By Jeremiah Perez
Sedona, AZ — There is a dark scepter descending upon this planet, and the sorrow it brings is unfathomable. So deep. So thick, like a black hole sucking out what is left of our humanity.
One can see it, shrouding everything in a cloak of dismal despair.
For those who once believed in making the world a better place and fighting, for a better tomorrow, the war is over.
Every day the hopeful’s dreams are dashed as the somnambulists are programmed into acceptance of a tomorrow that will strip the planet of what goodness, is left.
The rules of conduct and decency no longer apply to those who break them at will. Hate dominates, hate and fear, as the sheep bleat to the tune of their new masters.
Who remembers “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles?
Well, the Blue Meanies have won and the good are silenced by the iron fisted rule they, and their minions, exert.
Justified killing is now the norm. Murder and mayhem rule the planet. And the children cry as the bombs rip them to shreds.
Yes. These people who profit from death, destruction, disease and hopelessness have been around since the beginning, but now they have technology as their main killing and subjugation tool that sways the entire planet, to their whims.
For those of us Boomers who dreamed of a better world, our hopes are dashed to pieces on the rocky shores of disillusionment and despair.
We sit hellpless watching our darkest fears come true. Watching the color of our lives turn gray, and the not too-far-away death that awaits the aging.
We failed, beloved brothers and sisters. We blew it. We could not change the direction of the tide of evil
What sorrow.
Our planet trembles. We failed the test. Our love was simply not enough to quell hate. No cup is large enough to hold the coming tears.
Hope is no more.
We lost. They won.
I know how you feel. However, nobody is winning anything in this case despite the an award for destroying M’erica faster than Rusher ever could on their own. What they fail to recognize is that they are but useful idiot pawns in Putin’s long game. And when he no longer needs them he’ll dispose of them like he has all of his enemies. Nobody wins in a world of fascist ignorance.
I agree completely. It like we are just repeating history over again.
The saddest part are the ones who either dont see it, or just dont care.
Now its all about the cruelty, nothing more, nothing less.
Lies, false truths, disinformation, justifies the hate and bigotry.
I no longer wonder what it was like in Germany in 1933.
Its here!
Hate is what is destroying America. Hate is a cheap emotion that robs people of logic and common sense. Stop the hate and address the issues. Debate, don’t hate.
Only haters on here are those lying and spinning to defend Trummp, his criminal acts, criminal administration, criminal desires and most of all his criminal history! Calling the hate out that is pouring out of the White House on a daily basis is not hate! It is a moral imperative only a few have the courage to call out.
Nothing said by the author of this story nor the people who replied to it has any semblance of hate.
As much as I agree completely with your statement.
“Hate is what is destroying America. Hate is a cheap emotion that robs people of logic and common sense. Stop the hate and address the issues. Debate, don’t hate.”
How in the world can one debate, lies, fake news, alternative facts, disinformation?
Russia is our friend? Ukraine started the war? Tariffs are a tax break? Other countries pay the tariffs? 1/6 was full of love? At a Nazi rally, there were good people on both sides? Are you seeing a pattern?
Think you can debate that?
If grass is blue, and clouds are purple polka dots?
Are you getting the gist of what I am saying?
This is hate-
Man with Arizona ties indicted for threatening President Trump
Telling the truth about what Trump is, is my 1st Amendment Right. You know that thing MAGA accuses everyone else but themselves of suppressing.
Nobody on here is permitted to be/use/imply hateful/hate violence/acts of violence. Some I’m certain have tried but their words don’t make it into print here.
This is quite poetic, albeit deeply shadowed. This passage, and indeed this direction of seemingly utter hopelessness, raises the question of “where does our true empowerment lay?” Are we merely pawns swimming like random atoms in a purely Newtonian universe? Are we merely “objects”? Or can we still retrieve the miracle of our “subject”-ivity in which every being, and indeed every-thing, is imbued with the mysterious, ineffable, spark of creation that can also be recognized with the eyes of Love as “the God in all things.” In as much as it may appear to be the “dawning” of a new era of darkness and dystopia, I see it as merely another example to rise up to what makes us truly human, and “armed” with the empowerment of the Divinity within us, once again, “rage against the dying of the Light.” If you have the vision to write this article, you also must still hold the vision of the Love and beauty and grandeur of what you feel is being lost. Humanity is a very powerful endowment and seems to endure through cycles such as this one. Let us simply say, “No!” to the dark filters we are being dealt, keep our eyes and our hearts open to innocence, and remember what a privilege and response-ability it is to be Human.