Free and open to the public
Clarkdale AZ (February 24, 2020) – Join us for a Northern AZ Climate Change Alliance discussion group hosted by Dr. Brian Petersen, Assistant Professor of Geography, Planning, and Recreation and Interim Director of NAU’s Sustainable Communities Program. His program is “Climate Change, Myths & the Search for Real Solutions.”
Yavapai College Verde Campus (M-137)
601 W. Black Hills Drive in Clarkdale
Friday, March 27th, 1 PM – 3 PM

Recent climate change analyses have called for swift and extensive interventions to avert climate catastrophe. Although climate change poses significant threats to Arizona and beyond, society has not mobilized to address these challenges. In particular, ‘solutions’ put forward not only do not address the root driver of the problems they often prove counterproductive. This talk will outline why the solutions put forward will not solve the climate crisis and will instead put forward alternative interventions that society will need to implement if we hope to minimize future temperate increases and associated consequences. This event is free and open to the public. Please join us for an open discussion with Q & A session!
Brian is a professor at Northern Arizona University, the chair of the City of Flagstaff Sustainability Commission, and was a member of the steering committee for the City of Flagstaff Climate Change Action and Adaptation Plan. His education includes: B.S. Environmental Science, Botany Minor from the University of Idaho. MPA Public Administration and M.S. Forest Resources (Social Sciences program) and Ph.D. Environmental Studies from the University of California Santa Cruz.
NAZCCA is a 501c3 non-profit, non-partisan, non-electoral grassroots organization. NAZCCA strives to invite and inspire people to step up and take action through education and empowerment regarding climate change at a local level of engagement. For more information visit our website at NAZCCA.ORG