By Tommy Acosta
(November 5, 2018)
The power of faith is unfathomable. Civilizations have been built with this attribute alone. Religions have risen and flourished by faith, sustaining countless lives through the darkest of times.
Watching the caravan members on TV walking thousands of miles through harsh and unfriendly conditions, driven by their fortitude and faith that a better life waits for them here in America, is humbling.
Failing to understand they are feared, not wanted, vilified and hated by many in the country they seek asylum within, they trudge on, motivated by faith that the God they believe in will provide.
Young, old, women and children walk in a pit of uncertainty, bolstered by the belief that if they endure, if they don’t falter, a better life awaits them in America, not quite understanding that the most powerful military in the world will not let them pass when they finally arrive.
How tragic. How sad. Who put that fantasy in their minds that they would be welcomed in this day and age of fear and loathing in our country?
Who is giving them hope that freedom from poverty, hunger, violence and destitution waits for them across our borders?
Who are these organizers who very well know that the caravan people will never get to cross the border or realize their dreams of a better, safer life in our country?
These poor people are being used by elements beyond their comprehension to foment chaos and division in our country. They are but pawns in a political game.
Yet, they have faith. Every day they pick up their backpacks holding all their worldly possessions, pray to God for strength and unbent by the blustery winds of hatred and fear blowing in from the north, a step at a time, they march towards the jaws of a waiting leviathan.
Faith sustains them. Faith strengthens them. Will faith be enough to save them?
The passing or failure of this moral test awaits us. The power of faith will be tested as it never has before.
Yes faith that the thousands of illegal aliens can blend in with the 20 million illegal aliens currently squatting through the United States of America. Soon they can create their own State and be entitled territorial status and vote in our elections. Then they can send for their other family members to join them. I can’t wait to pay for their education and health benefits. Now where are they going to live? I know. Right next door to multi millionaire Nancy Pelisosi. Or perhaps in Hollywood, next door to our favorite screen stars! It’s simply racism to require anybody to register to enter the United States. Why should they have to prove they are self sustaining when there is plenty of money here? Please. Keep them coming.
Why can’t we have a lawful process where foreigners enter the nation legally? Why are we paying tens of millions of dollars for people who simply want to me be into our nation when we can’t even afford to take care of Americans? It’s unfair to the taxpayers and citizens of our nation.
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what my country can do for you.
I was doing the laundry and realized nobody in the laundromat spoke English but me. How do people feed themselves when they have no money?
We never had borders. The Rich people run South America. So why pretend? Let everybody come into California and Arizona. But only let the progressives house the illegal aliens and pay for their keep. If you want them you take care of them. Let them man be into your house and you care for them.
Your tears should be shed for Americans. We cannot even care for our own. You have good intentions but you don’t have a practical plan. Your article lacks any adult perspective.
Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. The right and wrongness of these people seeking asylum in our country can be debated ad infinitum but the faith of the seekers believing they will be accepted cannot.
If they have this faith that they will be accepted, it is tragic that they were fed this misinformation. Come legally and be welcomed. Come illegally and you are off to a terrible start breaking the laws of the nation you want to inhabit. If you home country was so bad and you want to enter and be part of the USA so bad, why are you carrying you “terrible” country’s flag instead to the USA flag. Moreover, this ‘caravan” seems to be more orchestrated that an organic movement. A nation without laws and borders is no nation at all and will be torn apart from within. “fear” of these people? I have no fear, but I do want my government to enforce our laws and respect our borders.
You bet they were used. Thank you for your clear and measured response. You raise a good question. Just what is it that defines a nation? Laws and borders form the foundation. But what else? There are many countries sharing borders where people travel back and forth freely. Beyond borders. Beyond laws. What makes us America?