What About Utilities Under 89a?
Sedona, AZ (October 7, 2011) –
I support the city taking over 89A .
My only question is, if piping or sewers, or cables are necessary in the future beneath 89A, would passing 410 mean that we could not access any state funding that might be potentially available because the city of Sedona “owns” the 89 corridor?
Robert Cleland
Dear Mr. Cleland,
Sewers are already installed in the businesses along 89A. With the kind of regular maintenance they get, there is little likelihood of digging them up again any time soon – and if we ever did, the sewers belong to the city and the city would have to fund doing that, regardless of who owned the road. I’m not aware of any state help now in maintaining city infrastructure under their road. That is true with the major drainage project that is under way now putting larger pipes under 89A by the Giant station.
My understanding is that the electrical, gas, water and cables belong to the respective utilities that deliver their product and they maintain them. If a water line breaks, the water company is responsible for digging it up and fixing it – and repairing the street when they are done. If they want to put in a new line, they get a permit from the city to do it and pay the cost of installation. The city charges these utilities a franchise fee for use of and access to the ground under our city streets to run their lines and pipes. If, however, the city asks a utility company to change, move, etc. a line or pipe, there are different rules. In some cases, depending on the company, the city may pay for the work if we requested it, it may be cost shared, or the utility may pay. It depends on the company and the circumstances.
ADOT also has agreements with utility companies regarding their lines, pipes and cables that are in the ADOT right of way on 89A, both above and below ground. I believe the city would look to assume those agreements in a route transfer as part of any new negotiation process.
Cliff Hamilton