“There Will Also Be Some Fun Stuff in the Box”
Sedona, AZ (August 15, 2011) – The Community Plan Party in a box is now ready for interested residents to pick up at the Community Development Department at City Hall. Citizens are encouraged to invite a few friends and neighbors to their home to discuss ideas on how they would like to see Sedona in 2020 and beyond.
The kit contains a 5-minute introductory DVD, background information, a city map, and a supply of workbooks that people can use to develop ideas and write their own views. “There will also be some fun stuff in the box”, advised Citizens Steering Committee member Judy Reddington. “We want everyone to enjoy this as a party while they concentrate on this important project.” The box will include paper, pencils, and even popcorn and balloons to mark the host home.
Two identical programs in May at the Creative Life Center introduced the public to the planning process, and challenged citizens to envision how Sedona might change for the better. That meeting presented videos and slide talks by members, as well as giving attendees several opportunities to air their thoughts.
A June 30 meeting at West Sedona School drew more than 100 citizens, who broke into facilitated groups to develop ideas and “think outside the box” on what can be done to assure a good future for people here in the next decades.
Following these successful City-wide public programs asking citizens to “Imagine Sedona 2020 and Beyond,” the Citizen Steering Committee and the Long-Range Planning staff will begin a series of smaller topic-focused public meetings in September and October.
“This is the fourth update of Sedona’s Community Plan since 1990,” said Steering Committee Chair Jim Eaton. “In the previous updates the City won two state awards for public involvement, and we’re determined to do it again. Actually this project shouldn’t be called an ‘update’ because we want it to be an all-new people’s Plan, easier to use and more accurately reflecting how the public wants to see Sedona in 2020 and beyond. The Council chose to form our volunteer Steering Committee to gain more public input, rather than spend tax money on outside consultants. We really have a blue-ribbon group, and so far we’ve enjoyed working with a blue-ribbon public”, he added.
For more information to sign up to host a Party in a Box call Kathy Levin, Associate Planner at 203-5035 or email Klevin@sedonaAz.gov