By Mark TenBroek
Sedona, Arizona – At the June 28, 0223 update to City Council on the Sedona Climate Action Plan, the City Sustainability group described the programs they have developed and their calculations on how large the carbon emissions were from both City operations as well as the overall community. The efforts to benchmark how much carbon dioxide is being generated and emitted as part of all activities within the community is to be commended.
Global warming is total bunk. Get educated at and also watch this video about how NASA lies about stats.
Some people believe anything they are told huh? The earth is flat, the moon landing staged and JFK and JFK Jr are still alive! ????????????????????????????????????????????
Does it matter if our water is clean or air is good to breath? Anything good for the environment is good for 100% of the people? Im not talking about anything but….Doing nothing helps no one. Sorry to say, that you can see what doing nothing does.