what is in side her is fetus or zygote! You cant get a Social Security number for a child till its born. You dont write off a dependent till its born.
And on the same subject I dont want your religion to tell me what to do, PERIOD!…..Its not in your silly make believe book that you read and worship! I have nothing wrong with any religion, but dont you damn well try and make laws I have to follow! This country was founded on the right to every ones own religion or none at all!
Tommy: This is the most hateful post I have ever read on Sedona Biz, I am surprised it was published. By the way the forgiveness of $10K to $20K for student loans does not apply to those attending vocation schools and we need plumbers, electricians etc. Now we will be paying off loans for those who took :dancing:, :feminism: and other useless classes plus 300 White House workers qualify. Those who could not afford college and went to work even working two jobs to get ahead and many of them are in very responsible jobs will now have to pay off the debts of many who screw up in college, drunk, drop out after two years etc. Many worked two jobs to get through college like my late husband, constantly worked and if he were alive now he would say “They screwed me”. This is the most outrageous decision a politician has made and your hateful editorial shocked me.
@ Joan,
From your comments your totally out of touch….You should talk to your grand children to get out of your bubble….I paid $250,000 to put my daughter through 4 year collage(7 years ago)….Her debt was $67,000 before she just finished her masters degree….That masters degree added another $35,000 to her grand total….Oh yea, and her raise for getting her masters was $4,500 a year……So you can see anyone who has been out of collage the last 20 years costs has been through the roof!
But Im sure you had n problem spending 7 trillion on 2 wars…Oil subsidies over 800 billion a year….Do you know milk is heavily subsidized? Your gallon should cost between $7 to $8 a gallon..
You really need to find a better way of entertaining yourself and not following right wing hate radio and TV!
@Joan to Joan,
$250k for 4 years of college? $67k at the end of 4 years, and $35k for a Master’s? It appears you might want to attend a math class. Your numbers don’t add up.
How are we supposed to feel bad for you and your daughter’s poor planning? If you thought $250k was too much to spend, you should’ve sent your daughter to community college for the first 2 years while she lived at home. If she’s so brilliant that nothing less than a 4 year university could have helped her achieve her dreams, then why no scholarships?
And why not work? Every university has a plethora of part time jobs. Personally, I worked 2 part time jobs, simultaneously all 4 years and combined with my scholarships and loans (which I paid back with a lot of hard work), I’m not standing around waiting for a pretend president to print money so he can buy my vote!
And since your daughter failed to do a cost benefit analysis on the Master’s before getting student loans, I have absolutely no sympathy for either of you and she is exactly the kind of student everyone is pissed off about.
An interesting post, Tommy – if you show your cards like this while playing Poker, I’ll join that table every time 😉
I think what you miss is that the vocabulary of the propaganda obscures the truth. Forgiving student debt is a blatant political stunt to buy votes using taxpayer money. The people pulling this stunt are incapable of taking any personal responsibility, so they don’t expect anyone else to either. The sense of personal worth after paying off a an incurred debt is very satisfying. The sense of victimhood from someone else paying said debt keeps people small. And I believe this is an intentional act by the stunt pullers. As for abortion, the killing of innocent unborn life has been a slow burn for a lot of people. That there is a segment of people who whine about their ability to murder being taken away says far more about those people than the it does about the Supreme Court’s decision. Apparently people have lost sight of the difference in responsibilities between the state and federal levels. Abortion is a state level issue and never should have been federal to begin with. Abortion is not a “right” any more than any other form of murder is. People are outraged by school shootings that accomplish the same result as abortion, so the hypocrisy is obviously political. No one argues that a woman has a right over her own body, every human has this God-given “right.” But a baby is not “her” body, it is a separate human life IN her body. So as much as you want to swim in the vocabulary of the propaganda, it is still propaganda, pure and simple.
@ Jack and others
So if someone steals my car, and uses it, I should pay the maintenance? If my wife chooses to run off and shack up with someone else, and be used by that person, I should pay the maintenance ? Should I put gas in the stolen car also?
Liberal logic, a true oxymoron.
And something I have learned long ago, you can never, NEVER reason with a liberal.
Go get your booster. The first three jabs didn’t work. I’m sure the next ones will !
Follow the science!
You know what the say, it’s not over until the blue haired fat lady sings !
Joan from Joan to Joan: Your reply to me is pure gobbeldy gook – makes no sense whatsoever when you know nothing about me and is simply full of radical left wing hatefulness. No wonder our country is in chaos and about to go over the cliff.
Joan Shannon
@ Joan, your writing speaks volumes! We do know a lot about you now. You just reinforced it for all to see! lol
I worked hard to get a scholarship, but I still had to pay rent, books, and other living expenses, so I worked my way through college. A student loan paid for my master’s degree and also covered living expenses, so for 20 years I made payments until it was paid off. I never expected anyone to pay for my decision to further my education. So what has changed?
