Sedona AZ (September 5, 2018) – On August 14th a single mother of two, who is the victim of domestic abuse, was gifted with reliable transportation from the Verde Valley Sanctuary. The client (who will remain anonymous) lives in a rural area of the Verde Valley miles away from town. Having a car opens up many employment opportunities for her, which will inevitably improve the quality of life for herself and her children.
The recently retired car was donated to the Verde Valley Sanctuary from a private donor. Since the car was in fair condition, Executive Director, Matthew Kelley, Ph.D., worked with the staff to identify a client whose living situation would be could be significantly improved by having reliable transportation.
Many Verde Valley Sanctuary clients rely on public transportation, which it great, but the schedules and routes can be very limiting. We are extremely grateful to the donor for thinking of the Verde Valley Sanctuary and the auto repair companies who helped us to make some minor repairs.
It is community collaborations like this that can make a lasting difference for a person in need. The Verde Valley Sanctuary is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, assisting and empowering victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. All services are provided completely free of charge and funded through charitable donations. For more information or to make a donation, visit