By Carson Ralston
Library Specialist-Adult Programs
Camp Verde AZ (August 7, 2019) – Join us in the Terracotta Room at 9:15 am on Tuesday, August 13th for the first in a series of four publishing and book selling classes taught by professional writers and sponsored by the Glorybound Christian Writer’s Association.
The Family History Book (2 sessions) Aug13 and Aug 20 9:15AM-11:00 in the Terracotta Room.
Class taught by Sheri Hauser assisted by published authors of family history books locally. Tips for making a successful family history book. Are you wondering how to gather data and sort through to end up with a publishable book? Answers questions on figuring out your genealogy and history of family names as well as who owns the copyright to what. Which pictures are OK to use in your book. Taught by professional writers experienced in compiling family history books and sponsored by Glorybound Christian Writer’s Assn.
Put a book on Seller Central (Amazon) August 27th 9:15AM-11:00 in the Terracotta Room.
During the class we will review options given on Seller Central with Amazon and register to sell a book. If you have a stack of books you would like to sell; or if you would like to re-sell a book, this is a great class for you. Bring your laptop and join in. Class is sponsored by Glorybound Christian Writer’s Assn.
Put a book on Amazon KDP (Create Space) September 3rd 9:15AM-11:00 in Founder’s Room.
During the class we will review the options given on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and Graphic Artist and Publisher, Sheri Hauser, will upload a book to Amazon in real time bringing it from publishing software into the required specifications for selling a book in the United States and Internationally. Class is sponsored by Glorybound Christian Writer’s Assn.
Camp Verde Community Library is located just off of Montezuma Castle Highway at 130 Black Bridge Road, Camp Verde AZ. For more information about this or any other library program visit the library’s website at or call 554-8380 during library open hours Mon-Thu 9am-8pm, Fri-Sat 9am-5pm.