By Dr. Richard Pitcairn
(July 22, 2021) I have a friend who is unusual in his ability to consider serious questions. I know he has an interest in many things and I, on meeting him recently, rather spontaneously asked what he thought of this virus epidemic we are struggling with. His responses were, to say the least, unexpected and unusual, yet I found them intriguing.
I asked if I could share our dialogue and he agreed and asked that his name not be used. In what follows I refer to his part of the conversation with the letter “L” which is the first letter of his name. I will use “R” to refer to me.
R: What is your take on this virus problem? Why do you think we having this to deal with?
L: It is a lesson for us, giving us the opportunity for a possible change of view.
R: A lesson? You mean like learning how to deal these more threatening epidemics more effectively?
L: It could be that. I was responding more metaphysically.
R: What does that mean?
L: I am using the word to present a view that is different than the conventional. The usual way of looking at problems is from the assumption of materialism, meaning that we take the world to be a separate physical thing and therefore refer to science as to how to determine what is true.
I prefer to see it from an alternate perspective that sees the problems facing us as invitations to expand our understanding.
R: That is fine to speculate, but what is wrong with using science as the basis for dealing with this?
L: It is a limited understanding and cannot give us a final solution.
R: Well, yes, there is definitely more to learn but it sounds like you are saying it is limited in what is possible for it.
L: I am indeed. It can only go so far and I think it is based on an assumption that can never be proven scientifically.
R: I don’t understand.
L: The basic foundational idea underlying science, and this then includes medicine, is that there is a real, objective, physical universe out there. This has never been scientifically proven.
R: Surely it has. It seems obvious. All you have to do is look around and see that it is out there.
L: Yes, but could it not be, just as well, an expression of your consciousness? There is evidence for that possibility as well.
R: But it is so obvious that the world is there.
L: It may be obvious, but something being obvious is in no way a proof. Think how obvious it was to people of centuries that the world was flat? Or that the sun rises every morning as it moves around the earth.
R: OK. How about the obvious happening that people die and the world continues?
L: That is not proof. Let me put it this way to you. Let us consider more than one alternative. We can think the world is completely separate from us and will still be there if we die (or during sleep),
We can also consider the world is a projection of consciousness and that if there was no consciousness then the world would not be there in our experience. If you wanted to determine which was true how could you do that?
R: Well, I could have an injection of an anesthetic and go completely unconscious and on waking up have it reported to me if the world was there during that time or not.
L: And who would report that to you?
R: The doctor, nurse, a friend.
L: Were they not conscious during that time?
R: You are saying that it does not have to be my consciousness that keeps it going? That makes sense. I am not that important (smiling).
L: If we say that the world is an expression of consciousness and it was possible to remove all consciousness, of any type or form, from the equation, how would we know if the world persisted or not? Do you see that only the conscious mind can be aware or an outcome? If there is no consciousness, then it is not possible to come to any conclusion.
Even if it were possible to remove all consciousness for a while and then bring it back, there still would be no way that what happened in the interval could be determined.
R: How about taking a film during that time and then looking at it later?
L: And would it not be consciousness that is looking at the film? Again, you are assuming that the filming would go on without anyone there and it was a separate, physical event. But if it is all the outplay of consciousness, then seeing a film could still be an expression of that as well.
R: This is getting too weird. Why does this matter?
L: It matters because I wish to suggest to you the possibility that what we are experiencing IS an outplay of consciousness. We can then, together, explore other possible ways of interpreting what is happening with the virus.
R: OK. Let’s play the game, that what is happening is an outplay of consciousness. What then of the virus?
L: How do you view the virus epidemic?
R: I see it as a danger to health, that we can become sick, suffer, even die from it.
L: So, if this was an expression of consciousness, the consciousness that we call “human consciousness”, that we all share, what would be the idea or concept behind this happening?
R: I don’t know.
S. I am asking what would be the idea or thought in our collective mind that would result in this harmful experience? Could it be an expression of a wish for harm to be done to others?
R. Whoa! This is too much.
S. Is it not logical that if everything springs from consciousness (which we are assuming for our discussion) then there must be a foundational idea that it comes from.
R. Well, logical, but stretching things.
L: If all is coming from consciousness, we have to include what we call both good and bad, right? Could we say that a very common and active movement within our consciousness is a dislike and criticism of others?
