Sedona’s first World Peace Dance Celebration and Concert on Friday February 7 at 7PM at the Sedona Performing Arts Center will be the centerpiece event culminating a week-long series of free peace workshops and public gatherings beginning February 2 at 1PM with a talk and book signing by peace activist John Dear at the Sedona Creative Life Center.
The dance and concert on February 7, which brings to life the peace vision of Elaine Hanson, choreographer, artistic director and Sedona resident, will take place at the Sedona Performing Arts Center, 995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd.
According to Hanson, “The dance style we are employing is dance theater, using the power of dance to tell our story of conflict, pain and struggle that finds resolution through peaceful paths of forgiveness, self-awareness, compassion, movement, song, and other forms of healing. Our bodies will communicate this healing message to the bodies of those in the audience, and help create peace on Earth. We are dancing to help raise awareness, raise the vibrations, and raise our collective consciousness to believe that peace is indeed possible. It is not just a dream. It will be obtained someday, and the time to start believing and living and moving towards it is now.”
The dance will be performed in three acts of conflict and peaceful resolution on three levels –personal, political and religious.. Tickets are $20 in advance at Crystal Magic, Bashas’, online at, and by calling 274-7919. $25 at the door. Children K-12 are free.
From February 2-7, 15 free workshops and 3 public gatherings are scheduled to promote personal, family, community and global peace. For workshop information contact Barbara Litrell 649-0135, and the website above.