By Tommy Acosta
Sedona AZ (March 21,2020) –– Some things really piss me off!
Like this big brouhaha on whether a tried-and-true anti-malaria drug from the 40s called Hydroxychloroquine could be repurposed to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
What the heck is wrong with everyone? It’s like we are all standing around with empty hoses in our hands watching the house burn down because the water to douse it has not been tested.
For heavens sake!
Check this out, printed in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, March 2020 edition
“The novel coronavirus currently in China has been, with staggering speed, evaluated regarding its sensitivity to already used drugs. Thus, the new antiviral drug remdesivir as well as chloroquine, at an EC50 of 1.1 µM, were found to be effective in preventing replication of this virus.”
There is also this on the use and safety of the drug. Same article
“Chloroquine is perhaps one of the most prescribed drugs in the world. As a matter of fact, all Europeans visiting malaria-endemic geographic areas for decades received chloroquine prophylaxis and continued it for 2 months after their return. In addition, local residents took chloroquine continuously, and treatment of malaria has long been based on this drug. In addition, hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades at much higher doses (up to 600 mg/day) to treat autoimmune diseases. It is difficult to find a product that currently has a better-established safety profile than chloroquine.”
And then there is this study by well-known and respected doctors and scholars titled “An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19).” Presented by James M. Todaro, MD and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq. In consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicineand National Academy of Sciences researchers.
They state the following:
“Chloroquine can both prevent and treat malaria. Chloroquine can prevent and treat coronavirus in primate cells. According to South Korean and China human treatment guidelines, chloroquine is effective in treating COVID-19. Given chloroquine’s human safety profile and existence, it can be implemented today in the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world. Medical doctors may be reluctant to prescribe chloroquine to treat COVID-19 since it is not FDA approved for this use. The United States of America and other countries should immediately authorize and indemnify medical doctors for prescribing chloroquine to treat COVID-19. We must explore whether chloroquine can safely serve as a preventative measure prior to infection of COVID-19 to stop further spread of this highly contagious virus.”
“Recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that chloroquine is an effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus Disease 2019. Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay. US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed.”
Respected scientists, peer-reviewed studies, China, South Korea –all say it helps fight and prevent the dreaded disease.
What more do we need to know? What are we waiting for? Why worry about side effects when the worst side effect of all, if we do nothing, is death-by-virus.
What’s even more piss-me-offish is that almost anyone can get this drug if they are traveling to a country that has a history of malaria; if they have an autoimmune problem or suffer from Lupus or arthritis.
The people aren’t being told the full story. Instead, we are told this drug has to be thoroughly tested before it can be prescribed. Otherwise, it’s a no-go.
That is a misleading narrative. The drug can and is and has been safely prescribed for close to 80 years for the treatment of the aforementioned diseases.
Suddenly, now, we are told they can’t prescribe it for the virus unless it’s extensively tested, a process that can take months while people who could be saved, die.
Amazing. If you are traveling to Belize for a southern jaunt your doctor will prescribe it for protection against the mosquito borne disease. No big deal.
But now, with everybody getting sick and dying all over the place, no one is allowed to use it to help fight off the coronavirus.
What the heck is going on?
People had better get on the phone and tell their representatives to step over the FDA standing between the people and the drug, and get it to the public. Now, before the pandemic guts America.
And, while we are waiting for them to act, plan a trip to Africa or anywhere else where malaria festers and tell your doctor you need the pills for that reason. They will then prescribe it and you miss your plane. At least you would have insurance in your pocket that you stand a better chance of surviving than you would without them… according to science, that is.
