Verde Valley News – From May 19 through June 21, 2022, the ‘Tis Art Center and Gallery in historic downtown Prescott will present “Journeys in Spirit 2022”: Traditional and Contemporary Native Art. Produced in partnership with the Museum of Indigenous People, with additional support from the City of Prescott and the Prescott Area Arts and Humanities Council, this fascinating exhibit will showcase the artwork, culture and stories of a diverse group of Native artists. Attendees will have a chance to meet the artists during Prescott’s 4th Friday Art Walk, on May 27 from 5-7 p.m.
From the rock paintings and carvings of early ancestors to basketry, bead working, ceramics and other mediums, art has always played a powerful and integral role in Native cultures. Today, many traditions continue to be handed down from generation to generation, and children are taught from an early age that color and imagery carry symbolic meaning and that through the arts, stories can be told.
The Native artists of “Journeys in Spirit” come from varied backgrounds and cultures, with some living within and others living outside of their tribal communities. The exhibit will highlight a range of styles and mediums, from more traditional works to modern mediums such as painting and photography. As they explore the intriguing artwork on display, “Journeys in Spirit” attendees will gain insight into the lives of the artists and the cultures and stories of their tribes.
The ’Tis Art Center and Gallery is located at 105 S. Cortez Street, Prescott, Ariz. 86303. For more information about “Journeys in Spirit,” visit