Will you celebrate life, your life, right now, right here, exactly as it appears? You can do what you’re going to do and still celebrate. Can you stop … and sit down … and let life be as it is or are you still jonesing for a fight, even a small one, so much so that you’re missing out on the celebration?
What’s on your list of wrongs to right, of failures to turn into success? What can’t you forgive? Who stands center stage in your suspect parade? They will still be here. They aren’t going anywhere, so celebrate.
Have you come to the point of letting life be … playing with the recognition of your lack of control, while still hoping for this love hate joy sadness experiential to better itself once you ‘fully’ remove your hands from life’s steering wheel? You know that’s not stopping, don’t you … but celebrate it anyway.
Why not sit down? Maybe you can. Maybe you can’t. Either way it’s fascinating to observe, to see just how overtly covertly audaciously sneakily your desire for better is … seeing is worth celebrating, too.
Have you slipped past all those things, all the stuff on your to-do list, into hopelessness, not suicidal tendencies hopelessness, but the no-matter-what-I-do-life-does-what-it-does hopelessness, the hopelessness that includes taking refuge on the couch in hopes of the world’s end sort of inaction, and hopelessness that holds within it the demise of the pain inherent to taking this all so damn seriously.
I am amazed at how tenacious the stranglehold of separation is, how tightly we cling to the idea of power, even when we have seen the actuality of life, how quickly it rises to reassert its dominance, how adeptly it reconfigures itself to hide its true face.
Gee … it’s enough to make you believe that it’s the all-powerful God, the only reality there is.
Hmmm … maybe It is … or at least part of the elusive equation.
It doesn’t matter if you are totally blind to the possibility of powerlessness, if you are unconsciously or slightly consciously playing at self-improvement, or if you genuinely just want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It’s still an experience of separation, now isn’t it … but what’s not?
Any experience, all experiences, hold within them the ability to tip the scales, to swing the pendulum back to full-on, serious-about- separation totally lost in the maze separation, if only for a breath or two … and conversely to rock your world by see-sawing back to the other — less recognized even though always experienced — polarity.
To me, that’s beautiful, to be absolutely dunked in the ocean of two, to forget so completely that life can catch me in its web and wrap me up as its snack — what a ride! One moment i am cheering for my side to win, and the next laughing at the idea of sides. It’s wild, roaring with aliveness, and amazingly, right here as experience.
All of that is reason to celebrate life, to celebrate your life, as it is. It is after all, LIFE, filled with sensations, brimming with things to see, popping with desires and wants, ideas and sometimes plans to turn ideas into form … as well as doubt, indecision and inaction.
Even if all you can see is a blank wall (hint: it’s not blank), there is always something to explore. Life is the ultimate experimental lab and it’s an equal opportunity science experiment. All possibilities pop up for you to examine.
The other day I was musing about the loss of senses. My mom didn’t have a sense of smell. I have friends who are losing their sight, others with impaired sensation, or a total loss of hearing. It made me wonder, who would I be if I lost not one, but all of them … or are those abilities what make me truly human? If so … how many would I need to lose to lose me?
When I first started playing with the possibility it made me shudder. If there was no way to interact with my environment, or external signals to stimulate interaction, am I still I? So, I entered into the blackness, the dark beauty of consciousness. Even the darkness behind fully closed and blindfolded eyelids is not absent the light. It is not non-moving. It too, is aliveness.
Whether the aliveness takes shape and form, or is simple awareness, this infinite aliveness IS, it simply IS and it is every single appearance arising or fading to nothingness within it. Fighting life is fighting life. I can’t not do what I can’t not do … and that’s everything I do. Life is life-ing. It is doing me and you and the world. I am life. There is nothing but life and that’s something to celebrate!! Recognizing this, nothing changes — everything changes.
There is no appropriate bio for Amaya Gayle. She doesn’t exist other than as an expression of Consciousness Itself. Talking about her in biographical terms is a disservice to the truth and to anyone who might be led to believe in such nonsense. None of us exist, not in the way we think. Ideas spring into words. Words flow onto paper and yet no one writes them. They simply appear fully formed. Looking at her you would swear this is a lie. She’s there after all, but honestly, she’s not. Bios normally wax on about accomplishments and beliefs, happenings in time and space. She has never accomplished anything, has no beliefs and like you was never born and will never die. Engage with Amaya at your own risk. That said with a giggle, check out Amaya’s new book – Actuality: infinity at play, available in paperback and e-book at Amazon.