By Dr. Marta Adelsman
Life Coach in Communication and Consciousness
(August 29, 2014)
You’ve done it, too. You prepare to make a point and something grips you so that you hesitate, feel flustered, and fumble for what to say.
Since I write about that which I most need to learn, I’m sharing about a recent conversation where this happened to me. I hesitated and “beat around the bush” about what I really wanted to say, feeling kind of dumb in the process.
What causes this phenomenon? I recognize it as fear. Fear about how someone will perceive me. Fear that I won’t look good. Fear that if I speak the truth, then I must face that truth. Fear that I will feel embarrassed.
If/when this happens to you, exercise your boldness muscle. Place no judgment on yourself for feeling fear or for looking “bad” to someone else. If you boldly say what you want to say in spite of the fear, you will respect yourself more. And others, instead of thinking badly of you, will respect you, too.
Here’s to your boldness and mine!