By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, AZ — Mike Pence has sealed his fate. He touched the third rail of politics, electrocuting himself with his call to ban abortions nationwide.
How could he be so dumb not to realize that with that campaign promise, he made the political mistake of his life?
He has become un-electable. I mean, didn’t the anti-abortion Republican honchos get the message when they failed to make the political gains they thought they would make last general election?
This issue is pregnant with pitfalls for every Republican candidate.
Thou shalt not mess with woman’s rights. It’s her body, for heaven’s sake! Men have no right to tell them what they can or can’t do with their bodies or otherwise.
The fact is, male dominators are leading the charge to put an end to abortions.
Yes, one can look at a late-term abortion and see it as the taking of a human life, especially for those that believe life begins at conception rather than the moment the fetus leaves their mother and takes its first breath of air.
It’s a terrible thought to contemplate.
Yet, it remains the woman’s right to terminate when circumstances are so brutal they could not handle the birth, especially if the conception occurred because of rape or incest. Or the birth itself could end her own life.
Pence is done. Wiser minds in his party will not let him get to even first base.
And while we are at it, let’s look at DeSantis and his stance. He too is hard against abortions and unless he softens his tone, he will lose in a presidential contest and probably in his primary as well, especially if Trump can stay out of jail.
Liberal, Moderate, Independent, Republican and even Conservative woman have abortions and would not be happy if a bunch of men took that choice from them, no matter their political affiliation. They would make their displeasure known at the polls. Republican candidates would be smeared if they fail to defend a woman’s ability to make a choice or go full throttle against abortions, as dense Pence has. Think, Catch-22.
Trump sees it. He is playing coy and would probably just go limp and say the Feds should not be in the business of banning or allowing abortions, and that it is the perview of the state to ban or not to ban.
At least that would give women the option to travel or move to another state that’s less stringent on the issue.
Many of those in favor of banning abortions say they are driven, compelled by duty and desire, to save the lives of the unborn.
They call it murder. And that is their right.
But is there something more sinister behind the impetus to ban?
Editor’s Note: Uh oh. Looks like Tommy is about to go off the deep end again.
But wait!
The following is not so farfetched, considering how deep I’ve plumbed in rantings gone before.
Perhaps there are people in the ruling echelons of our country who, with alarm, are viewing the rapidly declining birth rates as a very bad sign for America’s future.
After all, they need worker bees to keep their factories humming smoothly and the profits coming in. They need soldiers to fight their profit-motivated wars. They need their techno-serfs and uniformed servants to maintain the lifestyles they have enjoyed through eons, ever since the dawn of conscious time.
Sure, we are getting Spanish-speaking brown bodies pouring in through our southern borders, but our masters especially want American born children, White and Black, to keep the world they control spinning to their advantage. Naturally, they want abortions banned, not because of love of life but rather the love of their own.
Sigh… But back to Pence and his stupid declaration that if he were to be elected president, he would ban abortions, nationwide.
Man, if I were one of the Republicans that control the party from behind the scenes, I would shut Pence up as quickly as possible before he ruins the next election.
Someone has to have a little talk with him. Make him see the light. You can’t mess with abortions. To keep trying to shove the bans down the throats of modern women is idiocy.
Again, we can respect the ideals of Christian women who wish to fight for the lives of the unborn, but they should also realize that they are pitting themselves against fellow woman who believe in having a choice.
Men? Men should stay the hell out of this and stop making decisions that exclusively target women and their right to choose, a right they once had but was taken from them by Republican people born with no uterus.
It will be interesting to see, as the Republican field of candidate solidifies, who will openly call for an end to abortion and who will not.
This is one big can of worms bulging to be opened.
Dont be shocked, or surprised.. This is a party with no platform except hate and ignorance. Who havent they attacked? They want to use religion to govern and worse, to pass law.
Their is nothing in the bible about abortion, but hey, isnt that what good Christians like Trump do, just lie?
This is the GOP, no platform (2023) too worried about taking other’s freedoms.
