By Terry Hansen, Hales Corners WI
(February 5, 2019)
Letter-writer John Roberts dismisses the threat of human-caused climate change. It’s important to note that his position stands in stark contrast to that of the U.S. Department of Defense.
A recent Pentagon report warns that sea level rise and wildfires threaten U.S. military bases. Moreover, in its 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, the DOD warns: “As greenhouse gas emissions increase, sea levels are rising, average global temperatures are increasing, and severe weather patterns are accelerating. These changes, coupled with other global dynamics,…will devastate homes, land and infrastructure.”
The U.S. military has expressed concern about climate change since the George W. Bush Administration, and dozens of Defense Department documents on this issue can be accessed at
I would also direct Mr. Roberts to Exxon’s 1982 primer titled “CO2 Greenhouse Effect: A Technical Review.” This internal company document is available online and reveals that Exxon accepted the scientific foundation for human-caused climate change over 35 years ago, along with many of the associated risks such as sea level rise and reduced agricultural output.
Our common values like national security and concern for our children’s future should unify Americans on this issue. It just doesn’t make sense to make the permanent changes to the Earth’s physics and chemistry we are making without looking at this closely together, across political divides, with open eyes and open hearts. Let’s work together to find a path to slow climate change.
Climate has been changing for 4.2 billion years. And it will continue. And CO2 is at its lowest point in 100s of millions of years.
The earth is on a 34 to 36,000 year cycle, and it has been for a very long time. During that cycle the seas rise an fall an estimated 360 feet. Long before man, and probably long after man. After all, we are the nth inch on a 100 yard field representing the earth’s geological time.
Thank god for fossil fuels or the earth would be a real toilet and mankind would still be living in the 1800s condition.
Terry Hansen wrote incorrectly that I dismiss the threat of global warming. A reread of my letter plainly rejects this statement.
The references Hansen offers are meant to impress, coming from DOD and Exxon. By themselves they are not persuasive by any means. Far more important would be an explanation why global warming or climate change occurred when no cars nor factories were even present on our planet. It is these two sources ( cars and factories ) which exhaust CO2 fumes the Gore types claim are the sole causes for global warming. That is what I reject. And it is these two which they want regulated and controlled with unknown possible consequences.
Mike Schroeder writes very pertinently and factually in support of my position. I would add that CO2 cannot create heat like the sun constantly does. Does Hansen dismiss all these facts in this issue ?
Yes I agree that we all work together to control or stop rampant warming and the damages which follow. If possible.
But we sure can’t by following the Paris Accord and similar recommendations being offered which are based on a wrong premise and by ignoring important factors
Mike is an expert on Sedona government, the Sedona fire Dept. And he know more than all the scientist in the world about climate change.
Thank GOD for mike.
Mike started the Sedona TEA party that says it all.
It is all In Gods hands not mans. Sad.
Mike says:Thank god for fossil fuels or the earth would be a real toilet and mankind would still be living in the 1800s condition.
The Great Smog, which blanketed the British capital for five days in December 1952, is estimated by some experts to have killed more than 12,000 people and hospitalized 150,000. Thousands of animals also died.
Millions of people will die from man made Climate Change, mostly the poor and low landers, poor farmers but we can slow it down, all we need to do is stop putting crap in the air, but that would cost money and Mike is the Tea party man, no EPA, No Government regulations drill, drill, burn burn.
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The above 2/6 letter from Steve Segner in which he disagreed with Mike Schroeder was difficult to follow. His writing style is unique in that it employs considerable sarcasm interspersed with disjointed wordings to emphasize his disapproval of Mike and what Mike stands for. It had a flavor of a superiority attitude from a person carrying the stigma of failing to graduate from high school that looked out of place particularly compared as it was to Mike. When Segner’s letter appears among others in Sedona Biz written to offer opinions and facts about global warming it was awkward as it was naked for discontinuity.
I’m aware that Steve Segner holds a responsible employment position and an interest in the activities of local government. For this he is thanked. But it is most appropriate to praise Mike for his worthy and very strong civic interest and to recognize his considerable achievements and contributions to our community.
So, Steve Segner, maybe the level of commentary can be elevated from the personal to intellectual from here on. That is something I can appreciate.
Interesting that Mike Schroeder’s argument against climate change is that the climate has been changing for 4.2 billion years, so whats the big whup.
Unfortunately what Mike fails to realize is that mammals (thats includes us Mike) evolved because of specific trends in climate that made this possible.
If this hospitable climate changes it’s not going to be so beneficial anymore. (As in a whole lot of people, not to mention everything else living on this planet will suffer if not die.)
Does Mike Schroeder and his ilk have kids? Is he OK to potentially condemn them to a life of hardship, extreme weather swings, even starvation because of his belief system?
Wouldn’t it make sense to err on the side of caution?
Or would you guys rather be right than save the planet?
Interesting that Mike Schroeder’s argument against climate change is that the climate has been changing for 4.2 billion years, so whats the big whup.
Unfortunately what Mike fails to realize is that mammals (thats includes us Mike) evolved because of specific trends in climate that made this possible.
If this hospitable climate changes it’s not going to be so beneficial anymore. (As in a whole lot of people, not to mention everything else living on this planet will suffer if not die.)
Does Mike Schroeder and his ilk have kids? Is he OK to potentially condemn them to a life of hardship, extreme weather swings, even starvation because of his belief system?
