By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, Az –Former Sedona Mayoral candidate Samaire Armstrong has triumphantly returned to Sedona as a movie star in a Hollywood feature film titled “God Is (not) Dead: In God We Trust,” where she plays a hard-core campaign manager for a Christian pastor making a run for Congress.
Samaire delivers a solid performance as the ruthless campaign manager who tries to convince the pastor to play dirty while he wants to keep it clean because of his faith – a classic confrontation between good and evil.
From the get-go, the movie sets the stage for the battle between those wishing to combine church and state in the governance of the country against those wishing to keep God out of it at any cost.
Samaire, narrowly lost her election bid for Sedona mayor when she ran two years ago brings to the camera an intrinsic knowledge of what it means to face dirty tricks inherent in politics.
Except in the film, the shoe is on the other foot as her character indulges in political shenanigans and dirty tricks in hope of defeating the pastor’s opponent.
One thing the film makes clear is that sometimes the true power of an elected official is the campaign manager behind them.
Should God be involved in earthily politics or not is the basic theme of the film and Samaire’s role as a formidable political hack provides fodder for the pastor’s need to be fair in the eyes of God versus Samaire’s need to win regardless what God thinks.
The film makes no bones about its stance promoting the concept that religion and politics can work together for the benefit of the country but falls short of proselytizing or actually calling for Christians across America to rise up and vote candidates of faith into all branches of government.
The rest of the actors in the film do a great job and the arguments delivered by the representatives for both sides, those who want to keep church and state separate versus those who are for unification, are intriguing and thought provoking regardless of where one stands on the issue.
The star-studded cast that includes David A.R. White, Dean Cain, Scott Baio, Charlene Tilton, Ray Wise and, of course, Samaire Armstrong, deliver powerful messages, their characters calling upon believers to stand firm in faith and make their voices heard; or, telling God to mind his own business.
For those in Sedona who know Samaire, this movie is a special treat because her superb acting skills makes you forget that it is her in the film as her character develops, comes to life, and she becomes her.
This is one movie that is not to be missed as it could actually be predicting what is coming to this country in the not too distant future. It’s a primer to a blueprint America could soon be following.
“God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust” will be shown at the Mary D. Fisher and Alice Gill-Sheldon Theatres. Showtimes will be Sunday and Monday, Sept. 15 and 16 at 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 17, and 18 at 7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $12, or $9 for Film Festival members. For tickets and more information, please call 928-282-1177. Both the theatre and film festival office are located at 2030 W. Hwy. 89A, in West Sedona. For more information, visit:
The movie was very intriguing and Samaire was stellar in her command of the character Lotte. Bravo Samarie Armstrong!
Love the title. This country was NOT founded on religion it was secondarily founded by Anglo’s to escape it. God was NOT part of the Pledge of Allegiance until 1954 and In God We Trust was not our “motto” until 1956/57. It was NOT any part of America’s second founding. America had just emerged from both WWII and the Korean War (ongoing) where GI’s fought fascism and communism and now we have MAGA American’s who support Fascist, Fascism and Communism hiding behind “God” and “Country” while they hand the country over to Anti American, Anti Democratic forces and NO God has anything to do with it because it isn’t a good thing in any way shape or form.
Interesting piece. No opinion, re the merits of the film, but to say she “narrowly lost” her election bid😳? It was about a 2-1 loss, as I recall. Given what’s happened since, one could argue whether we are better off, or not…but it was by no means a narrow defeat.
Terrific film, of good and evil
SAMAIRE did a great job. Recommend it to all.
Leave it to TJ ro go on a political rant. Anyone surprised?
The Political film review demands Political commentary whether you like or dislike the movie or its content. You just have issues with comments that justifiably criticizes the use of God as a Political message by a former Political Candidate and Actress. Too bad you only see and hear what you choose and are not open minded enough to accept factual criticisms.
Leave it to MAGA members to force opinion upon others they disagree with like TJ who was clearly stating historical fact and not Evangelical nonsense.
