Sedona News – The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to present the Northern Arizona premiere of “Brilliant Disguise” showing Oct. 14-Oct. 20 at the Alice Gill-Sheldon Theatre.

“Brilliant Disguise” tells the unique story of a group of inspired Western spiritual seekers from the 60s, who in meeting the great American teacher, Ram Dass, followed him to India to meet his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, familiarly known as Maharaji. Two days before he left his body, Maharaji instructed K.C. Tewari to take care of the Westerners, which he did resolutely until the day he died in 1997.
K.C. Tewari — in the guise of a headmaster of a boys school in the foothills of the Himalayas — was secretly a High Yogi, frequently able to go into altered states of trance, known as Samadhi, at any moment.
“Brilliant Disguise” features Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Raghu Markus, Radha Baum and others, including K.C.’s two sons, as well as rare archival interviews with K.C. himself. Set in the stunning backdrop of India, the film is adorned with spectacular and moving footage from the 1989 Maha Kumbha Mela — the largest spiritual gathering in the world, attended by K.C. and the group of Westerners featured throughout this colorful biopic.
The film is the story of a man who represents the intrinsic potential in all human beings to live in direct contact with the Divine Presence. K.C. chose to live within the humble disguise of a husband and school teacher. The brilliance is K.C.’s ability at a moment’s notice to go beyond himself into sublime states of consciousness.
“To have this film about such a great soul like K.C. Tewari is an absolute treasure … an inspiration for so many. It is so important to share these stories of Neem Karoli Baba devotees. It inspires us and gives us hope.” — Trevor Hall, Singer/Songwriter
“Until they invent a time machine this beautiful film is as close as we can get to hanging out with the Ram Dass satsang during their formative years in India.” — Duncan Trussell, Podcaster, Comedian and Actor
“A deeply inspiring portrait of a man whose life embodied love, service and devotion.” — Sharon Salzberg, Author of Loving Kindness and Real Change
“Brilliant Disguise” will be shown at the Alice Gill-Sheldon Theatre Oct. 14-20. Showtimes will be 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Oct. 14, 15, 16 and 17; and 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 18, 19 and 20.
Tickets are $12, or $9 for Film Festival members. For tickets and more information, please call 928-282-1177. Both the theatre and film festival office are located at 2030 W. Hwy. 89A, in West Sedona. For more information, visit: