Clearing drainage in preparation for monsoon run-off
Sedona AZ (June 23, 2014) – ADOT maintenance crews will be cleaning out several culverts through the SR 89A “switchbacks,” between mileposts 387 and 390, Tuesday through Thursday (June 24 -26).
This seasonal maintenance is done in preparation of the upcoming summer monsoon, in anticipation of run-off from rain storms. The highway will be narrowed to one lane at times between 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily.
Travel from Sedona to Flagstaff through the SR 89A switchbacks will be permitted during the maintenance, however short delays may be anticipated as the work is performed as flaggers guide traffic through the switchbacks.
For more information about this project please email or call the ADOT Project Hotline at 1.855.712.8530.