By Tommy Acosta
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands about as much of a chance being confirmed Secretary of Health and Human services director as a snowflake surviving a week in hell during the summer.
Forget about it. It will never happen. The cards against him being confirmed are stacked ten feet high.
There are just too many roadblocks standing in the way.
For starters, nobody likes a traitor, both the betrayed and those who profited from the betrayal. When he abandoned the Democrats, the Republicans gained some momentum, but they will never trust him.
Next, you can bet your bippy Big Pharma has enough hooks in our lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle, that lawmakers will never mess with their cash cow. Even if it means incurring the wrath of their president.
And even Trump himself will probably turn the other cheek and offer a tsk-tsk tsk if some of his minions go against his will. He probably deep down would like Kennedy 86’d.
Nope, forget it RFK. Big Pharma will crush anyone who might cast a deciding vote to confirm you.
Yes, you were totally right about the vaccine, Covid and Big Pharma’s rape of the sick. But they just don’t want you around
Finally, now one trusts a flip-flopper either.
Kennedy has flipped flopped like a shark gasping for water on a fisherman’s deck; on vaccines and their effectiveness, especially on the Covid shots.
Now you see him and then you don’t. The public has no solid idea of what he is going to support or disparage next.
And yes, this has nothing to do with his abilities but watching him talk makes one want to clear their throats, for him.
It’s just so annoying.
The question now is who will be picked to replace him?
We can be sure the Republican powers that be already know and are just waiting for the ax to fall before making the announcement.
As much as his confirmation might have helped the country improve its health, looks like making America healthy again is just another pipe dream Big Pharma has shattered.
JB, WS Dave-
VA leaders dismiss directors of offices for women, minority veterans
Aren’t most VA doctors and nurses of color? I certainly know most physicians in the VA are Indian, Pakistani and most nurses Filipino, South Korean. Wonder how they plan to fill the thousands of vacancies? With anti vaxers and COVID deniers most assuredly. In the UK most doctors and nurses in the NIH and VA are also Indian or Pakistani and have rare skills not many who are white have such as being Electro Cardiologist of which there are only 6 in the world. MAGA sure likes breaking things that do not need fixing and relish in the pain and anguish there hate and racism cause others. America has become a living version of the film Idiocracy on steroids. Dumm!
So just another unqualified Trump appointee.
Yea, I want an environmental lawyer making Dr. decisions.
What could possibly go wrong? SMMFH!
Unqualified, Uber Wealthy Already, Unstable and Unscrupulous with Designs on becoming Wealthier by using and abusing his position to sue opponents and reap profits from those lawsuits via his independent law firm. Just another Grifter like ALL of the rest of MAGA from the Orange top to their gartered socked bottoms worn with hand sewn designer suits paid for by grifting their deaf dumb and very blind constituents.
Please drop the political comments and focus on the positivity of Sedona. The more negativity you put out into the universe, the more negativity you get back.
Absolutely UNTRUE! The more negativity you allow to happen by way of fascist hatred the more it thrives. Not speaking out against it is COWARDLY. Pretending Fascism is “honkey dory” is weak minded and allows hate to spread freely and unfettered. Is that what you want? It’s what Fascist want!
Dear Sally, how can one not make it political? I mean the person who has been nominated has no medical background but you dont have a problem with that?
You do know he is a environmental attorney, dont you?
So someone who is vaccinated(RFK) who has vaccinated his children, says you, a child or even grandchild shouldnt be vaccinated? What the hell is that?
Have we forgot about Polio? 1 in 4 children got it in the day. Mumps, Rubella, you name what modern science has done to let us live longer lives because of it. So should we go back to leaches, maybe?
Do yes Sally, this is a political position put in place by a awful human being who is going out of the way to make all are lives worse…………..THAT IS 100% political now!
Sally and TJ both true, depending on perspective. Allow me to add another dimension to this.
If one steps away from the details or judgment and allow everyone’s varying perspectives to begin to dovetail as a whole you get a true measure of the collective, so we each play a different part. If you can view all events from outside the event (super-position) there is a perfection and purpose in all of it that is too purpose-filled and magnificent to define. There is nothing but love and peace there, and from that space of neutrality and ego lessness all manifestation is possible.
Has nothing whatsoever to do with perspective and everything to do with facts and truths! Fact is that American dependency upon all forms of drugs both licit and illicit are the biggest problem when it comes to drugs and not so much the suppliers. Take the need away and the suppliers will move on to other things to make illegal money off of such as human trafficking and guns! Problem is there are drugs and drug dependency all over the world to include in the US where methamphetamines have been produced in illicit clandestine US labs just like on Breaking Bad. And yet America has to find others to blame for all of their homegrown woes!