Ok Laura. You believe the nonsense in the film like you likely did the Vin Caweasel film that was based on lies and hypocrisy of a former FBI Agent who was portrayed as a hero cracking down on human trafficking while he was secretly engaging in sexual misconduct.
These movies are Alt Right Evangelical MAGGOT Propaganda and nothing less and only a MAGGOT would defend the one sided hypocritical Propagandist messaging they present.
My response is Political in nature. TJ was just stating historical M’erican political fact not a political message like my response to a Political movie by a Political Activist Actress.
I didn’t create the facts I posted, history did! The movie is political evangelical nonsense message. Sorry if the truth hurts but too damned bad because it’s the truth!
If it were a true portrayal of good vs evil it would highlight the good people do without the crutch of organized religion and focus upon the evil of today’s world like the rise of wannabe dictators like Trump, Orban, Putin, Meloni, Le Pen, Assad, Xi and Un. Not some Harry Potteresque story book nonsense!
How could you not make it political? Every single person the article name posted is a right wing loony!
Scott Baio, what in the hell has he done since being a child actor? Oh thats right a TRumper. How that going for him?
Religion has no place in politics! SIMPLE! I almost wish a Atheist would win! Hey lest bring Sharia Law into Congress, how would you like that!
Lets not forget Mike Hukabe that fraud, and fake Christian….You people are priceless
A movie with a local celebrity……………………..Ooooooooooooooooooooo Im so exited.
It’s a political film with far right Evangelical Conservative overtones. I didn’t create that fact nor the facts I have stated here -Surprise!
TJ and BJ you are both going to Hell. You are persecuting innocent people that only want God to have his rightful place in our country. Now, more than ever we need Christian values in our government. I’m sure neither of you saw the film. Yet, you attack God and His defenders. You should not attack God’s children unless you want to bring His wrath upon you.
God is going big-time in our country and this time around we can be sure He will have his way and ensure we vote for candidates that truly love Him and are willing to unite to bring evangelical representative into our government.
God, please forgive TJ and JB for they know not what they do.
How Christ like of you Mary Conspiracy Anne! You have no clue as to the life I have led nor what if anything will happen to anyone in any theoretical afterlife.
America was NOT secondarily founded upon Religion by the so called “Pilgrims” or even our forefathers! Historical evidence shows the exact opposite! America was founded by Indigenous people who were grounded in nature and the preservation of all living things. Some of them believed in a creator but their belief in a creator did not come from a fictional story book like those creators of organized religions that are responsible for more death and destruction than all of the wars fought in their name. Wars I have seen first hand where religion was the cause not the solution, just as it is with the current war Israel is engaged in. The secondary founders of this nation used “religion” as an excuse to commit genocide, forced religious conversion, family separation, slave labor and other un Christian horrors upon the people who rightfully occupied this country in order to take it from them.
The MAJORITY Americans decided and voted upon the separation of church and state long ago. Just as they did Roe vs Wade. And the MAJORITY of Americans stand by those decisions no matter how much a nut job fringe extreme ALT RIGHT religious conspiratorial group uses it to chip away at our Democracy and rule of law!
Keep your GOD to yourself as we the MAJORITY do NOT want to hear nor see your bullshit nonsense anymore than you want human rights or freedom of ALL Religions or the freedom to be non religious!
Forgive me “GOD” for I know EXACTLY what I am doing! And it’s not destroying our Democracy by forcing my religion upon others like your ilk does by shoving it in peoples faces without regard for their rights and beliefs. HELL is a Fascist led Pseudo Evangelical nation devoid of rights for all under MAGA control and insanity!
“God is going big-time in our country and this time around we can be sure He will have his way and ensure we vote for candidates that truly love Him and are willing to unite to bring evangelical representative into our government”
My coffee just shot out of my mouth and nose as I read your horseshit nonsense! You actually think that the Orange Draft Dodging Insurrectionist ids a true Christians? ill Douchebag has like most Pseudo Christians, broken every commandment in your silly story book and then some, like defacing bibles to sell them or make conspiratorial films to GRIFT his constituents. And GRIFT they BIGLY Do! Why don’t you ask the women whose pu@@use the Orange idiot has grabbed how Christian they think the Treasonous Insurrectionist Commie Lover truly is?
