The City of Sedona Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona, Arizona regarding the proposals listed below. At the public hearing the Planning and Zoning Commission will review, take public testimony, discuss and possibly take action regarding the following proposals:
Request for approval of a Major Community Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Single- family Low Density to Multi-family Medium and High Density and Conceptual Zone Change from RS-18 (Single-family Residential) to RM-2 (Multi-family Residential High Density) for the eastern 4.4 acres of the site with Conceptual Development Review for the entire site to allow for 84 townhome-style loft apartments. The property consists of two parcels totaling 6.5 acres along the east side of Jordan Road and bisected by Quail Tail Trail and north of Wilson Canyon Road (630 Jordan Road and 500 Quail Tail Trail). APN: 401-58-001A and 401-05-004A. Applicant: Miramonte Homes, LLC. Case Number: PZ21- 00002 (Major CPA, ZC, DEV).
Request for approval of a City-initiated Major Community Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use Map from Single-family Low Density to Commercial and a Zone Change from RS-18 (Single-family Residential) to M3 (Mixed Use Activity Center) to allow for the development of parking structure in Uptown Sedona. The property comprises 1.24 acres along the north side of Forest Road (430 and 460 Forest Road). APN: 401-16-100 and 401-16-071. Applicant: City of Sedona. Case Number: PZ21-00003 (Major CPA, ZC).
The proposed amendment requests, associated applications, and the Sedona Community Plan are available for public review and inspection at the Community Development Department, 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona Arizona, 86336 and at Persons with questions or comments should contact Michael Raber, Senior Planner, (928) 204-7106 or
At the public hearing, citizens and interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard. The proposal(s) may be modified, in part, at the public hearing.