By Ted Grussing
… it is the concept … forever … we live in the now and contemplate eternity. In the multiverse concept of the universe there are an infinite number of universes in which every possible variant of life is played out; perhaps in another universe at this moment I am having that crappy day I once tried to have here, but was unable to experience … this is better and I really have trouble wrapping my head around the other possibility. I truly enjoy the human experience I am having and beyond living in the moment I know there is more … I feel it … and when my human experience is over and the journey continues I sense there will be more and we can pick up the promise of a journey through forever together that is like our love, forever and forever after that … for now, I am here though and I love being here.
This is one of my favorite feather shots. It is from one of the white pigeons that a neighbor has and uses for weddings that he conducts. He exercises the pigeons daily and the flock circles nearby as they return home. One of my favorite raptors, the Coopers Hawks delight in this airborne smorgasbord and take them in flight … feathers fly on impact as the talons are deployed and lock on and more as the birds feathers are plucked from a perch high in a tree and float to the ground. I took this shot of such a feather about nine years ago in the open space behind our home and have always treasured it. It is a reminder of the temporal nature of our existence and a memory of life once lived … such an infinitesimal speck … as are we … beauty remains and nature takes its course as we continue a journey from we know not where to we know not where … so we enjoy this moment never really knowing, but believing there is purpose and a new experience waiting as we journey on.
Several hours writing this morning and a lot of busyness on various projects … Dinner at the School House restaurant in the village and an episode of the Americans rounded out the evening. It was a very good day.
Friday evening friends John Soderberg and Sandy Moriarty will be speaking at the Solid Rock Church across from the Safeway Store on SR89A … an event on Human Trafficking from 7 to 9PM. It is an event worth attending.
Saturday evening I will again be the gatekeeper at Relics restaurant where Anthony Mazzella will be putting on a show in the dinner playhouse. Come for dinner and I’ll only take $15.00 per person from you otherwise have a $20.00 bill in hand. If you have not seen Anthony in concert you owe it to yourself to come out and see him perform … nothing like the gigs he does at the Hilton and other restaurants … this is pure unleashed performance! Show generally starts around 7PM so get there earlier. Olivia will appreciate it too :+)
I was asked if the workshops on the 15th and the 25th are going to be the same … answer is I don’t think so although they will be similar … we’ll be talking about photography including wildlife which is the advertised theme, but it will wander to meet what the participants want. Contact Sue Gregory at the church to reserve your spot: and you need not be a member.
I’m experimenting with new ways to make it easy to sign up for the email list which is not dependent on me doing the input work. The second image attached is a QR which can be scanned or photographed with your cell phone and it will take you through the subscription process . Likewise if you send a text message to 22828 and enter the word “joinbytext” in the message area it will initiate the subscription process. I know you are on the list, but if you have friends who would like to receive these emails just forward to them and they can subscribe themselves.
We’re into the weekend and it is bound to be a good one … smile … share the joy in your life with others
A bird flies through the sky, and I fly with it. I am each pearl of moisture sparkling in the sun.
I lie lazy on the clouds. And I acknowledge my kinship with each winged thing.
I see all as one, and nothing repels me, as this new day climbs noiselessly out of the valley of the night.
Peace lies over the world and over the world of my soul.
— Max Ehrmann