Warning, they’ll likely shoot whatever they may be drinking out of their mouths and noses and on you if you have the courage do so!
JB, what shot out of your mouth and nose were your brains. (:->
Could be butt at least I have a brain, think for myself, don’t parrot Rusher Propaganda and don’t pretend to be Christian as you do while attacking others for their factual comments about other people as you have and do.
Please don’t attack my Penis again. I can’t handle such harshness from a so called Born Again Christian who claims to also be a Born Again M’erican that believes every word she’s told via propaganda like your Chinese Military Battalions secretly based in the US!
Poor little JB
Sat on a wall.
Poor Little JB
Had a great fall
All of Trump’s horses
All of Trump’s men
Will make sure his wee wee
Never stiffens again
That’s a funny Fairy Tale there talking about Fairy King Nothing Draft Dodger as if her were a something he never was nor will be more hate filled born again pseudo Christian conspiracist!
Please stop with your sexual infatuation with my penis. It’s very un born again of you to lust after me.
Mary Anne you are extremely fixated on JB’s penis and its performance. It’s been a long time for you hasn’t it?
rst Amendment Fundamental Freedoms Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Could you point out the part about your silly religion? While your at it, show me in the bible about abortion…..LOL
I know when I stand at the pearly gates, I have a lot to say about Christians thats for sure!
“rst Amendment Fundamental Freedoms Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.“
LOL! You don’t believe in freedom of all religions! You only believe in yours (which you do not practice by attacking others) and wish to force upon people of other faiths and beliefs. That is NOT “making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” it is the hypocritical interpretation of the Constitution to suite the needs of EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY over the expressed freedom of ALL Religions to include Buddhism, Islam or Judaism.
If you believed in the Constitution and Rule of Law you would RESPECT the Separation of Church and State and RESPECT the FACT that other Americans (whose ancestors also helped secondarily found and forge this country) have different faiths and beliefs other than your own or that they have the right to practice whatever they may believe just as much as you think you do! But you clearly don’t see that part of the written words of the Constitution! And ALL Americans have the RIGHT not to have any religion shoved in the faces or down their throats as you would have it.
LOL Mary Conspiracy Anne!
You don’t believe in freedom of all religions! You only believe in yours (which you do not practice by attacking others) and wish to force upon people of other faiths and beliefs. That is NOT “making no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” it is the hypocritical interpretation of the Constitution to suite the needs of EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY over the expressed freedom of ALL Religions to include Buddhism, Islam or Judaism.
If you believed in the Constitution and Rule of Law you would RESPECT the Separation of Church and State and RESPECT the FACT that other Americans (whose ancestors also helped secondarily found and forge this country) have different faiths and beliefs other than your own or that they have the right to practice whatever they may believe just as much as you think you do! But you clearly don’t see that part of the written words of the Constitution! And ALL Americans have the RIGHT not to have any religion shoved in the faces or down their throats as you would have it.
It is interesting how facts are made up, or conveniently ignored. I am of the age when the pledge of allegiance was “One Nation, indivisible for liberty and justice for all”. That’s when I was in grade school. As we know, Eisenhower changed it through an act of Congress.
Some on this post choose to use the pledge as a “talking point” as they never went to civics class. Or it is a “convenient argument” – so they think. It is not about the pledge. BUT, if you have money in your pocket you might want to look at “In God We Trust” which is printed on your bills stamped on your coins. If that offends you, cool, I’ll be glad to take it off your hands so you won’t be a hypocrite. Especially your $100s.
In the Declaration of Independence, there are three references to God. And each one is different. “Nature’s God, “Creator” and “Divine Providence”. You can look up the context. Our founding fathers ran from religious persecution, which is why the church is not the basis for our Republic. (And PLEASE PLEASE STOP using the word DEMOCRACY. Learn the difference, our politicians certainly do not know the difference, especially the ones currently in office.) But they’re trying to fool the public – which is easy these days.
