By Tommy Acosta
Sedona News – This is going to be one humdinger of an election!
We have ten candidates vying for four available seats; one for mayor, the other three for councilors, a field of public-service seekers who are focused on making a Sedona a better and more beautiful place.
Let’s see. We got incumbent Sandy Moriarty; incumbent Scott Jablow; candidate Kurt Gehlbach; and political newcomer Samaire Armstrong running for mayor.
Running for council we have incumbent Jon Thompson; candidate Melissa Dunn; candidate Brian Fultz; candidate Pete Furman; candidate Jennifer Strait; and candidate Scott Moffat.
A perusal through their websites will reveal a commonality of concerns across the spectrum of their platforms.
All are focused on solving the city’s problems that include short-term-rentals, airbnbs, traffic, the relationship between the city and the Chamber, tourism, substantiality, work-force-housing, maintaining Sedona’s trails, preserving its character, maintaining or achieving fiscal responsibility, etc.
These candidates are long-term Sedona residents and each and everyone deserves to be commended for their desire to serve the public as city council members.
They all come to the table with unique talents and unique perspectives on how to solve the city’s issues.
Although their objectives are similar, there will be different campaign styles employed by the various candidates to win those votes.
Some candidates will choose to accuse the city of failing to do its job and claim they could do a better one.
Some will offer solutions and perhaps a new vision for Sedona everyone can get behind.
There will be parties and community get togethers supporting certain candidates. There will be door knocking.
It will be a typical, hard -fought election. Except for one thing. This election year we have a young candidate running for mayor. A millennial! A millennial with some chops.
A Hollywood actress, martial artist, energetic and smart, Samaire Armstrong has stepped onto the political stage in Sedona.
She is articulate and ambitious. She is out there.
Maybe we old timers need to look at the world we are leaving behind for the millennials, assess and acknowledge we have not done such a great job keeping it together.
Is it time for us Baby Boomers to listen to those coming up behind us?
What have you got to say, Samaire?
Same for you old timers running for office. You are all free to comment below. Write as long as you wish. Let us know more about who you are and what you seek to accomplish. This is an open platform.
Well Tommy, thats my gripe with this state!….They could care less about the future, they under fund public education, steal from it. Allow charter schools different rules, and get my tax money. Yea we shouldnt be ranked 47 out of 50! Children of today are the grown ups running things tomorrow!
Boomer destroyed this country by outsourcing any good paying jobs for 40 years!..Eliminated pensions that one most people had giving years of dedication to a company! Every boomer out there should be worried when the younger far less of a chance to be successful generation has in store for us!
Yeah to millennials! They are multi-taskers, think outside the box, creative problem solving, tech savvy, they are careful before opting for a service or buying products, they are not gullible or easily-convincing, they look for advice and research before going into something ! Samaire Armstrong has all these traits and can communicate with all groups of people!
Hi Tommy…..just an FYI….it is Brian Fultz, not Fulks. Thanks.
Regardless or whether they are an old timer or new timer, they must be aggressive and know the immediate
NEEDS of Sedona, which have been discussed at length over and over and over………..
Thank you for highlighting my generation in this campaign! As a mother, I seek to bring a perspective to our local government that strongly establishes the presence of a community driven decision making in governance. The future of Sedona depends upon establishing a stronghold for families and our youth.
It is an exciting time right now! We are on the precipice of a new way of life in Sedona. The need and desire for change is palpable. I have seen the motivation in the community… I have experienced it myself. I can boldly say that we are deeply yearning to see our own reflection in our city. Sedona locals are prepared to be heard and recognized, and to take-on the role of directors of stewardship for our beautiful home.
We all live here because we value a particular quality of life and hold a deep care for our community and land. In this, a balance between us and our visitor industry is strongly desired and needed. The community is ready for just such a collaboration.
Following the efforts and outcomes of what has transpired over the last two years, and witnessing how polarizing politics have become, I am thrilled to see that this nonpartisan campaign can serve as an opportunity to build cooperation and new unity. Our focus on Sedona’s preservation allows us to share a common goal, and thus a narrowing of the divide. We are uniting the residents of Sedona based on the desire for a genuine quality of life and love for Sedona. If you care about Sedona and our community, then we are on the same side.
It is just wonderful to be back in my hometown with my family. We are well aware of the struggles for young families as well as for our parents’ generation. A local government’s focus must be on the quality of life inclusive of both ends of the generational spectrum; this will have a far more balanced and beneficial outcome than a simple rigid focus on profit.
My focus on decision making will ask:
· Will this serve the local residents?
· Will this serve the children?
· Will this serve local businesses?
· Is the project the best use of our funds?
· Does this project best serve our community?
· How can we achieve this project with local bids?
· Have we critically thought through all aspects to avoid unintended consequences?
I believe it is time to honor those who have been in office, thank them for their service and their near decade and more of commitment to serving the city. And now we ask that they kindly step aside to let the next generation walk into the seats to uphold the values that are required for a community to support our children to bring Sedona into a new era.
Please find out more about my campaign at SAMAIREFORMAYOR.COM
Samaire is a fantastic mother, a grown adult, a true native of Sedona (how many can say that!?!), and a breath of fresh air. We are so excited about this lady, the millenial label and narrative is irrelevant. She will be fabulous as our new Mayor. The last thing we need is politics, and business, as usual in this town.
Article is good, but is that a biased promo for Moriarty at the top? Or a paid ad that should be clearly marked as such? We need someone who stands up for freedom of medical choice and has NOT supported mask, gene injection, social distancing and lockdown mandates. We must never do that again over a virus which is little different from a bad cold or flu, especially when hundreds of citizens turned up at the critical choice point in protest of what turned out to be her sole executive decision (June 2020).
