By Tommy Acosta
(August 15, 2021)

What a waste of money, human lives, limbs, time and effort. After 20 years of military conflict in Afghanistan, re-building cities, airports, infrastructure and an economy, the U.S. is pulling up stakes and leaving Afghanistan to the hands of the Taliban, our sworn arch enemy. Just like that!
Without barely firing a shot, the Taliban declared victory and now waits for the “peaceful” handing over of power to them while the government we spent $2 trillion to create and protect disintegrates.
Since the war began, a total of 2,448 servicemen were killed in the conflict, including 3,846 U.S. Contractors, 66,000 Afghan military & police, 47,245 Afghan civilians and 72 journalists. More than 20,000 were wounded, as well.
This is not including the 30,000 plus military suicides by those who served there.
Can one imagine the angst of the brave men and women who served in the so-called War on Terror that began right after the 911 attacks?
They gave life and limbs and even their own mental stability to protect freedom and democracy. In the space of just a few weeks, everything they fought and died for was swept away by the stroke of a presidential pen.

Regardless of what the true reason we invaded Afghanistan was, whether it was to catch and kill Bin Laden and fight terrorism – or something way more nefarious that involves oil and natural gas, our soldiers paid the price.
We need to look behind the scenes to understand why the sudden abandonment of our ally and the giving up everything our soldiers fought for, happened.
Perhaps the long awaited Trans-Afghanistan pipeline can now become a reality with the blessing of the Taliban and international oil and natural gas giants, having made a deal to withdraw our support for the placeholder government of Afghanistan in turn for the Taliban not blowing it up if we build it.
Some have proposed that the actual motive for the United States-led Western invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was Afghanistan’s importance as a conduit for oil pipelines to Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries, by effectively bypassing Russian and Iranian territories, and breaking the Russian and Iranian collective monopoly on regional energy supplies
How sinister is that?
As recently as February Suhail Shaheen, a member of the Taliban’s Qatar-based negotiation team, told reporters in Ashgabat that his movement was offering full support for the implementation and security of the pipeline and other developmental projects in his country.
“We are trying to contribute to prosperity of our people and development of our country by providing protection to all projects.” he said at that meeting, according to reports.
Talk about making a deal with the devil.
Twenty years of war, destruction, misery and sorrow yet we failed to win it. Maybe the plan was never to win it but only to wait for the right timing to close a deal that will make many very rich, including the Taliban.