The US Constitution never explicitly mentions God or the divine except in the signature clause:
“Done in the Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September (tomorrow) in the Year of our Lord”….which was 1787.
I guess someone somewhere believed in Jesus Christ or we would not have a calendar.
STATE CONSTITUTIONS (yes, every one of us is bound by those)
However God or the divine is mentioned at least once in each of the 50 state constitutions and nearly 200 times overall. The divine statements of some states are “Supreme Being”, “Supreme Ruler of the Universe” or like Hawaii, “grateful for Divine Guidance”. ALL state Constitutions reference either God or the divine.
Suggest seeing the Movie at Mary FIsher Theater.
9/16 4PM
9/17 7PM
9/18 7OM
Our own Samaire Armstrong who was raised here has a major role and did an excellent job. She plays a single mother, in politics and a campaign manager. And that is pretty much her in real life. Very cool.
When did”in God We Trust” appear on our monies?
And regardless of how many times creator or god may appear in legislation it never once indicates that M’erica was founded upon any god or any religion. MOST every reference to what you assume to be your god was made long long long after M’erica’s Anglo takeover and land grab where it was forced upon indigenous people and black, Asian and Hispanic slaves.
Think whatever civics class you think you attended regarding M’erica’s second founding was actually an Evangelical Bible thumper study because it is not historically accurate!
The Puritans, who fled England due to conflicts with the Church of England, are often cited as a major example of people seeking freedom from religious persecution in America. – Library of Congress
There is no one “god” not any one religious preference noted in the Constitution, on our money or in our laws! On the contrary the language used refers to anyone’s religion and anyone’s choice of a “god” not Evangelical Christianity and a Christian God as narrow minded bigots think. The Statue of Liberty and the Constitution both refer to religious freedom for ALL People regardless of faith. So Muslims, Jews, Hindu’s, Buddhist and even Atheists are included regardless of your narrow minded interpretation.
Let’s put ALL religions in our classrooms for ALL our citizens to be brainwashed with not just Ten Broken Commandments!
Freedom of Religion means Freedoms of ALL Religions. It means ALL people of ALL Religions have the right to believe in and practice whatever it is they believe. This includes Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Satanism, Atheism etc. It does NOT give any one religion credence above any other and does not give any of them the right to be practiced openly in any public place or facility and especially NOT in schools under Separation of Church and State Law(s) under the CONSTITUTION-
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the separation of church and state through the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause:
If the founders wanted the country to be Evangelical Christian this would NOT have appeared in the CONSTITUTION they wrote into law!
“God” was removed from the pledge of allegiance because it was and is in CONSTITUTIONAL!
I now you’d take money printed with the “1956” motto printed upon it but I wouldn’t give a MAGGOT spit in a rag which is about what the motto is worth.
The Statue of Liberty base was NOT en scribed until 1903 not upon our founding and not by our founders . In God We Trust did NOT appear upon our currency until 1864 and was not lawful until 1955 not upon our founding and NOT by our founders. It did NOT appear in our pledge of allegiance until 1954 and has been deemed un Constitutional by legal scholars as it is part of US Flag Code and not an actual law.
You selectively neglected to mention-
Establishment Clause
(Prevents the government from establishing a religion). The Lemon test, established by the Supreme Court in Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)
“Done in the Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September (tomorrow) in the Year of our Lord”….which was 1787”.
Link please as this says little to nothing and does not give any context.
Only MAGA brainwashees are attempting to eliminate Democracy from our National Governments longstanding description. Democracy definitely does not define MAGA America but it most definitely does define how America was perceived by the free world for decades now!
Want a proper definition? Trump is a Fascist by definition-
Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is placed on the far-right wing within the traditional left–right spectrum. Benito Mussolini, leader of Fascist Italy (left), and Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany (right), are examples of fascist leaders.
That defines Trump to a golf tee!
It breaks my heart to see my children fighting like they are in the comments section of Why can’t you learn to love one another the way I love you?
And it hurts to be banned from your government and allow my adversary to run rampant in America. Isn’t there enough evil in the world already?