We also desperately need to calm down tourist in this town. The traffic, crowding and AIrBnBs are destroying our small town way of life. Many locals cannot even use Red Rock Crossing reliably anymore without a ridiculous wait in line. The council must stop voting to donate millions to private business (the Chamber) to promote tourism. SHuttles are not the answer.
I am SO excited for Samaire’s win! She has everything that will make Sedona stronger! Transparency, Courage, Loyalty, and ENERGY and VITALITY! (and super easy on the eyes – which always helps as well- what a gorgeous beauty! ) Having survived Hollywood and back home to her Sedona, Samaire will take us on an amazing journey. I am so excited for her win and her leadership! GO SAMAIRE!
I am elated that Samaire Armstrong is running for Mayor of Sedona! Samaire will bring transparency and integrity to the governance of Sedona and will be worthy of the title ‘leader’. I often wonder where is the current administration taking it’s directives for city planning and priorities and with a little digging I have found that the sovereignty of our very unique town is being handed over to globalist agendas that will do to the opposite of preserve and steward this land and grow and nurture a healthy community, including create stability for our children’s futures. What are we standing for if it is not for solutions specific to our rare and special town and for building robust communities generous with opportunities for all ages along with fostering living education and vibrant local enterprise? My question to most current political leaders is, ‘Where is your humanity, heart and internal moral compass?’. It is time we create a new paradigm. The old way of pandering to the elitists is not working. The choice is ours. To me, Samaire represents true humanity at it’s best and highest self. I am ready to support this kind of individual worthy of my respect. I am rolling my sleeves up to do my part in ensuring our children have the freedom and quality of life that is everyone’s birthright. My vote and support goes to Samaire and all those in favor of restoring integrity to leadership and who value the ‘human’ in humankind. (And I must say, I am very disheartened that the current administration chose to put the new transit hub at the local skate park which is the main place for local kids to gather. There is little parking for the local families here now and there are hundreds of strangers brought to a place where kids are. How utterly foolish and money-centric this decision is. Why not use another parking lot, even the one across the street from the skate park? This is just one example how the city does not care for the locals or for kids, but for lining their pockets.)
I concur with everything Sarah stated above! We need a fresh perspective. Samaire will make an excellent Mayor. She will transcend this partisan division, and stop the deceptive overtaking of our city by the globalist agenda.
Forget the labels. Samaire is a tough and smart LOCAL candidate. She should win by a mile.
Very smart and intelligent young lady. Of the few encounters I have had, what is impressive is her willingness to understand and research the issues, and not just make things up. If she doesn’t know it, she educates herself on the problems and seeks out sources in town that have knowledge of the past and how we got where we are. Only then can you formulate solutions and work with others to implement them.
It’s also time for some young blood and new ideas to bring our younger community members into the process. We have some terrific millennials in Sedona that run their own businesses and are great employees. These folks need more participation in the development of our community.
The Verde Valley has regional challenges. Her exuberance and ability to communicate ideas and therefore solutions is a benefit for the entire Verde Valley.
But it is not just Samaire, it is also the other candidates that are running for council. New ideas and creative ways to approach the issues that effect the residents, and improve the tourist experience. We need her leadership.
A little bull in the china shop is needed once in awhile to realign our priorities and to get fresh ideas..
Time for a change Sedona.
Samaire, how about the noise from off road vehicles disturbing once peaceful Sedona? I will be asking you this question Friday evening at the Elks
Samaire Armstrong is the only logical choice. The others have had their opportunities.
What ever happened to respecting and honoring your elders? Elders have knowledge, experience and patience. That is why it is always the elders who guide the tribes and steer their countries through troubled waters.
Sandy has been a wonderful leader. She has everything a mayor needs to run a city. Her mask mandate probably saved thousands of lives in Sedona when she issued it when the pandemic first struck. Look at that and all her accomplishments while she served as mayor. I will be voting for her again and I hope people don’t fall for the hype about millennials and all that nonsense. Millennials are lost in their computers and gadgets and have no idea what the real world is all about. They are a lost generation and are not ready yet for real responsibilities.
Narrator: mask mandates haven’t saved a single life anywhere. Vote Samarie!
Samire would be a super choice when compared to the existing browbeating Mayor who has ruined Sedona through her ridiculous support of the Chamber at $2.4 M /year.Let’s solve the traffic, STR issues and beggars by dumping all the old Council and bring new thinking. The current Council are all amatures and must be replaced this year with some pros who can handle a $70M budget. And pay them accordingly.
Ha! Justice has prevailed! No more stupid mask mandates!
I am SO happy to see new candidates for elected office in Sedona. I will vote for Samaire Armstrong for mayor, and am currently investigating the statements and policy positions of the new candidates for city council. Newcomers who are willing to question and change the status quo will get my vote. We desperately need new perspectives and new leadership in Sedona. For too long, the entrenched council members and mayor have continued to do the same old thing, much to the detriment of our community, and despite the many voices in the community who have been pleading for change (in many areas) along with a true reexamination of the city-chamber relationship. I am ready, ready, ready for change in Sedona’s city governance and will vote for it in all cases and political races.
Yes I cant wait for more change and we can give all that bed tax money to a big PR group out of Phoenix or New York!…….We have to spend( by AZ. state law) it so lets get even more bang for the buck!
You are really gaining the support I imagined you would. Such great news. I wish we could be here for your celebration! Look forward to being your photographer. The best time for the photo I am looking for is about 5:00 pm outside. Bring a bandana and wear one of you tshirts. See you soon.