Time for the GOP to dissolve, and come back when they are interested in governing for the rest of the 99%, not the rich and corporations!
it’s all a long con perpetrated by the GOP to take over our government and make it their own rather than one “of the people “ “by the people “ and “for the people”!
They want to distract you from what they are actually doing by saying “watch our right hands” while their left hands are doing the exact opposite of what they claim to be doing.
Trump learned from master con artist Billy Graham how to use religion as a crux to rake in money and to oppress those who are not like minded.
Trump and DeSantis basically shown the minions of the GOP that they can basically do whatever the hell they want even go so far as declaring Fatawa’s against their opponents and install Sharia law over those they disagree with ideologically.
Why are they doing this? Because they are scared angry little rats who since Tricky DICK have been hell bent on establishing the very type of radical fanatical government we have sent US Forces to destroy in recent years in places like Panama, Bosnia, Somalia, Libya and most recently Ukraine.
They love and support Putin, Kim Jung Un and Assad! Trump even let Turkey basically annihilate the Kurds who have been long standing faithful allies for decades and without them ISIS would NOT have been bloodied. They were in NO WAY defeated or destroyed as Major Bone Spurs claims. They are very active in many African countries, Bosnia, Syria and likely even Ukraine.
What truly sickens me is seeing WWII, Korean War and Vietnam Veterans stand with the GOP MAGA nut jobs in their support of Putin. To me it just shows those veterans were REMF’s and never engaged in actually combatting Communism and Fascism. Anyone who has been in combat has seen people of all walks killed in the defense of our country and have seen them engage in heroic actions and lifesaving of others regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation.
The GOP claims to be the patty of law and order, supporters of the military and our veterans. But what they don’t tell you is that only applies to those who are like minded and share the same skin tone!
Trump being indicted for what really is the umpteenth time between he and his daddy trying to run blacks out of their buildings, Trump University, Two impeachments (regardless of the fact that the GOP refused to apply the rule of law and go with the impeachments just to keep their Furher out of jail like they are trying to do now).
Yep the likes of Stephan Bannon and Stephan Miller have been plotting and planning the demise of democracy for many many years now. Bannon and Trump outright told the American that Bannon would be working on things “behind the scenes” after he left the position he should have never had in the WH. He travelled all over the world talking to leaders of Facist groups and parties in Italy, France, Germany, the UK and even Israel in order to sew kaos and confusion on a global scale and to prep the establishment of a Fourth Reich under Trump. What none of them realizes is that despite doing Putin’s bidding and attempting to destroy democracy is that Putin is hoping that the US and NATO self implode so he can just waltz in and takeover without a shot fired until he started mass executions of those he feels are a threat to him including Trump and his idiot minions.
Last thing, I find it incredibly incredibly interesting that both DeSantis and Graham who were both non combatant REMF JAG Lawyers both have Silver Star Medals which are typically only given to soldiers who perform multiple heroic lifesaving acts in battle during a declared conflict. If you Google info on these individuals and their silver star medals the information is extremely sketchy especially Lindsay Graham’s story which basically states that he finagled his way over to Afghanistan in his capacity as a Senator and then somehow stayed in country on Active Duty to evaluate the legalities of our military’s actions there and the handling of POW’s and their interrogations. Hardly merits an AAM let alone a Silver Star. And DeSantis was assigned to a SEAL unit as their legal advisor and not the bad ass war fighting SEAL he wants people to think he was but definitely was NOT!
It’s all a scam, a sham and a disgrace to our nation and our bare existent rule of law. The only thing the Trumpies truly want is to make America Rascist and Oppressive Again Again! And oh yeah they want to line their pockets as they do so without having to work for it!
Shira law, Fatwas?
Man, get a history book out.
And try using your real name.
You’re funny! FATAWA’s may be an Islamic concept but Trump and DeSantis use them on their opponents daily.
Sharia Law is exactly the form of Government that FL has moved toward under DeSantis by removing longstanding rights and outright oppressing those they disagree with and they do this openly. Years ago I could imagine the Taliban going to war with Disney over the liberal content of their productions. I never imagined an American Governor doing this especially with Disney’s long dark Fascist loving past!