The availability of Student Loans has caused the price of higher education to explode. Not only that, but only the most Marist liberal professors are running the universities which wouldn’t be so bad if students would use critical thinking. But they totally buy into the fantasies of Communism, Socialism and taught that it’s OK to kill your baby.
Just wait until those who are getting money for student loan debt get their W-2 to pay taxes on their new found income. How’s those 87,000 armed, locked and loaded IRS agents working out for you?
Oh, and don’t forget that Biden just gave the Ukraine ANOTHER $11.7 BILLION in “emergency aid.” But for Americans – including veterans – no baby formula (incentive to abort if there’s no food for baby? maybe), no health care (unless you get that jab), no meat (but you’ll get parasite-infected insects!), no education (students lost out last two years causing a decline in language and math scores, Zoom eduction means they can open another tab and play Fortnite Battle Royale), higher prices for gas, food, and rent (but if you’re a brown person you can get a mortgage with no down payment and no closing costs). Our world is seriously breaking and Joe Biden did it.
Hahaha! Your post is delusional!
Conservatives/Republicans support the overturn of Roe V Wade.
And they are against student loan forgiveness.
Sadly, Biden was trying to buy votes, but people will most likely take the money and vote the way they intended all along.
The Republican Party has effectively ousted the Democrats in nearly every primary and the same will hold true in the general. AZ specifically did not turn blue at the last election, and all will be made right after November. Unless of course, it’s stolen again, but those criminals should be very careful. We won’t let them get away with it a second time.
For the sane and normal people and voters, dont listen to the screeching out of touch. So uninformed and focused on what the man on the tv says to repeat!
What products does the US government subsidize?
The U.S. government grants subsidies to many industries including oil, agriculture, housing, farm exports, automobiles, and health care. Some economists are opposed to government subsidies, believing they end up doing more harm than good in the long run.( bet you hated the GI bill also, or did you just forget?)
Lets just dabble in a few things that Corporate America gets, you know out of sight ought of mind!
Subsidies by fields Amount subsidized # of subsidies
1 utilities and power generation $47,760,535,644 3,710
2 aerospace and military contracting $28,247,275,722 8,007
3 motor vehicles $27,982,852,264 3,038
4 electrical and electronic equipment $18,250,524,772 2,901
5 diversified $17,639,937,490 8,639
6 oil and gas $12,614,554,370 2,459
7 financial services $11,958,122,552 13,723
8 chemicals $9,798,661,955 4,920
9 metals $7,981,639,538 1,526
10 retailing $7,946,948,433 7,667
11 healthcare services $6,971,426,810 1,966
12 information technology $6,723,278,523 2,505
13 automotive parts $6,359,906,426 3,048
14 real estate $5,485,386,346 567
This list is longer. Would you like to see more giveaways? Or would you rather stand on your soapbox looking like a fool?
I dont know? Education is a good thing, you shouldnt be broke by learning. But then again why would anyone want our children to be educated when you are old and sick and they are in power?
So, why are student loans through the roof and college costs off the charts. Didn’t see that anywhere. The root cause was never mentioned. In previous comments.
Government interfering with education. Don’t recall seeing that in the constitution. Did I miss it?
Let’s look at what government and colleges don’t want you to see…reality. Let’s go back to 1978. Baseline 0, zero.
Let’s look at the consumer price increase for categories we are familiar with, thru 2020 according to Bloomberg.
Food +257%
Consume Price Index +259%
Shelter +370%
Medical +634%
Tuition and fees +1225% (not a typo)
Ivy League universities with Billions of dollars in endowments. More that some COUNTRIES.
When you can charge what you want, knowing the GOVERNMENT is going to fund it, why wouldn’t you? And they do. Higher Education competition? Not a chance.
Then the kids get a sheep skin that may or may not be close to offsetting the debt based on the career path chosen.
Maybe the college does some actuarial consulting with the students. Maybe not. What are your financial opportunities for the path you’ve chosen. I’m guessing that conversation doesn’t happen often.
So you have trillions in debt, which is a legitimate contract and expect those that paid for college, either saving or working while at college, and those who entered the trades to bail you out. Really? That greedy? Or just vote buying. Lots of that.
Some want free schooling through trade school or 4 years of college. Countries that offer that, like Switzerland, control the tuition and costs. You want a special education past that? Get your checkbook out.
Our education system is seriously broken. And the Department of Education that Carter started….needs to evaporate.
And government funding of these loans needs to STOP. Kids need to find their own loans, and have the analytical help so they understand the cost benefit of their carrerr path.
I have 2 kids with Masters degrees, 1 PHD, 1 retired and one in the trades. So, speaking from experience.
Until restructuring happens, forget any common sense in “higher education” where borrowed money is involved.