By Tommy Acosta
(May 19, 2021)
Back Uptown today and there was a startling transformation from two weeks ago. Hardly anyone was wearing a mask!
Just like that. A few simple directives from the CDC and other authorities, and the public turns on a dime.
Masks once ruled. And now, virtually none in sight.
There are conspiracy theorists who say the Covid-19 pandemic was a social experiment to see just how far the authorities can go in manipulating the populations.
They say that if you instill enough fear in the people, that they will trust the authorities and submit to any order given, including the loss of freedoms. Create the problem and offer them the cure. Prepare the populations for complete control.
Then there are those who believe the authorities have done and are doing everything in their power to quell the devastatingly deadly flu with every tool at their disposal.
They say the effectiveness of the cure and wiping out the pandemic, depends on the willingness of the populations to follow the rules and directives set by the authorities.
Then of course there are those who don’t believe anything they are being told by the authorities or conspiracy theorists and remain un-involved and invisible in the background as they observe others around them taking one side or another.
Again, the rapidity that the tourists uptown shifted from mask wearing to no masking, was impressive to any student of social science.
Perhaps people are now placing more faith in the protection they are told they get from the vaccines?
Even though there is no way of telling if a person has had the vaccine amongst a group of people in a restaurant or closed environment, many former mask wearers are breathing easier now that the authorities said it is safe to do so.
Meanwhile, those who never tested, masked or took the vaccine remain as carefree and careless as they were before the virus was born.
One could ask if it’s fair that those who followed the rules are in the same psychological safe place now as those who never did.
While some still believe they must mask under any condition because of the perceived danger the unmasked, untested and unvaccinated people pose, those who haven’t given the flu any serious consideration, remain fear free and totally oblivious to the concerns of the masked.
To each, his own.
Yet, regardless of one’s position on the subject, it was refreshing to see so many smiling, unmasked faces in Uptown Sedona once again.
I aim one off those people who followed all the rules and frankly, I am confused. I believed every word Dr. Fauci said, including that we need at least 80 percent of the population vaccinated to achieve herd immunity that would allow us to walk around without masks without fear. Now he tells us with less than 50 percent of us vaccinated that it’s safe to ditch the masks and congregate. What’s with that? I don’t know who to believe anymore.
Michael, I politely suggest you check out EXACTLY what is in the so-called “vaccine” and look up what each of it’s constituents does.
By the way – remember, this is not an approved medication, per se; it is approved for emergency use only.
Define ’emergency’. Define ‘epidemic’. Define ‘pandemic’.
And … bear in mind, the inventor of the P.C.R. test stated, categorically, the test is not in any way valid for testing whether or not any individual may have contracted any viral or other disease.
Be safe …
Congratulations Michael,
I think that is a very good sign. Now – you are free to use your own innate abilities to find your own truth. I never believed any of the figures that were being purported in the mainstream news from the very beginning (I learned alot from my experience with so-called modern medicine over the years – especially about their billing systems that are often full of algorythms that bounce numbers all over the place and in some cases have multiple systems running simultaneously. One hospital’s billing department rotated its supervisors monthly so you always had to begin at the beginning each month when the bill suddenly sky-rocketed for seemingly no reason).
A little bit of your own research will likely lead you to once again be able to discern for yourself what you feel is true and what definitely doesn’t smell right! It may mean letting go of all that we thought for sure we knew … and beginning fresh. It is part of our journey. I remember when I woke up – it happened for me through what was being done in the food industry. It is why I like to grow a garden.
I saw a presentation quite a while back at the earlier stages of this staged show “Pandemic” … someone who was highly credentialed in all the areas of city zoning and financial planning, etc. She was able to easily use her office staff to start overlaying certain information to correspond to where the Antifa riots were taking place, etc. She laid out one overlay over another and saw some very obvious clues to the patterning that she then identified as the oldest trick in the book!!
We only see what we can see – according to our view! I think this whole time-framed event has many layers of patterns – so one may wake up to the “false science” or perhaps now more appropriately being termed “lack of science” as more and more is making it’s way through the censoring and coming to light … about what is or isn’t, what does or doesn’t, and what you must or mustn’t.
Many people are now coming to the conclusion that what has been presented by those in authority positions may not have had any basis in true biological/chemical science – more a matter of convenience for other desired results. That certainly is a big pill for many to swallow. But swallow it we must. We are all in need of a good reset of our moral compasses during these times – and I am guessing there will be more shattering of long-held beliefs to come.
You are not alone – and we willl all be OK. As we remember our inalienable rights ~ we can continue to think for ourselves. Education has been lacking in this area in recent years – so we may need a lot of practice to get all working optimally again. Compassion is a great companion for our journey – we are all in this together and each are unique and gifted with different expression.
There is a distinction between “doing everything right”/obeying the man-made rules believing they are best for us all ~ and tuning-in and aligning our personal connection with our Higher Source/Creator to walk our walk in the light of “knowing” our Truth. The first comes in with fear and the last one comes in with love. For me – that is my truth meter – how does it make me feel?
Thank you for your honest comment – not knowing what to believe is a very good place to start from my humble perspective. I call it beginner’s mind – and I begin each day from this place. Soon enough – that which unfolds aligns me with my higher truth!
The previous administration was (early on) going to mail masks throughout the country to its citizens. They changed their mind prior to actually doing it.
The previous administration wanted to achieve herd immunity by letting people die (and they did with their lack of policies and “downplaying” the pandemic constantly (we’re rounding the curve”).
Vaccines available to most of the population are a better way to herd immunity.
Masks were/are a good idea for your safety and the safety of others.
If you have not done so, get a vaccine. When things are too easy, some folks lose interest. There are many countries in the world that would love to have vaccines easily available.
I’ve survived 75 years without ever having any vaccine and see no valid reason to start taking vaccines now.
I will be happy to donate my vaxx to anyone who needs it.
But before you roll up your sleeve, be sure to do your own due diligence as new information is coming out every day.
Masks do nothing, nada, zip, zilch to stop or slow the spread of corona virus. Like Fauci said, it is “theatre only.”
Also, the vaxx is potentially dangerous = we do not know for sure because it is EXPERIMENTAL. But, as Senators in Texas has learned, there was no animal testing because ALL the animals died after the first dose.
And in the news today = All vaccinated people will die within 2 years. Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world’s leading virologist stated bluntly: “There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated. We must be prepared to cremate the bodies.” The scientific genius backed up the claims of other eminent virologists after studying the ingredients of the vaccine. “They will all die from antibody-dependent enhancement. That is all that can be said.”
Take the vaxx at your own risk. No Lifeguard On Duty.
First, let’s get the mask gig out of the way. It’s a scam.
Unless anyone can find a mask fully tested to do what Faucci & Co claim it will do …
The ‘virus’ (a.k.a. Chinese Plague) … it is patented, so seeing as how nothing natural is permitted to be patented, it follows that it has been manufactured. A manufactured virus for a manufactured crisis for profit and control.
Timing,as always , is important. So why was it let loose from the Wuhan lab at that time?
The answer lies in the fake remedies demanded.
Or one of ’em, namely, social distancing and “stay at home”.
The fear generated by the official B.S. story, propogated by a corrupt bought-and-paid-for media scared the crap out of people so millions did the mail-in voting thingo which assisted greatly in the massive election fraud which put a C.C.P. puppet in the Oval Office resulting in every positive act of President Trump and his administration being reversed to he detriment of all. Everything is connected.
I have no concerns, though, ‘cos soon all which is known will finally hit mainstream and heads will roll.
Some heads, perhaps, literally. (Does not treason carry the death penalty?)