Sedona AZ (April 2, 2020) – Stay creative and connected through live-streamed, online life drawing with Pash! Mondays, 10am -1pm, local performance artist, dancer, and artists’ model Pash Galbavy offers online life drawing groups for artists of all skill levels. This group, which has met weekly at the Sedona Arts Center (SAC) for 8 years until COVID-19, is now available online–as are other SAC workshops and events. Participants assemble their own artistic mediums and then draw, paint, or sketch in the comfort and safety of their homes to Pash’s professional, artistic modeling poses.
The group begins with short, 30 second to 5-minute poses and continues with 20 minute poses. Cost is $15 per session. All skill levels are welcome. Private and other life drawing sessions are available as requested.

“It’s different for artists than drawing in person because you don’t have a 3-D experience,” says Pash, who has been a professional model for over 15 years. “So there’s a mental adjustment that has to be made. But you still get some of the feeling, as well as the social connection with other artists. It’s the best we can do in these days of physical distancing. The experience is helping keep us all sane.”
John and Shari Argent are local artists who have attended Pash’s Monday life drawing group at SAC for many years. John said: “The online experience is surprisingly similar to being in the studio. Pash is a wonderful model, and her dance background contributes to the poses.” Shari Argent added: “There is also plenty of great interaction with other members of the group who all have different approaches to drawing.”
Local artist Kathi Baron says of participating in the livestream life drawing groups: “Sitting in my kitchen and capturing one after another of Pash’s gorgeous poses, opens a window to the peace and joy of working with others in a creative space. The rest of the day I feel free of the weight of the news and I’m even motivated to revisit my studio. The technology is straightforward and easy to access for this 74-year-old.”
Beginning with ancient cave drawings, early Greek sculptures, through the Renaissance, Middle-Ages, eighteenth through twentieth centuries, and into the present, drawing the unclothed human form, or “life drawing,” has a long history of being key to the development of artists. It requires intense focus of artists’ skills in analysis and execution, while inviting intuitive insights into collective humanity. It develops an ability to interpret emotional and physical aspects of the subject and combines those with creative expression. And now, for the first time, life drawing is available online!
Come treat yourself to art as an expression of humanity during isolation, and participate in the wonder of the creative experience through Live-streamed Life Drawing Sessions with Pash! The groups meet online Mondays, 10am-1pm, and other times that you can hear about by getting on Pash’s eblast list. RSVP for links to attend. Call or email for more information, (928) 284-4021, info@artofpash, or see