You are right Tommy. WTF is going on? Even the assholes on FOX News are promoting it. We can’t let them get away with it. I think that Dr. Anthoney Fartsy is working for the corporate medical equipment suppliers like you said. They don’t approve that drugs soon there will be riots at the supermarkets. There are a lot of people out there with guns, even the poorest of families. What will happen when they run out of money and food? They will get their guns and get it any way they can. The authorities will be helpless.The masses will rise up and chaos will rule the world. This shit ain’t funny. They got to release the drug for off-label use and the companies that make them need to ramp up production. Instead we have all been herded like sheep and kept in our homes separated while we sit stuck in front of our TV sets doing nothing.
After reading to your third sentence, why would anyone read your comment further. Time to shelve nasty personal comments.
In a time when we are all trying to do our best constructive comments are certainly appreciated.
Thanks Tommy for your research and insight. We have RIGHT TO TRY thanks to the Goldwater Institute and now it is a Federal law. If it helps just one person it is worth it.
Brian Sterling was being exceptionally kind re his comment about media commentators. The manner in which the doctor’s name is spelled is, I think, also appropriate.
One has to admire his ability to temper his remarks with a li’l decorum and that he did, demonstrates his respect not only for this august publication but also for it’s readers.
All things considered, one might suggest that his comments are far from nasty and are, in fact, relatively complimentary.
An apology would also be appropriate.
Kind regards,
Here in New York State, where 40% of all positive tests in the United States have been tabulated, Governor Andrew Cuomo has aggressively encouraged scientists and pharmaceutical companies to look for a vaccine. To this end, he has approved of trial runs for hydroxycloroquine and further examination of other drugs that look promising. As I indicated to you earlier, scientists from around the world believe they are months away from a vaccine. Thus we here hope from medical scientists in Israel, Japan, Germany and Cuba. So, I think the issue is not if, but when will the world distribute a vaccine for Corona 19. In Washington State, they are also engaged in trial runs . The key here is that States are free to do their thing and New York State has a gold mine of the smartest medical scientists in the world. So bam
Hopeful and encouraged by your thoughtful advocacy .
Hi Gerry. The availability of the anti-malaria drug just increased exponentially. Now the authorities are saying your doctor can prescribe it for an “off-label” use. Meaning that you don’t have to be traveling into a malaria-ridden country or have Lupus or the other accepted medical conditions to get it. Just ask your doctor. They have the option of saying yes or no to you. And you have the option of switching to another.
Is this the same drug that we received prior to and during our deployment to Nam?
Does anyone know? If so there millions of case studies regarding side affects.
Rabidly anti-Trump media, like USA Today for example, are now actively trying to downplay chloroquine’s potential to thwart COVID-19 and save lives. My God, they want Trump to fail so badly, they want him to be wrong about these drugs that have shown promise. The house on fire analogy was a great one, Tommy. There isn’t time to dot every i and cross every t on the research reports. This drug has been around for decades. Stop the madness. Stop the virus.
You think your minimal research is stronger than that of scientists worldwide? Have you seen the Pandemic documentary?
“Nigeria Has Chloroquine Poisonings After Trump Praised Drug”
I understand sounding smart and contrarian can help one feel powerful, but is the public, in a time like this, the place to pontificate?
Do some research Lynn. That drug has been safely used for almost 80 years. It’s no more lethal than aspirin, which if one takes too many will poison them as well. You are spreading fear. The two poisonings came about because they took to many, as with any other drug. You are falling into the hands of the medical corporations making tons of money because of the virus. That’s why they don’t want Plaquinil messing with their profits.
Hi Lynn:
There is a hope. There is a glimmer. There are scientific studies by brilliant scientists.
The house is burning. We need water.
Tens of thousands are dying. Sharing with others a possible cure to this horrid pandemic is not pontification. It is duty.
Please re-read the abstracts and reports linked in the above article.
Do extensive research. People overdosing on any drug is a global problem. My deepest fear is Brian may be right, that this drug is being maligned so those selling masks, tests, etc. could literally make a killing from the sorrow of humanity.
I shudder at this possibility.
Brian, safety and effectiveness are not the same thing.
Nice to have both. The FDA is on it right now. Let’s see what happens.