Everybody knows, especially the Russians, who got their butt kicked when they tried to take over Afghanistan, that an invading army, without the full support of the citizens of the country they seek to conquer, most likely will lose in the end because the people who love their country will fight harder and longer than the invaders.
The soon to be replaced Afghan government, the military and police achieved their power only because we as the invaders put them there.
Without our full support and military assets, jets and missiles, they are nothing and will be swept into the dustbin of history when the Taliban takes over. Those who sided with us must feel utterly betrayed and abandoned, their dreams of democracy and freedom forever shattered.
The least we can do for their loyalty is get them out safely and in an orderly fashion. Perhaps that was part of the deal with the Taliban – a “peaceful” transition.
Now the Taliban gets it all: the oil and gas money, our weapons, everything.
It’s no wonder those we propped up are in a panic to abandon the sinking ship. The retribution for supporting the invaders will be swift and brutal.
And if it’s true it was all part of a deal to build and ensure the safety of that pipeline, then we can see very clearly where the future of Afghanistan lies.
The Taliban won. Those who believed they fought there for democracy and freedom, not fossil fuels, lost.
thanks Tommy… you really got a handle on this situation….. The saigon of the middle east…
You talk about the dead that is a bad loss but how many more were struck down with missing or broken bodies to say nothing about the mine. The Med-East has had a mine set from childhood some know better but unable to change the way it is. West people don’t understand this and let these people go their way. How many of citizens have rote their rep’s of their feelings about what goes on in the government. Beside the fact they are in charge and we don’t count. They stand behind a wall and are protected so to heck with us. I’m happy we are out we just have to see how the rich get richer but it’s well hidden.
Well said Tommy.
I fly these post 911 vets, their families and gold star families. This is pathetic. The incompetence of the President is beyond the pale.
Easily could have left support for the Afghan forces. Without our support the Afghan forces can’t function.
Biden was advised against this by the military. But why listen to people smarter than you. The mark of a leader.
10s of thousands Afgans will be slaughtered who helped us. Biden has no plan. Why would we ever have allies again when they see how we treat our friends.
We need safe corridors for these people to leave.
The Taliban now have the records of the people who helped us, they are already going house to house for retributions.
And for those who care about women and how they are treated as the Taliban don’t care about that, the great strides that have been made are lost. It’s their history.
For those interpreters who are here in the US, the Taliban have told them to come back and face them or their families will pay the price.
Prisoners have been released in Afghanistan who were incarcerated as terrorists. If anyone thinks this will not spread outside the country, you’re kidding yourself.
Heavy arms and equipment, ammunition, warehouse full, belonging to us.. abandoned to the the Taliban. We had an exit plan, until Novemebr 3rd.
We will see if this president bathes himself in the blood of our friends or does the right thing.
He withdrew the men and women who serviced the Afghan air force AND prevented the Afghans from both replacing them with contractors AND bringing in other air forces.
Biden ordered t he US military to hold on to Bagram so that the Afghans couldn’t do their own fighting.
Then he blamed the Afghans for not fighting.
China is at this moment setting out to make deals with the Taliban.
Thanks to Biden.
Is this enough to get Biden impeached?
I don’t know. Can a fake president “elected” by fraud be impeached?
You must enjoy posting something “ and then responding to your post using a different name!! Funny stuff JB
I don’t know Intbel, but I wish I did. My new best friend. Great minds travel the same tracks and the citizens are waking up.
Tommy, until they admit Biden does not call the shots and is only a puppet of Obama all the media speak, is nothing more than BS. Taking Biden out of the office would only be good if they replace him with Trump. I think Pelosi would have the Vice President killed before allowing her to get the Presidency before her, however, she is the only one with a pair.
To discussed to talk.
If you achieve a high enough perspective you can see that most governments around the world are run by individuals whose families have created dynasties throughout history.
A deal was made. We get the pipeline. They get the country. Simple. It’s all gonna work out as they straighten the kinks to make sure we get out clean. As agreed by the opposing parties.
Soon people will forget Afghanistan, except those making money with them, and it will go back to good ol’ Covid once more.
I know. I’m being a bit cynical 2160. You can take the boy out of the projects but you can’t take the projects out of the boy. (:->
From this point on, the Biden administration’s collapse begins picking up speed.
Sit back and enjoy.
Nobody deserves a humiliating implosion more than Joe Biden.
Well I guess Biden’s presidency is safe then since not one of your “predictions” has materialized .
Sure looks like everything I said is manifesting to me.
You’re looking, but are you seeing?
The economy will continue to tank, the border will continue to be open, and the world will grow to hate Biden more and more.
This had to happen. Is rocky a road as we travel, Americans had to experience it before they knew it was bad.
Having learned that it’s not a good idea to elect a senile Chinese agent and his lackeys, Americans will go back to the orange mean tweeter.
If the Chinese take Taiwan, it leads to war.
A war of survival.
No holds barred.
We won’t be able to sit it out.
The danger is NOT the war; it’s the Chinese thinking they can get away with it.
Guess who makes virtually all of our microchips? Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.
Guess what Afghanistan has?
Rare earth metals.
Guess who wants to corner the market on said metals?
The Chinese.
Guess who’s bought and paid for by the Chinese? Xiden
Yea yea JB. Yawn
Boy are you going to be surprised!
Unbelievable. Update:
So we are charging American citizens to get evacuated from Afghanistan, but illegal immigrants get free airfare to the interior after breaking the law to cross the border.
Does that seem insane to anyone else?