I see you are still concerned with my name but don’t say Jack to others on here who are smart enough to do the same. You on the other hand are all over the internet and make yourself a target by doing so. That is your choice just as not being one is mine. So grow up. It’s a big cruel world out there! Just ask Pence!
What you’re describing, whoever you are, has been happening in spades for a little over 2 years.
Think about it. If we had a balanced budget amendment, the majority of democrats and some Republicans could never get elected.
When you can’t create debt you can’t buy votes. Politics 101.
I have had it with both “parties”. These R and D fiestas are no fun, to be sure. Lockdowns, vaccines pushed onto us, being blamed for Covid by not getting the shots [Dems]; anti-abortion rants from the GOP… I have been seriously marooned by both. A long as we have Capitalistic would-be Totalitarianism [WHO-style] on the horizon, we are in big-ass trouble. Wake up, people! We can at this point only hold onto the few tattered freedoms we still have. Maybe.
Thanks, Tommy, for a very thoughtful article.
One party is bent on destroying our democracy and the other goes a bit too far with ensuring democratic principles. I’ll take the latter!
Yes but one party is bent on destroying our democracy and the other goes a bit too far with ensuring democratic principles. I’ll take the latter! You’re upset because our government tried to protect our populace as a whole vs. guaranteeing your right to contaminate others during COVID just like our Government did during other global pandemics like the Spanish flu? If people had just done what they were asked by masking (I have one good lung and half a functioning heart but I wore and wear one when necessary without a problem) and vaccinating we likely would have lost half of the people we did and would have had far fewer variants to deal with. I’ll take that inconvenience over the illegal, un Constitutional and un Democratic crap the GOP pulls on a daily basis.
I do have a problem with members of both parties evolving into millionaires and billionaires while in office benefiting from back door lobbyists and insider stock information they receive in daily economic briefings. Then they turn around and ask for big money donations to fund their campaigns when they could easily fund them with their ill begotten monies from their own pockets instead of praying upon Joe or Jane citizen to pay their way for them.
Trump is robbing his own constituents and has been on a daily basis with cheap bogus products and promises.
Most politicians are corrupt SOB’s but I’ll take the ones who aren’t bent on destroying our fragile democracy over the Facist likes of Trump, Greene, Graham, DeSantis, Rubio, Cruz, Boebert and the rest of the insane Fourth Reich idiots!
JB, whoever you are hiding under your desks, masks don’t work. Never have for Covid. Countries who mandated had same transfer Rate as those who pulled the CCCP thing and locked everyone down.
And we ruined our kids education and increased suicide rates. Big success
Oh, and the masks didn’t work in China either.
Funny how all this comes out after the fact and nobody pays the proce.
I got to agree with you JB but for one as lucid as you appear to be why would you leave the Dems out of your tirade? They are just as bad. Well, maybe not quite as bad but bad nonetheless.
I think Tommy’s paranoia that the whole anti-abortion thing is simply a plot to produce more babies because America is dying from old age and kids are not being made fast enough to meet the demand, may be justified.
But for the racists out there the good news is that proportionally, Blacks are aborting their babies much higher than Whites.
Also, I think you are dead wrong about the masks. Fauci said it from-the-get go that they don’t work and all the data coming out now is that they never did.
I never wore a mask. I never took the jab. And I never got Covid. Screw the government, whether they be Republicans or Democrats. They can’t tell me what to do with my body.
If you want to be a good little sheep, then be one JB. The only thing the Republicans got right as far as I am concerned is debunking the masks and vaccines
I also agree with some of what you say. I have on many occasions pointed out that most politicians of all parties are corrupt buffoons from Tricky DICK to Ronnie Raygun, the Clinstones to Dump! Obama though greatly disliked by many Americans did not so far is publicly available commit crimes rising to the level of the others listed here.
You can say whatever you want on abortion Mary because you are a woman and should have that right. It is nobody’s right to push beliefs upon another person though especially religious beliefs. Americans like to talk about Freedom of Religion for example but they are really only talking about the Freedom of Christianity. If you want to be a Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, Jew, Wiccan or whatever you have that right. You do not have the right to shove your beliefs down anyone’s throat is all I would say here.