Wouldn’t it make sense to err on the side of caution?
Or would he rather be right than potentially save the planet?
if you believe climate change is serious and imminent, or if you’re just a somewhat bemused observer of the arguments, there’s something useful you can do to compensate for your energy usage and CO2 emission. I did my own “research” on this some years ago and came to an interesting conclusion: you can paint your driveway white! You can read the whole story here.
Or just trust me and go out and buy some striping paint. My conclusion was validated, albeit with rooftops, by a genuine scientist a year or so after I published.
This is particularly worthwhile in Arizona where we have a lot of sunlight to send back into space.
Here Mike, this one’s for you. from FOX (I wouldn’t dream of selling you fake news):
Al Gore told us the polar ice caps would be completely gone by 2013. Wrong, Al. Results show the Arctic is very slowly melting but the opposite proves true in the Antarctic. In fact, NASA recently reported that Antartica is actually gaining ice.
I do know one thing. The Green New Deal propose by Ocasio-Cortez is absolutely nuts. She says the world will end in 12 years so we have to remodel ALL BUILDINGS IN THE US. We have to stop all drilling for oil and everyone has to give up their cars for electric cars. She wants open borders, free education, healthcare and free income for everyone including those who refuse to work.
The Democrat Party has endorsed this ridiculous plan and Democrat Socialism is the new game in town for nutcase millennials. Sure glad I’m an old-timer.
I just returned from Tanzania. The reduction of insects is highly overrated.
Man IS part of the planet. Whacko environmental extremists would be more credible if there models worked, and they include man in their equations.
But you post a Fox News article? That’s funny. If you listened to money grabber Al Gore, Miami would already be underwater.
The earth has 34 to 36,000 cycles, sea rises and falls about 360 feet. Deal with it.
Climate change is real; Human consumption creates pollution. Geoengineering by is meant to control the weather.
We can do something about pollution which does effect climate. However the real culprit of man made climate change is geoengineering by world governments. Governments around the 1950’s saw that we were heading for much colder temperatures and sought to control the weather to prevent the cooling planet.
Lydon B. Johnson famously made this disclosure in this 1962 speech. Go to minute 24.
What a great idea to blame the population for climate problems rather than tell the truth. One of the greatest Red Flag operations in history! Lots of people who were in on it and have made billions even trillions. Thanks a lot Al.
If the comments from Hansen, Segner, Sands and Amon contained intelligent factual information instead of prejudiced opinion, unrelated facts or utter nonsense it would make for a worthy debate. Maybe they think they’re making valid pronouncements about climate warming but unfortunately they are not. Parroting the line of Al Gore and the misled environmentalists is obvious .
If any of them can answer the basic question of why global warming occurred in the absence of cars and factories with an answer that included facts we all could have a worthwhile discussion about the earth warming and how maybe it can be contained to prevent damage .However, a response that says , ” I don’t believe it “. also states that the Ice Age was a pipe dream.
John, perhaps you should step out of your confirmation bias echo chamber on occasion and think like a scientist. Your assumption that you and you alone have the absolute facts and truth at your finger tips is not likely to be true.
Of course Climate change occurred(s) without cars, no on one refutes that. Pollution does effect climate and that is true as well. There are other influence on our weather is that is due to astronomical movements. Our solar system, as a whole moves through space and it/we are currently moving through a “cloudy” section of space. There is another very interesting scientific fact and that is our sun is at a solar minimum, in other words it isn’t putting off much heat. That is odd that the planet is warming up but the sun is not. Also, planetary changes are not just occurring on earth. These scientific facts are not often talked about because we can’t effect it and people can’t make money from it. This what the astronomers I know are talking about.
OK Susan Amon, now you realize CO2 is not the sole cause for our global warming. But you do not know what you are saying in , ” no one refutes that”, because that’s exactly Al Gore’s opinion , which I reject completely.
I question your command of the earth’s warming trend when you write about the sun cooling off and on Geoengineering.
If the sun is cooling down then how does this effect the warming we experience? If you know about the emissions from the sun it is those in wave lengths which only are capable of heating our surfaces which are important not how hot the sun is or is not. Heat is not transferable across outer space by itself. It arrives by radiation transmissions.
On Geoengineering there is no such thing as you infer. Mankind is incapable of changing our weather except if by exploding enough nuclear bombs in the atmosphere. Volcanic eruptions can do this as well as huge boulders colliding into the earth from space. So forget this because it’s unrelated.
You are making progress in understanding global warming especially as compared to the knot heads who I listed along with you. Keep, it up.
I said pollution effects climate, and I add many other aspects of our globe as does natural astronomical phenomena. Geoengineering has been of great importance since the end of WWII. LBJ is disclosing in his speech that the US government is engaged in geoengineering, the world is engaged in manipulating the weather as it was at the time launching satellites to “monitor” the weather. This is a Red Flag strategy. Astronomical conditions and planetary “reactions” are a factor. Human caused CO2 does have an effect.
It is all to easy to over simplify a phenomena in our physical environment or psychological by hammering a simple logical algorithm as you suggest.
My point is that there are many factors causing climate change, natural and human make. Sciences purpose is to explore all the factors not just one. Many factors are not being discussed in the MSM. There is much more going here. There are many people making money off this confusion. Governments, corporations, etc have been engaged in geoengineering. Ignoring it doesn’t get you any further in your understanding if that is what you are searching for.