Actually, I’m starting to get pissed off with all the violence and wars and hate infecting my planet.
Maybe, I should just give up hope for the human species?
Maybe I should hurl an asteroid, a big one, at Earth, kill every living thing, wipe the slate clean and start all over again?
By my hand all was created and by my hand it will all end.
Wise up JB, TJ, West Sedona Dave, Mary Ann and the rest of you numbskulls. Stop spewing so much hate before it’s too late.
With Love — God.
You don’t exist so blah blah blah story book character!
Only party shoving A “GOD” down people’s throats while being led by a fascist nut job Insurrectionist Treasonous Draft Dodging Commie Loving (Commies don’t believe in you) Felon who wants to abolish the United States Constitution. You aren’t very wise nor all knowing if you cannot see that!
Pretty blasphemous and arrogant to pretend to be a GOD! It’s akin to signing Bibles and hocking them for Bigly personal profit, Feloniously breaking numerous laws, breaking every Commandment written, grabbing women “by the pu@@y, slandering GI’s and Veterans, Lying dozens of times daily, gluttonously devouring buckets of KFC, being Treasonous and inciting Insurrection!
Go ahead and hurl that comet! Mankind needs it! But alASS you are non existent and have no magical Harry Potter powers so piss off!
You sound much like the nut job recently arrested outside fake Christian Trumps workplace ER I mean Golf Course which is where he spent 99% of his time in office.
Golly gee I do believe that the Bible states-
The truth shall set you free!
Not the truth will be met by a gentile posing as a GOD with anger and fictional threats.
Don’t like Truth? Too damned bad it’s the truth! Which Christianity claims is the path to eternal salvation not Comets being hurled by comic book characters!
Using that name in vain is sacrilegious so stop your nonsense!
“And it hurts to be banned from your government and allow my adversary to run rampant in America. Isn’t there enough evil in the world already?“
GOD has not been banned from our government nor is it allowing GOD’s so called adversary to run rampant. GOD can be worshipped freely at home, in a place of worship or anywhere else PRIVATELY! I’d say that is hardly banning GOD from anything other than being selectively shoved in the faces of people of other faiths or down their throats as you would have it. Go to your local grifting Mega Church in your Mercedes Coup, wearing your Armani suit and talk GOD talk to your heart’s content. You have this right! You do not have the right to force your beliefs upon anyone who chooses not to want to see nor hear your nonsense.
Well God you created us, so I say suck it its all on you! You hear me? Like I said before, I got a list for you to explain….So you better be ready for me!
“Wise up JB, TJ, West Sedona Dave, Mary Ann and the rest of you numbskulls. Stop spewing so much hate before it’s too late”
Truth and Fact are NOT hate! Thought you were the “Wise” “All Knowing” one?
I don’t spew hate! I only tell Facts and Truths! You didn’t create jack! We evolved and we’re not created by anything other than time and space! A true GOD would support truth and quash the fascism and hate festering in MAGA land!
This is just a brushback, today. The next one might not be.
Whew whee! Thou does have’th a wrought sense of humor. Did you read that yesterday when it was published then create your blasphemy today? When is the second coming exactly? You’re an insider so what year/month/day and time can we expect GOD/Jesus your son/self that you had the Romans kill going to show up and where exactly? We’re all DYING to find out! 😂
You mock God. Not a wise thing to do. I want to report I was punished greatly because of my penis preoccupation with JB this morning when my computer went dead. I realized I should not persecute others with such short-cummings and I begged God for forgiveness. After three hours of prayer and anguish God forgave me and my computer came back to life. It’s too much a coincidence that we get a warning from God and the next thing we know we have an asteroid heading towards us. It’s not too late for you to repent as well. There are storms coming your way and I pray for you, even if you are a world-class sinner and not worth the effort. You don’t want your phone exploding in your front pocket like those of the Hezbollah infidels.
