Sedona AZ (June 11, 2021) – The V Bar V Heritage Site and the Red Rock Ranger Station Visitor Center will both reopen to the public beginning next week.
V Bar V Heritage Site:
The V Bar V Heritage Site, located at 6750 N. Forest Road 618 in Rimrock, will reopen on June 18.
Operating hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday through Monday.
COVID-19 restrictions include group size limitations and requested mask usage for unvaccinated individuals.
Either an America the Beautiful Interagency Pass or a Red Rock Pass (available on site) is required for access to the heritage site.
V Bar V is a rock art/ ceremonial site that features more than 1,000 petroglyphs and is largest known petroglyph site in the Verde Valley.
Red Rock Ranger Station Visitor Center:
The Red Rock Ranger Station Visitor Center, located at 8375 Highway 179 in Sedona, will reopen June 14.
Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday through Tuesday, and noon to 3 p.m. on Wednesday. The Arizona Natural History Association Gift Shop will be open Friday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Several COVID-19 restrictions will be in effect. Capacity inside the building will be limited to 20 visitors at a time, and social distancing is encouraged. Visitors who have not been vaccinated are asked to wear a mask, and visitors who wish to remain outside are welcome to call 928-203-2900 for assistance, or to visit the informational kiosk outside the building next to the parking lot.
About damned time.
Note to Forest Service – the mask mandate was lifted 2 months ago.
Based on what evidence do the tyrants think that the masks work?
Take off the face diapers – especially outside – they do nothing, nada, zip, zilch to stop or slow the CCP virus. Those that take the vaccine will likely be dead in a couple of years as according to doctors, the MRNA shot is NOT a vaccine but rather a perfect killing machine.
I wait patiently for your next imaginary story or non Factual information..
So much hate and such a confused mind…your delusional. Yes the US government wants to kill us(lol)
I have to agree with the conclusion that it is time to Un-Mask Arizona. I have researched and found every reason to un – mask and absolutely no reason to mask – except to make some people feel better after day after day of media programming.
There is so much evidence available from legitimate studies and testimonies (for those who dare to venture beyond the mainstream media) … including the fact that hot sunny days support good health for humans and not for the so-called virus or ingredients withn the shot — that is, for sure, in no way a vaccine according to any and all definitions.
Sorry Joe – the facts do not support your attacks … although stating that all will die soon who have chosen the shot is one extreme end of the spectrum of possibilities – it is supported by at least a number of the tests performed on animals.
I have a greater faith in the power of the human ability to over-ride any and all programs … even those that have agendas deemed detrimental to human population. The key – from my perspective – is always to stay out of fear and to raise one’s vibration (which can be done any number of ways).
I stand firm in my thought – it is time to Un-Mask Arizona!! If you do not agree, then stay home, mask up, and do what makes you comfortable and let the rest of us live a healthy and full life in full health.