As long as people dwell on terms like “Facist” and “Marxist” when these buzzwords are just retreads of a media that is failing nothing positive will happen.
It would be prudent to go to Webster’s and learn the definition of both.
You just might see a photo if Soros, pulling the strings of Obama pulling the stings of Biden.
Hegseth had no chance of becoming Secretary of defense.
So Fascism is not far right as stated in the Oxford Dictionary huh? What dictionary do you use the Anarchist Cookbook?Obama was a fascist as well? Sure thing Adolph!
Perhaps you need to learn to read and learn some history while you’re at it because you can’t see the SS and Gestapo for the Wehrmacht. As in- forest for the trees.
Hegseth wouldn’t ever have been even nominated for Sec Def under Bush, Reagan, Bush Sr. or any other semi sane Republican politician.. He got in as a $$$$$ favor and that is the sole reason. In GB he wouldn’t be fit to lead the Boy Scouts.
You’ll wake up some day- Or not!
It would be prudent if you spoke the truth for once! Trump is a Fascist and a Racist by definition. But of course Racist a Fascist never admit to being either and instead they deny the holocaust ever happened and that the Nazi’s were not Fascist because they claimed to be Socialist which they absolutely were not! Don’t know where you got your very wrong and very ignorant definitions but Fascist and Racist are apropos titles for what Trump and the MAGA Movement are. To say otherwise is to deny truth and fact. Putin is also a racist fascist despite claiming to be Communist. True Communism is NOT living high on the hog while your people suffer and die by the hundreds of thousands because of his sheer greed, hate and ignorance (under true communism everyone has and is treated as equals-which has never happened ever). Trump does it under the guise of Evangelical Christianity which he nor his followers believe in unless it is to punish others with it, like forcing it down children’s throats in their classrooms regardless of what faith they may or may not believe in.
The Communist did this to those who sided with the US during the Vietnam War. It was called “forced re-education”! The blackshirts did it in Italy with their colonies for “fascist youth” and Hitler did so with the “nazi youth”.
The titles are appropriate today as they were in those horrible times. The only thing that changes is the names of the fascist who hate others for being different or “un pure”. I see you on here often spouting off about this and that but always without proof of anything you say. Because what you say is complete unadulterated nonsense. Start telling the truth and admit what you are and what you believe in and perhaps people can have dialogue with you. Keep telling lies and untruths and you will be met with facts and truths to counter your every lie.
Well Michael, if it quacks like a duck?!
What is the truth hurt your feelings?
Why dont you look up what it means…………stop………..think………….and then see what is happening right under your nose!
Marxists argue that fascism represents the last attempt of a ruling class (specifically, the capitalist bourgeoisie) to preserve its grip on power in the face of an imminent proletarian revolution.
You consider yourself a great Patriot MAGA aficionado MS so you should take Trump’s handler’s advice-
Russia’s spy service mocks CIA and invites American “patriots” to get in touch
“If you can view all events from outside the event (super-position) there is a perfection and purpose in all of it that is too purpose-filled and magnificent to define. There is nothing but love and peace there, and from that space of neutrality and ego lessness all manifestation is possible.“
What the hell are you talking about? What’s so perfect in purpose about having a Fascist Government doing Fascist things solely to cause pain to others who managed to have some basic rights following the Racist Fascist Jim Crowe era? Or is Fentanyl Addicted Americans your perfect purpose?
America has spent trillions upon trillions in a very much FAILED War on Drugs! We have also lost hundreds of thousands if not millions to addiction to drugs that they can readily purchase on American streets being sold by American Citizens. The harder more expensive drugs being the preferred choice of white Americans. These drugs are grown, produced and distributed from all corners of the globe by all governments to include the US where meth labs can be found in cars, mobile homes and schools.
There are drugs coming in from Asia, Russia, Europe, South America, the Caribbean and even Canada. It’s been this way since there has been a demand for them that goes back to the Anglo Theft and Settlement of the country where Hemp, Opium, Cocaine and even Heroin were in abundance and were even used in common over the counter medications.
NO Tariff can or will stop American use nor dependence upon drugs. Neither is a stoopid wall going to do anything to slow or stop it.
So quit making excuses for liars, lies and ignorance that is all about being Fascist and Racist bullies to our neighbors and allies. No Chinese military in Panama controlling the canal either! Just another bigly lie to land grab and an excuse to throw America’s fat fascist arses around with glee!
So, Tommy. how is your proverbial Hades -housed snowflake? Maybe they are having “reverse global warming” in the down-under?