I don’t mind about the war
That’s one of things I like to watch
If it’s war going on
‘Cause then I know if our side’s winnin’, if our side’s losin’
What God wants, God gets, God help us all
What God wants, God gets, God help us all
(God gets) what God wants, God gets, God help us all
(What God wants, God gets)
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
The kid in the corner looked at the priest
And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar
The priest said, “God wants goodness, God wants light
God wants mayhem, God wants a clean fight”
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
“Don’t look so surprised, it’s only dogma”
The alien prophet cried
The beetle and the springbok took the bible from it’s hook
The monkey in the corner wrote the lesson in his book
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
God wants peace, God wants war
God wants famine, God wants chain stories
What God wants, God gets
God wants sedition, God wants sex
God wants freedom, God wants semtex
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
“Don’t look so afraid, I’m only joking”
The alien comic lied
The jackass and hyena took the feather from it’s hook
The monkey in the corner wrote the joke down in his book
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
God wants borders, God wants crack
God wants rainfall, and God wants wetbacks
What God wants, God gets
God wants voodoo, God wants shrines
God wants law, God wants organized crime
God wants crusade, God wants jihad
God wants good, God wants bad
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
What God wants, God gets
You should learn about your God not just randomly toss it’s name around
An excellent song by Roger Waters
It defines the duality of God. It’s obvious the Creator is as conflicted as his creations. Our job here on Earth is to solve the mystery of this duality once and for all.
One of his best next to The Bravery of Being Out of Range and his recent release- Picture That which appears on Is This The Life We Really Want.
To me he’s a lyrical genius.
He is also a kick ass lead guitarist. What I love about “What God Wants” is he paints God as being just as fucked up as we are and the deep message is for all of us to realize that. When we do then we can finally forgive ourselves and do something about it.
He is a great guitarist but most of the lead on that album is the Great Jeff Beck who even Waters has great respect and aw for.
I see you are just as touched as ever! Glad you think you were punished for speaking ill of others. It’s called karma!
At least you confessed your lusting for small penis.
“It’s not too late for you to repent as well. There are storms coming your way and I pray for you, even if you are a world-class sinner and not worth the effort. You don’t want your phone exploding in your front pocket like those of the Hezbollah infidels”
First of all, this seems as though you are talking to pu@@y grabbing, pornstar screwing (while married to Melanie as he calls her), treasonous insurrectionist draft dodging FELON here because though I am human and have “sinned” if that’s what you call your Ten Rules noted in your Fairy Tale. But unlike the jackass false orange idol you blindly worship, I admit I have. I don’t blame others, pay to silence others, lie or deny like your adulterous orange messiah.
Lastly you need to look up the definition of infidel, it’s oranges and it’s meaning because you’re once again ASSuming that there is butt one GOD or religion-
a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one’s own.
“a crusade against infidels and heretics”-
Oxford Language Dictionary
Sure seems to apply wholeheartedly to you and your MAGGOT bowel Movement.
Your God has amazing powers turning on your computer and all! Does he also clap your clap on clap off light for you? Amazing!
Your half hearted “God” mocking confession is on par with the confessions made non stop by Christians so they can commit unlimited sin “with forgiveness” !
Just what Jesus Wanted huh?
“You mock God. Not a wise thing to do. I want to report I was punished greatly because of my penis preoccupation with JB“
Don’t you mean you were punished Bigly in the MAGGOT vernacular? Gotta be careful not to let the mask slip because you might get labeled a RINO and have to face the wrath that semi honest Republicans have suffered under MAGGOT rule right? Be a Dumpy sycophant or you’re out of the He Man Women Hater’s Club for life.
Can you make Harvest Moon and partial lunar eclipse tonight around 10:00 PM? What’s that? You can? It’s a miracle!
I have questions!
1. If surviving an attempted assassination and proximity to a nut job with a rifle is an “Act of God”, “Divine Intervention”
Then surely Adolph Hitler, Fidel Castro, Moammar Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein, were also spared by your divine intervention powers-why? Do you have a preference for DICKtators?
2. Jesus Christ was an outspoken opponent of money driven churches and religions, wealthy people who live high on the hog, liars, haters etc. So why does your faith encourage Mega Churches driven by Mega Monies? Why do leaders of faith need Lear Jets, Lamborghinis and Rolex Watches paid for by your so called followers?