Included in that feeling is a wish that people would suffer from their mistakes, or would no longer be in our world.
R: I can relate to that. Seems my mind often has thoughts of not liking something about another person. I don’t mean real strong but I can relate to how there is criticism of others. I can see that it comes up at times.
L: So if we assume such a psychological trend exists, and that it is common to our collective mind, can we generalize the feeling or the wish as wanting people to experience their deficiencies or inadequacies?
For example, we criticize some apparently powerful and wealthy person as being selfish or not caring about others. Is there not behind that criticism, whether discussed or not, a wish they could be forced to confront that?
Would we not like to see them suffer in some form as a response to their attitude?
R: I think that is accurate. I would like them to become aware of their uncaring attitudes.
L: What if, whether our assessment of them is accurate or not, that sort of wish or feeling, if experienced by billions of people, could take form as something harmful like a virus?
In the example we just considered we might think that the powerful, wealthy, person cannot be challenged because of their position. But they can be susceptible to a virus that would care less about their status.
R: Yes, then they would be susceptible.
L: Then I suggest to you the possibility that if many of us, millions or billions, hold the wish of people being chastised for their shortcomings, the emergence of a virus could be the tool within consciousness to do that work.
The downside is that when consciousness is given that direction, it is applied to all, not to a few.
R: You mean that once created, the virus will affect anyone?
L: Anyone that is susceptible.
R: What is the susceptibility?
L: The desire for harm to come to any other person thought to be selfish, unpleasant, threatening, or not living properly. Unfortunately, this might include the self-judgment we have of ourselves.
R: Hmm, food for thought I think this would be considered way too out there by almost everybody, but I am going to ponder this. Thanks for sharing.
L: Any time.
Editor’s Note: Sedona resident Dr. Richard Pitcairn graduated from Veterinary school as UC Davis in 1965 and entered practice in Southern California. The work was with dogs, cats, horses, dairy cows, other livestock as well as animals in a traveling circus. After a couple of years, he moved to Pullman, Washington, to join the faculty at the veterinary school there.
During that time of teaching, research, and a PhD in the study of viruses and the immune system, an interest in nutrition as a health aid developed. Re-entering practice, Dr. Pitcairn emphasized the use of nutritional therapy and homeopathic medicine as treatments. His practice in Eugene, Oregon, used only these methods of 20 yers. With his wife Susan Pitcairn a book emphasizing this approach was published in 1982, Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats. Still in print, in4th edition, having sold over 500,000 copies.
There is no shortage of woo woo’s in Sedona, that’s for sure. It always amazes me to see people that are normally reasonable succumb to illusions and superstitions. How anyone can say there is any other cause for the pandemic other than nature itself, is ludicrous.
Thought has nothing to do with the illness. It’s science Mr. Pitcairn. It’s a bug. Plain and simple. You take the vaccine and you are safe. Don’t take it and you die. It’s like nuts to think we created it from our minds. Please, spare us from your fantasy. Wait. of course.. You are joking. Not funny though with half the country unvaccinated and people dying all over the place. And what the heck is this supposed to mean?
“Then I suggest to you the possibility that if many of us, millions or billions, hold the wish of people being chastised for their shortcomings, the emergence of a virus could be the tool within consciousness to do that work.”
We are killing ourselves because of guilt? I think you have drank way too much Chamomile Tea.
“Don’t take it and you die.”
Well, that’s a lie.
We are at war, whether anyone chooses to see it or not. We have been invaded and infiltrated at the highest levels.
Dr Fraudchi should be arrested for crimes against humanity. He is making $$$ from the vaxxx and locking down the country.
The COVID virus was created in a lab, funded by the NIH.
It was released to the public on purpose and the result has been world wide economic collapse.
Every time someone gets a shot in the arm, it is the same as a Chinese soldier shooting them in the head. They become causalities from the war.
The COVID virus is a bad flu. The death count is on par with any bad flu season worldwide. The Delta variant is nothing more than a cold = symptoms are a sore throat, runny nose and headache that lasts about 3 days.
There not been a single child who has died from the virus, but plenty that have died from the shot and even more who have committed suicide.
We’ve had enough and we won’t have it anymore.
No more masks.