You used way to much logic!
You have to remember you are dealing with many that have been brainwashed to vote against their own best self interests. Courtesy of Rush Limbaugh and Reagan’s Christian Coalition!
I’m fully aware of the problemsand where they heading. Not trying to simplify just trying to figure out solutions to them. Since mental health institutions are basically non existent this will prove difficult!
Pence…not a good opening Salvo.
Rumor had it that establishment Republican money people promised Pence a kick start on a campaign if he didn’t support Trump on the Jan 6th issue and challenge some of the states electoral votes, which he could have. Like many Democrats did in 2016.
If that was the case, they knew he would never have a chance anyway. Pence is a nonstarter.
Regarding the abortion conversation, the fetus obviously is inside the mother, but totally different DNA. DNA is what defines an individual.
Yes, men have a lot to say about women getting pregnant. Mother Nature kind of programmed us animals to procreate. Don’t want to get pregnant? Wear a condom.
Women have options also, but the man can be in control from the start.
How to motivate the man. In the past the father was financially responsible. You paid, or had part of your paycheck deducted and sent to the mother. She didn’t impregnate herself.
That’s called “consequences”. When there are no consequences, there is no personal responsibility.
I won’t touch the abortion issues as I am a man and that is for women to decide and no more a man’s decision than women telling men they can’t have erections.
As for Pence though, what a fool he is! He could have easily been a Presidential front runner in this election had he kept his mouth shut on abortion and NOT defended the Orange Mussolini after he barely escaped the noose Dump had strung up for him! It’s akin to Liz Cheney coming out in defense of Humpty Trumpty after his recent indictment. He could have been one of the people that could actually begin the healing our nation so desperately needs right now!
I have zero love for the Albino Ken Doll and his fanatical evangelism. I just thought maybe in the darkness of Jan 6th that he might have seen the light!
He’s still bumping around in total darkness though!
God’s first commandment to Adm and Eve was to “Be Fruitful and multiply.” It makes no sense to become pregnant following God’s order and then kill the fruit of the womb before the child is born. It is the duty of every Christian man and woman to fight abortions. Abortions are murder, plain and simple. Mothers and doctors are killing babies that could survive outside their mother’s womb. People should be forced to watch a late-term abortion. Then they would change their tune.”
“Republican people born with no wombs!” What the heck is wrong with you? I would have never imagined you to go “woke” so you must be joking. But I get your point on Pence screwing himself. It’s a real dilemma for Republican candidates. They are damned if they do and damned if they don’t support or go against abortion. Backing from the religious right won’t be enough for the anti-abortionists.
The author is quite right in his assessment that the Republican effort to ban abortions will backfire. He is also right about our country needing babies born to grow up and become soldiers. Look at the Chinese and North Koreans. They are having babies all over the place and turning them into soldiers faster than we can count. You ever see them how they march by the thousands in perfect formation? Imagine them swarming over West Sedona with mounted bayonets. Banning abortions makes sense when you look at it that way.
it’s “fixed” bayonets not “mounted” bayonets but I’m glad there are some who don’t know the difference since our culture has become a culture of war.
You are correct in stating that every country needs young minds to mold into cannon fodder. I’m kind of proud of our current military age youth refusing to fall for the BS military recruiters have been throwing at them for decades.
On the other hand this puts our “all volunteer” service at high risk and a draft recall being instituted to maintain the necessary numbers of personnel to ensure national and global security.
The numbers of able bodied young people needed to maintain peace and security generally outweigh the national birth rates of most countries. Perhaps this is why autonomous war fighting equipment like drone aircraft and armored vehicles have become prevalent on the battlefield. This does not seem to prevent loss of life to either side of any given conflict. It may however slow the rate of attrition and prolong conflicts.
So do abortion rights play a role here? The answer is neither a resounding yes or no. Technology is really the lifeblood of the modern war fighter and people not so much.
Even with a spouse? The Catlick church kinda frowns upon protection… birth control and protection of young boys from predatory priests that is!