By Tommy Acosta–
Sedona, AZ –Let’s kick off this review of the debate by acknowledging that a Republican victory this coming presidential election stands about the same chance of happening as a snowflake has of surviving a week in hell.
Even God as their candidate would lose if the Republicans continue their suicidal pogrom against abortions.
That being said, let’s get on with my review.
No doubt about it. The winner of Wednesday’s Republican debate was newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy.
He was sharp. Tough. Interesting. Engaging. Humorous. Confident and animated.
He was cool under pressure, slipped or shook off most of the punches thrown at him from political heavyweights Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Mike Pence, and threw some heavy blows himself. At the end of the night, most of the FOX and CNN pundits out there were speaking about him and admitting the young hopeful shined.
Ramaswami was fun to watch and you could see he was having a great time on that stage, totally non-plussed or intimidated by his experienced political adversaries.
DeSantis looked like he was reading from a script he had long ago gone bored with and was desperately trying to re-animate.
There was a false feeing that he was trying to be passionate in his remarks but appeared instead to be stiffer than a carpenter’s board about to be screwed.
And then there’s Pence looking like an undertaker ready to put his campaign in a casket. There’s something so scary about the guy. Not sure if its his haircut or oversized ears or demonic gleam in his eyes.
Christie was his old tough self but appeared a bit puzzled that Ramaswami did not go down or even get dazed from the heavy blows he threw at him all night.
Every time Christie slugged him Ramaswami would pop back throwing punches. They ganged up on him but he dodged the barbs and came back with witty retorts and snappy comebacks.
You can bet the pundits will be focusing on Ramaswami going forward. He is the first exciting thing to happen for the party in a long time.
Even though some of the debaters expressed support for Trump, especially Ramaswami who said he would pardon Trump if the former president was convicted and he got elected, the candidates never said they would prosecute the Bidens if elected. Rather strange.
Unfortunately, whoever wins the nomination makes little difference considering that their anti-abortion stance is going to cost the Republicans the election, regardless who the Democrat’s candidate is.
Fortunately, for Ramaswami he was skipped and spared the misfortune of having to state his position on abortion while Pence and DeSantis took the blows.
Pence further buried himself by re-iterating his desire for a national ban on abortion, while Haley offered a more measured response to the question by leaving the door open for compromise on the issue.
For me, the most enjoyable aspect of the debate was Ramaswami messing with all the others. It was kind of like watching a junior Trump adding color, snap and pizazz to the debate. He looked like he was playing with them.
Ramaswami is going to simply get better and better at it while his competitors have all reached their top cruising altitude.
Looking forward its obvious we are going to see a lot of Ramaswami.
He is fascinating to watch. He is articulate and fresh, where the others are old, spent and tired and we have heard it all before.
“Woody” DeSantis is just too dull even though he did at least unlock his state from the Covid imprisonments and he did take a shot at the villainous Anthony Fauci.
He can throw his political weight around but Christie will not be the nominee., You can’t take a shot at Trump and not pay consequences. Pence is a loser and no MAGA Republican will forgive him for betraying Trump.
Haley is too strident and needs better makeup.
If Trump does not become the nominee because he is in jail or something else, then the baton will be passed to Ramaswami.
That’s right. Ramaswami!
He can galvanize the Republican youth and Independents, offering a bit of hope for those who still believe in the illusion of government.
He is photogenic and the media loves him. All he needs to do is sharpen his act and bullet-proof his message.
However, Ramaswami’s Achilles heel will be his stance on abortion. He needs to get it right. Find a middle road. If he doesn’t and is still a fervent pro-life candidate at election time, he will lose.
Also, he needs to understand that the war in Ukraine is making a lot of money for a lot of people. Cutting off their blood supply for the war, is going to piss them off and they will do whatever they have to do to subjugate him and derail his campaign.
Observe over the coming weeks how much media coverage Ramaswami is going to get. He is a rising Republican star and hope for a new Republican revolution.
When Trump wins in ’24 Ramaswami could, judged on apperances to date,, make a a good Vice President.
However, one has some reservation when it comes to a guy who’s Yale ‘education’ was funded by George Soros.
He had his conspiracy theories down pat, thats for sure! The GOQP is fun to watch, scary at what they call governing!
Your sexist one-liner about Nikki Haley doesn’t belong in 2023, Tommy. Better re-think that. (And I don’t think she’s reached her “cruising altitude,” as you cleverly put it. Let’s wait and see.) I think Ramaswami is an arrogant, callow man, deeply in need of a comeuppance. But he is young and will be a force to reckon with, no question. Trump VP?
You are one of the few commentators that I have seen that agrees with me that the abortion issue will be the death nail of the Republican Party. After the last election, no one blamed losing the senate, when it should have gone to the Republicans, on the court’s abortion decision. The liberals have not been that energized in years. I personally am against abortions but I don’t want the decision to be made by law or the courts. The battle to save babies is in the trenches with one on one conversations with the mother to be. They don’t need to be beat up with the bible; they need facts, not laws or condemnation.
This whole show was just that–a show with actors. An international embarrassment if this is the best we have to offer. We will no longer have a 2-party system in the future because it was set up to divide us. In the future we will vote for policy only, and if the president does not carry out his assigned duties he/she can be easily removed. Whoever decided we were supposed to be called a democracy (aka mob rule) did it to divide us. We are a REPUBLIC, governed by the rule of law, by and for the people, and those who are remembering this are taking action. Action to put us back where we belong is upcoming.