Sedona News – Keep Sedona Beautiful (KSB) celebrated fifty years of environmental stewardship in Sedona and the Verde Valley with a formal reception at the Mary D. Fisher Theater on October 19th.
The gathering was attended by long-time friends, KSB members and community officials who helped KSB grow over the last half-century. After a reception held in the courtyard, attendees moved into the theatre where KSB President Craig Swanson detailed the organization’s decades of accomplishments. He conveyed how the group was founded on the desire to clean up what the Arizona Republic referred to as “honky-tonk Sedona,” picking up litter and convincing businesses to remove obnoxious billboards.
Swanson recognized how remarkable it is for a nonprofit as small as KSB to continue to thrive for fifty years. “For over five decades, KSB has been a champion for litter-free roadways, effective signage, environmentally harmonious buildings/landscapes and native plants in landscaping. Each year, KSB bestows Awards of Excellence which honor individuals, organizations and businesses who have most contributed to our mission to keep Sedona beautiful.”
“KSB will leverage its fifty years of experience to address challenges with sustainable development and tourism, reduction in plastics use, dark sky preservation, detrimental OHV use and climate change,” stated Swanson.
Swanson then debuted two KSB videos, the first featuring a recap of KSB’s fifty years of service and a second focusing on the destructive impact of unregulated Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use. Irresponsible OHV drivers in the Red Rock District of the Coconino National Forest are having a disastrous impact on both the environment and the quality of life for residents. Both videos can be viewed at the Keep Sedona Beautiful website.
Mayor Sandy Moriarty read a proclamation designating October 19, 2022 as Keep Sedona Beautiful Day and spoke about the value that KSB brings to Sedona and the Verde Valley.
Arizona Congressman and former KSB President Tom O’Halleran spoke about the Organization’s commitment to the environment and what it means for Sedona. He highlighted the need to preserve what we have today for future generations and recognized the imperative to stop land devastation from irresponsible OHV use, emphasizing that these vehicles need to be enjoyed in an appropriate way.
Since 1972, the nonprofit organization has been dedicated to conserving the area’s beauty by maintaining our precious resources: clean water, dark skies, open space and serene landscapes. To launch KSB’s Fiftieth Anniversary, the Board of Directors updated its mission statement to read: “To protect and sustain the scenic beauty and natural environment of Sedona and the Verde Valley.” For more information about Keep Sedona Beautiful, please visit