No more vaxxx.
John, I will let “L” know you don’t think much of his viewpoint on this.
Regarding the virus and so-called vaccinations, I will only offer a brief opinion to you as it can become a long-winded disagreement which is not really fun to get into. However, just to let you know there can be other viewpoints even based on science, I will mention that my background is working six years on a Ph.D. in the study of viruses and the immune system. That, of course, does not mean I know everything or am necessarily right but I did do a serious study of this, many years of laboratory tissue culture work growing these little critters, and also teaching on the faculty in regard to these topics. From this background, I will just say that what is being done now is not an accurate or safe program. One has to know about the intricacies of the immune system to understand why this is, so I will just offer this as an opinion for whatever it is worth to you.
Thanks to John Collazi the Sedona Woo Woo is introduced . In that connection so is the leader of these residents identified and who posted above twice in this media vehicle. It’s undeniable that Dr. P ( aka Big Daddy Woo Woo ) must be awarded the honor .
It’s also just plainly impossible to find a more useless and feeble brained posting than what Dr. Woo Woo has offered. The vaccines effectively ward off the coronavirus invasion . To castigate this fact into the metaphysical zone is the product of a lazy and pedantic brain.
I prefer discussing what’s real.
Thanks for pointing this out. I had not quite realized the extent of my deficiencies but on reflecting on it I see how much I have changed.
I used to think very clearly, really as a scientist, but that all changed after I got that damned vaccine….
There he goes again, Mr. Two-First-Names attacking another helpless woo woo. He is like a mosquito attacking a sleeping baby. He goes after the innocent.He is afraid to mess with me because my pen is bigger than his. My apologies Doctor. And you are an idiot Tommy, letting Mr. Two-First Names get away with his barnyard cruelty.
Hello there Dr. Woo Woo.. I disagree. You haven’t changed because the vaccine you didn’t get could not be that effective. Sarcasm isn’t your best suite. Crawl back into your pedantic cave – it’s safer for you hidden away there.
realism will eventually reign
Tommy. maybe you can teach Sandy how better to message us with her hot air posts by facing forwards towards us.
Hope you can.
Guilty as charged, my personal belief is that thought creates material results. Anger precipitates reactions in our gut. Not too comfortable. I had the opportunity recently to talk with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs on Coast To Coast AM. He states viruses ALWAYS in environment. We invite in one way thru good old mind manipulation:’It’s Cold and Flu Season’, to maintain a medical industry, over the health of their consumers.
I prefer to live in the moment with love, that equates to bravery instead of fear.
Same as those men and women in Europe who buried and burned the bodies of those souls who The Black Plague claimed. They survived and eventually prospered.
Earth a great place to exercise free will as God provides and humanity divides.
Here’s John Robert’s arguments in a nutshell:
Believe everything you hear coming out of Dr Fauci’s mouth, even when he flip flops and will not discuss the data.
Don’t bother me with the facts, my mind is made up.
If one can’t attack the data, attack the people.
Do one’s research by proclamation, investigation is too much trouble.
The COVID crisis will not end until the cell door slams on Fauci.
Fauci’s wife used her name and their vaccine profits to invest in multi-million dollar properties in the UK, Argentina, Panama. What? They plan to flee the US before Fauci is arrested?
JB you need to stop blowing hot air because we do not understand anything you try to tell us from the backside. Or stay in the barn where the burros , cows, pigs do understand.
poor sick girl.
For your enjoyment:
I think Dr. Picairn’s conversation with “L” is a lesson in understanding how our subconscious minds work when confronted with cataclysm.. “L” is probably right in his or her hypotheses that we participate unconsciously in our own demise when we feel deep inside that punishment is due. That’s not woo woo. That is understanding the power of our own thoughts, seen and unseen. Spoilers like Mr. Roberts cannot understand because the melody of his unconscious can never be heard. Don’t let people like him dismay you Dr. Pitcairn from teaching others deeper understanding
Thanks Evergreen. Yes, the suggestion in this post is to consider how our thoughts are bringing about our experience. I don’t see how we can solve these problems until we turn to this and take that responsibility.
CDC wants us to wear masks again?
Well, if you don’t like CDC or Fauci’s new recommendations — just wait a week.
Get the jab – even you can be like this “poor sick girl.”