… Katies day is here, and she was in great form for the evening … her eyes veritable furnaces blazing in the dark …. alas, another year with no trick or treaters so she asked me to send this shot out so that kids and adults know what it is that they missed out on. Come to think of it, we have probably had less than ten kids here total in 31 years. Still there is hope and maybe next year she will get to show off her stuff!
The bald eagle below is cruising a ridgeline and sliding off down towards the ponds in Page Springs … need to get back down there and see what is there.
Delivered the computer today and it really rocks! think I’ll take a break for a while on electronics and focus my time on gem cutting and photography … I still have dreams of cutting a substantial amount of material that I have been looking at the last few months … still optimistic that I will get my portfolio in order and reduced to under 1.5TB … doable if I start and keep at it.
Have a beautiful day and tomorrow I hope to make good progress on replying to your emails … still over 300. Smile, keep breathing and greet those you meet with a smile … it is infectious in a good way!
Occasionally permit self-abandonment to the
caprice of beauty; rush past the sentinel that keeps
you in the prisoned city, and live for an hour in the
house of the world, acquainting yourself with the still
people of the air.
Learn the music of a summer night by the restless
wave of the sea, or surrender to the sunlight of an
open country where the illimitable sky at last meets
to kiss the sweet green earth, and stay till the crimson
shafts burn the western world;
And something will rise in you that is not connected
with the tiring routine of you trade—something
strange and calm.
Something Will Rise in You by Max Ehrmann
The easiest way to reach Mr. Grussing is by email: ted@tedgrussing.com
In addition to sales of photographs already taken Ted does special shoots for patrons on request and also does air-to-air photography for those who want photographs of their airplanes in flight. All special photographic sessions are billed on an hourly basis.
Ted also does one-on-one workshops for those interested in learning the techniques he uses. By special arrangement Ted will do one-on-one aerial photography workshops which will include actual photo sessions in the air.
More about Ted Grussing …