3. Why have you permitted mankind to desecrate your earth and all creations that inhabit it? Why do your supporters support climate deniers and environmental destructionist who want to “Drill Baby Drill” and use Nature Preserves and Federal Park Lands to do so?
4. If you are sick of Wars as you say then why do you allow wars and genocide to be committed on your behalf and in your name?
5. Why do you permit people to deface your “holy story book” with egotistical inserts and signature and allow them to be sold for personal profit by a repeat law and commandment violator who HATES Taylor Swift, HATES immigrants, HATES people of color, HATES women except when paying for sex from them or grabbing their pu$$y because he feels entitled to do so?
6. Since Evangelicals deny mankind’s evolution and claim Jesus rode dinosaurs at their Noah’s Ark Grift Museum, what was Jesus’s favorite dinosaur to ride? Did he make a saddle using his carpentry skills or did he ride bare back? And why didn’t you save two of each Dinosaur species as you allegedly had Noah do with all other species on an ark that would have had to be the size of 2-3 TexASS’s to actually house the number of species claimed to have been saved by Noah and that does not include space for the enormous tonnage of food and water that would have been required on board.
Please answer these crucial questions. I have many more questions about thousands of things that do not jive with your so called “spoken word” nor your fable story book.
Why thank you JB for recognizing my existence.
Let me try answering some of your questions.
First, these dictators have a right to life just like you do. Just like every other human being. It makes no difference if we perceive them to be evil or not. The fact is they are who they are. When I created all of you, I created you with something called free will. It’s not me doing it, stopping them or anything like that. Their choice. And then let’s not forget the adversary… who people call Satan. He walks this world as well as I. And men open up their hearts to him. And that’s why we have so much evil in this planet.
Again, free will is something you have. As far as question #2 is concerned, mega churches have a right to exist as well. Sure, there are men who profit from it. But yet there are many who are comforted by it. When people get together and acknowledge me, it brings them a certain peace.
And I’m not permitting mankind to kill and to desecrate the earth. I can’t stop them. They have free will.
We are here on this planet to understand who we are. Actually, to understand who I am.
Yes, I created you. No. I’m not here to tell you what you can or can’t do. I’m here to better understand who I am through your understanding of who you are..
Yes, I can influence things, but I prefer to keep my hands off of what’s happening and let you, my creations, figure it out for yourselves.
And all these stories about Noah and the Ark and dinosaurs and creation in the Bible are really allegorical. Not to be taken as fact. Because remember the Bible was written by men. And if they were written by men, there will be contradictions.
What’s important to understand is that I am here every time you turn the lights on inside of your brain and listen to your thoughts. Beyond the river of thoughts in your mind is where I am, where I reside.
You can have your halls of worship, your churches, your temples. But the true temple is in you. Is you. And this is where you find me. Not just inside of you but inside of me.
While there is greed there will be war. While there is hate there would be chaos.
And ask yourself this question — do you really die? Or do we simply transform? Every human must die to find out.
And to the question — do I belong in government? I’m already in it.
So, in answer to all your questions JB know that I do love you and all of humanity. And all the conflict and all the wars are the results of free will.
We can choose to be evil. We can choose to be good. What’s most important is that you have the right to choose.
Do the evil know they are evil? Or are they simply being who they are?
Remember, I am not allowing anything. It happens because you humans, you my creations have free will. I’m not here to interfere. I’m here to see whose eyes opened to me. Whose eyes can see me. And it is through the eyes of those who can see me that I am understood.
Open the eyes of as many as you can. Open first your own.
See me everywhere. See me in the air. See me in the trees. See me in in the birds. And then see you inside of me. It’s not just me inside of you. We are all in each other. And learn to love. And love ye one another as I have loved you. Love those who love.
So you’re just a casual observer that gets off upon misery, destruction and despair on your egotistical experiment mankind calls earth. You admit you have no power to intervene in anything we do despite your flock and book claiming you do. Seems to me you are a Sadist more than a so called GOD!
