By Ted Grussing
… a very difficult thing for me to do, but it has been suggested that I kinda kick back for a few days and let the stem cells do their thing; it is not an instant thing, but a gradual change over a period of weeks and longer … I am listening … a little bit. It has been about 84 hours since the treatment and things are changing for the better which is nice. In the spirit of healing and observing recommended protocols I skipped the planned trip to Tucson today and got my jewelry bench reorganized so I can start doing bench work again. It has been a while since I have used some of these tools and they were not all in place so it was a good project and kept me off my feet. So did watching Super Bowl 50 with friends tonight; talk about the defense winning a game, this was it. Glad I picked the Broncos to root for :+)
I took this shot Friday evening at the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix. Reminds me of how the docs want me to be. This is a shot of reflected lights in a small pool in a courtyard in the gardens. The place was packed so I’m planning a midweek trip down there to get more of the shots I want to get … tough to get them when people are everywhere blocking views. Seal, you should have been here so I could get your silhouette against some of the displays like I did with my cell phone camera. Fun!!!
An amazing thing is happening to me and that is, my enthusiasm to continually upgrade my tech stuff is waning … except for one upgrade to my main computer (PCI Express Solid State Hard Drive) any further upgrades would not have a noticeable effect on my workflow … like I would not be able to tell the difference. This flies in the face of everything I have done for the past 38 years since we bought our first computers. In portable devices, my Samsung Galaxy S5 does just fine and I use it for everything from our security systems, weather, email, text, take pictures, check news, banking, eBay and just about everything else, so no reason to go with an S-6 or any other new device and I’ve owned the darn thing for almost two years. Three other computers are all still more than anything I need too. In cameras, Canon is taking orders for the new Canon 1DX Mk 2 and for the first time, I am not preordering one because the improvements would not make much difference in the work I do … this is tough on me … really!!! Maybe when the new price is 1/3 less than now it will appeal to me :+) There is hope! Smiles.
Have a terrific week and share a smile with someone today … tomorrow will be good too, if it comes. You have today and that’s it … we are blessed!
The moon is passing in and out of the clouds,
making a shadow-checkered day of the night,
and breaking the sky with shafts of gold.
All silent, the universe is doing its work- beautiful
mysterious, religious!
— Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email:
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …