Sedona AZ (March 24, 2021) – The city of Sedona invites all residents to take an online survey before April 7, 2021 to provide input on potential projects related to the city’s budget process. Take the survey here:
Every year, the city evaluates what projects will be included in future year budgets by weighing needs, funding and other competing priorities. The survey seeks input from the community on projects city staff has heard should be implemented.
The survey asks 10 questions on a variety of topics, including:
- Trailhead parking
- Co-working space
- Environmental sustainability
- Posse Grounds Park
Additionally, there are questions that ask residents to rank the projects against each other to help city staff understand priorities.
City staff will take the input received from this survey and use it during the budget preparation process so that staff, the City Manager and City Council can make more informed decisions.
Results to the survey will be posted to by mid-April.