“(We) are here on this planet to understand who we are. Actually, to understand who I am”
Must’ve been a Freudian Slip on your part? That’s ok to err is HUMAN you sacrilegious poser. What’s next, selling autographed bibles? Oh wait some other poser has already thought of that grift!
Your message isn’t getting through to your “open eyed” brainwashed followers who worship an Orange Insurrectionist Felon False Idol!
“Open the eyes of as many as you can. Open first your own.
See me everywhere. See me in the air. See me in the trees. See me in in the birds. And then see you inside of me. It’s not just me inside of you. We are all in each other. And learn to love. And love ye one another as I have loved you. Love those who love”
You’ve conveniently left out the Bad and Evil you represent and state that you are allowing as a grand experiment in faith.
You are seen in genocide, war, rape, theft, murder, natural disasters that you state here is a method of determining whose “eyes are open to you”. One would think that the All Mighty would just know who is good and who is bad without having to kill millions of both good and bad humans to find such a ridiculous and self serving conclusion.
Also it is sacrilegious to pose as God so be ready for the consequences “Poser GOD”!
What kind of computer do you have in heaven? Mary Anne needs one because hers keeps turning on and off on its own. She thinks it is Devine intervention but as you’ve mad clear here you don’t do that sort of thing. Must be so called SATAN or COINCIDENCE then since you only observe our misery and do not act upon it in any way shape or form like an S&M Madam who gets off inflicting pain upon others.
“Remember, I am not allowing anything. It happens because you humans, you my creations have free will. I’m not here to interfere”
Thanks for all of the non answers. If you aren’t allowing things to happen why do all of your followers who shove you down our throats insist that this and that occurred because of YOU or did not occur because of YOU?
DICKtators do have a right to live even though mankind has killed many of them in YOUR name because they were determined to be an unnecessary evil. Butt do DICKtators have your blessings to be evil Dicks and kill people out of hate and greed? Your groupies say they do not! What say you?
Since the Bible is basically worthless utterings of mankind according to your answer why is it used in your name and apparent blessings to commit murder, genocide, rape, torture etc.? Why do you allow it besides claiming it’s all just a test to see who is faithful to you just like DICKtators do with their followers.
You stated that I am “hateful” because I speak truth to power rather than spreading lies, conspiracy and hysterical nonsense. That is a judgement of me by someone who claims they don’t care what people do so long as they only have eyes on you!
I choose not to believe in you, your followers stupid story books and their insane rantings. If you feel I deserve “eternal damnation” because of that then you are a cheap thin skinned God with half answers and nothing less.
Enough is enough Tommy and you need to ban “God” from Since he’s been posting on the comments section the level of hate has exploded. And it was pretty bad before. Delete him. We don’t need to hear what he has to say. No more. Do the right thing and censor him for eternity.
Woah now there Martin!
There’s been zero hate from anyone including the poser posing as GOD. Just adult level discourse.
But you do agree we should ban God or whoever is posing as God from
Nah, freedom of speech and all so long as nobody makes threats of physical harm etc. Plus they have to live with their choice to pose as a religious icon whether real or not.
Sedona Biz./Tommy encourage Freedom of Speech. Other local media organizations do NOT. Freedom of Speech is paramount to democracy. Free Speech can be ugly for some who refuse to except truth and fact but it’s a CONSTITUTIONAL Right for all Americans. Violent speech or speech that encourages others to be violent is NOT Freedom of Speech and is not condoned on here. The MAGA party wants to shut down accredited News Organizations, Punish journalists and Comedians for exercising Free Speech. They are the only party actively and aggressively eliminating human and civil rights and liberties while screaming bloody murder that they aren’t allowed to spread lies and conspiracy theories without being fact checked. And when confronted with Facts like the Springfield Ohio Haitian Pet Eater LIE they excuse their lies with more lies. That’s what dictators have done and do. It’s what Putin is doing to Ukraine, Russian Citizens and the World. Don’t aid Fascist and Fascism by demanding PEOPLE be censored for using their First Amendment Right no matter how offensive they may be to you so long as they don’t use violent rhetoric!