By Tommy Acosta
Never underestimate the love Sedona embodies and shines, especially when it comes to helping the less fortunate. On Tuesday, April 27 members of the community are joining together to accept donations for a wonderful cause to help disadvantaged young mothers in need, with baby clothes and related items such as diapers, lotions, shampoos, laundry soup, paper plates, snack foods and other necessities.
The effort is spearheaded by a local group of volunteers through their “Two Fer Tuesdays” effort, now joined by Sedona’s Realty One Group Real Estate Agency.
Volunteers from Realty One will bring donations and help the Two Fer Tuesday organizers accept and distribute the much-needed baby items.
“Part of our philosophy is giving back to the community through our annual One Cares event,” Realty OneGroup Branch Manager William Hamburg said. “We can’t think of a better way to do so than by helping and joining the Two Fer Tuesday volunteers in their philanthropic effort.”
Two Fer Tuesday organizer Andrea Kadar is thrilled to have Realty One jump on board for this month’s effort.
“The Two Fer Tuesday team is very pleased to welcome the Realty One realtors and staff who have graciously offered to volunteer to collect donations,” she said. “The realty group is an exceptional example of selfless service to our Verde Valley community.”
Two Fer Tuesday this month is focusing on supporting young moms and their families negatively impacted by job loss, stress and depression during the pandemic, collecting baby clothes and supplies for the Naomi Center in the Navajo Nation and the Abide Pregnancy Center in Camp Verde, to provide young families with staples and supplies to improve their lives, and offer hope.
There will be two donation collection locations: one located at the Sedona United Methodist Church, 110 Indian Cliffs Rd., Sedona, 86336 (Back O’ Beyond Roundabout).
The other location will be at Café Jose Restaurant at 2370 AZ 89 A, Suite 1, Sedona, 86336, (next to McDonalds, Safeway Shopping Center).
The collection will occur Tuesday, April 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Naomi House needs Size 1 diapers, baby wipes, lotion, shampoo, baby girl clothes (3-6 months), Desitin, dish soap, laundry soap, Lysol wipes, paper plates and snack foods.
Abide House/Center needs size 3-6 diapers, wipes and baby boy clothes (3 months to 2 years old.
The Two-Fer Tuesday ministry was founded during the pandemic of 2020 in an effort to bless, encourage and support small business, professional organizations, local 501 C 3’s, law enforcement, indigenous peoples and the underprivileged.
To learn more about volunteering for Two-Fer Tuesdays, send an email to
1 Comment
Thank you, Tommy, for your selfless contribution to Two Fer Tuesday via Sedona.Biz. We hope to see you at Cafe Jose as we have a treat for you for your kindness and good sportsmanship.
Supplies are already pouring in (in advance of Two Fer Tuesday, April 27) and we are very grateful for the baby clothes, diapers, sanitizers, and baby wipes donated so far. This Two Fer is on track to be a big success for our young, struggling moms on the Navajo Nation and in Camp Verde. This community continues to be generous and exceptional!