Sedona News – In collaboration with 14 local, regional and state environmental organizations, the city of Sedona invites the community to volunteer at the Oak Creek Collaborative Cleanup on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Slide Rock State Park, located at 6871 State Route (SR) 89A.
Volunteers are to meet at Slide Rock State Park for a safety talk, to pick up gear and to break into small groups. Each group will be assigned a section of the canyon between Uptown and Pumphouse Wash (over 13 miles), and will begin removing litter from roadside parking areas, designated recreation sites and along the creek. Transportation to the sites will be provided. At the end of the event, volunteers will return to Slide Rock State Park for comradery, a celebration and a raffle.
This collaborative effort began when Ron Tiller, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) senior environmental scientist, reached out to various organizations in the Oak Creek Canyon area this past September. “ADEQ and other organizations regularly pick up litter left behind by people who park along the side of the highway and recreate along the creek. Despite our best efforts, there’s more trash to be removed than we can manage when working on our own. That’s why all these organizations that care for the creek are hosting this event. It’ll give us (and you) a chance to compliment everyone’s efforts to keep the creek clean and healthy,” said Tiller.
When litter is left unchecked, it will find its way to the creek during storm events, or during creek rises due to snowmelt. This litter, which includes food waste, dog and human feces, and diapers can end up in the creek. It contaminates the water and creates unhealthy conditions for people and wildlife.
Collaborating organizations include ADEQ, Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Arizona State Parks, Coconino National Forest, National Forest Foundation and Oak Creek Watershed Council. Registration is required; go to